Title: Nonviolent Crime and Criminals
1Nonviolent Crime and Criminals
2Substance Related Crimes and Criminals
- Crimes committed to gain access to narcotics
- Crimes committed to resolve drug related disputes
- Behavioral reaction to mind altering influence of
drugs - Loss of control
- Increased sense of grandiosity
- Uncontrollable conduct stimulated
4Drug Related Crimes and Criminals
- Definition of substance abuse
- Risk Factors affecting connection between drug
use and crime - Pharmacological effects
- Violence associated with drug use
- Drugs effect brain function and perception
- Economic effects
- Violent and nonviolent crimes committed to obtain
illegal substances - Crimes committed to maintain dependence and avoid
withdrawal - Systematic connection
- One involved in selling drugs seeks justice for
unpaid debts
5Drug Related Crimes and Criminals
- Drug crime relationship explanations and
treatment - Non causal, epiphenomenal
- Drugs dont cause crime and crime doesnt cause
drug use - Treat through psychoanalytic/behavioral therapy
- Unidirectional
- Crime caused drug use and drug use causes crime
- Treat through twelve step programs
- Bi-directional
- Drugs and crime are causes and effects of one
another - Treat by establishing therapeutic communities
6Drug Related Crimes and Criminals
- Walters integrated model
- Incentive and opportunity
- Established through fear fear of rejection by
drug using peer group - Fear manifests when exposure to drug culture is
great - Associations with others
- Drawn to life of crime/drug use through
dispositional/situational factors - Personality characteristics of individual
- Individual expectations of drug use
- Quality of associations in drug culture
7Drug Related Crimes and Criminals
- Walters integrated model cont.
- Initiation and maintenance of criminal lifestyle
- Predisposing variables already at risk for drug
involvement - Family history of drug use
- Pre-existing tendency to act impulsively/aggressiv
ely - Precipitating variables introduction to drug
use lifestyle - Peer or intimate introduction
- Experience with economic rewards
- Maintenance variable encouragement of sustained
involvement - Ready source of income and/or recreational
8Alcohol Related Crimes and Criminals
- Personality traits correlated to criminal
behavior while intoxicated - Sensation seekers
- Risk takers
- Impulsivity
- Low self esteem
- Low self efficacy
- aggression
- Alcohol intoxication and behavioral changes
- Increased aggression
- Higher risk taking especially in men
- Willingness to drive while intoxicated
- Engagement in property damage
- Gambling
- High risk sexual behavior
9Drug Dealing
- Highest arrest rates
- Harshest penalties
- Neighborhood characteristics
- Central location of community
- Physical deterioration
- Social disorganization
- Predicting drug use
- Low income of community residents
- Low status of residents occupations
10Drug Dealing
- Drug dealer profile
- Sell as alternative to low paying job or
unemployment - Overwhelmingly African-American/minorities
- Drug arrest practices
- Arrests in socially disorganized areas more
accessible - Arrest practices in mid and upper class
neighborhoods more difficult - Police patrol disorganized neighborhoods more
frequently and intensely
11Drug and Crime Involved Women
- Female drug offenders tend to come from families
where drug dependence and criminal behavior are
common - Positive non criminal and non drug using
relationships help females in rehabilitation to
discontinue drug use - Females who enter drug treatment become dependent
on social and family support
12Legal Aspects of Substance Related Crime
- Debate over whether alcohol/drug addictions are
disabling illnesses or deliberate acts of
misconduct - Diminished mental capacity not appropriate
defense when intoxication is voluntary - Involuntary intoxication one can rely on
diminished capacity defense - Substance induced disorders can be claimed as
diminished capacity in face of criminal charges
13Treatment Opportunities
- Some states offer treatment programs for addicts
- Small percentage of drug users receive needed
14Organized Crime
15Money Laundering
- Evolving universal definition of money laundering
- Current wide ranging definitions
- Concealing the existence of income, then
disguising it to make it appear legitimate - Process of taking proceeds of criminal activity
and making them appear legal - Goal of making funds derived from illicit
activity appear legitimate - Major participants
- Illegal drug traffickers
- Illegal arms dealers
16Money Laundering
- Essential activities to money laundering
- Placement
- Changing illicitly derived money into a non
illicit form and then placing that money into a
legitimate financial system - Layering
- Movement of these funds to conceal illicit funds
- Integration
- Reintroduction of the money into a legitimate
financial economy
17Gambling/Loan Sharking/Numbers Running
- Monetary proceeds received second only to illegal
drug sale and distribution - Bookmaking
- Taking bets on sporting events bookies get
interest on losses - Loan Sharking
- Bookies lend money to gambler with high interest
rates - Numbers Running
- Similar to daily number of state lotteries
- Cheaper and better pay offs
- Caters to and facilitated by poor urbanites
- Definition
- Includes but not limited to murder, kidnapping,
gambling, arson, embezzlement, bribery - Dont have to commit to be charged
(co-conspirator) - Labor racketeering
- Illegal infiltration into labor unions for
personal - Victims are members of labor unions
- Skimming
- Money taken off the top of cash transactions
- Unreported, tax free income
- Bankruptcy fraud
- Partner with legitimate business establishments
to commit fraud - Organized crime syndicates obtain
money/merchandise without the banks knowledge
and legitimate business files bankruptcy
19White Collar Crime
20Defining White Collar Crime
- Edwin Sutherland
- Crime committed by respectable person of high
social status in the course of their occupation - Too general
- Donald Gibbons
- Violation of business rules to benefit legitimate
enterprises - Does not account for fraud and embezzlement
- Clinnard Quinney
- Occupational crime
- Non violent infractions of legal codes within an
otherwise legitimate enterprise - US Congressional Subcommittee on Crime
- Illegal act committed by nonphysical means and
concealment to obtain money/property or
personal/business advantage
- Definition
- Theft of goods that one had been entrusted with
by another - Criminal profiles
- Often highly educated
- Known to the person from whom they are stealing
- Tend to be the model employee
- Manipulative and scheming
- Triggers
- Economic hardship
- Manufactured economic needs
- To compensate for health care or treatment needs
22SEC Violations Insider Trading
- Misperception of insider trading definition
- Insiders with trading restrictions
- Directors/owners/officers that have decision
making authority affecting the entire
organization - Illegal insider trading
- Information not made public used for personal
profit - No clear definition of what comprises insider
23SEC Violations Securities Fraud
- Securities and commodities fraud
- The sale, transfer, or purchase of securities or
money interests in business activities of others - Boiler-room operations
- Used to promote sales of fraudulent securities or
to acquire charitable donations from unknowing
25Internet Fraud
- Five general types
- Auction and retail schemes
- Business opportunity schemes
- Identity theft and fraud
- Investment schemes
- Credit card schemes
- Acts to prevent spammers
- Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
- Communications Privacy Act
- Legal consequences
- Imprisonment
- Serious fines
26Telemarketing Fraud
- False promises made offering goods or services,
requesting investments or asking for charitable
donations - Differentiating fraud from legitimate enterprises
- Goals of illegitimate enterprises
- Make the scheme seem to be a charitable cause
worthy of payment - Obtaining immediate payment before victim can
inspect value - Devising a perception of validity
- Reloading
- Fraudulent operations re approaches those victims
it has been successful in scheming in the past - Geographical location
- Less likely that tracking will occur if the
victim and the illegitimate business are in
separate states.
27Telemarketing Fraud
- Varying telemarketing schemes
- Charity schemes
- Credit card schemes
- Lottery schemes
- Magazine/prize promotion
- Credit repair and loan schemes
- Investment/business opportunity schemes
28Identity Theft and Identity Fraud
- Loose definition
- Purpose
- Personal information obtained and used by
offenders - Methods
- Shoulder surfing
- Dumpster diving
- 1998 law Identity Theft and Assumption
Deterrence Act
29Other types of Fraud
- Health care fraud
- Submission of false claims
- Payment or receipt of bribes
- Self referrals
30Offenders and Victims
- Victim characteristics
- Anyone especially if careless
- Elderly more vulnerable to financial fraud
- Victims of internet fraud
- Careless in disclosing personal data while online
- Agree to pay advance fees
- Victims of identity theft and fraud
- Extremely trusting
- Disclose personal information to others (known
and unknown) - Victims of telemarketing fraud
- Victims of fraudulent behavior in past
- Names purchased from lead brokers
- Offenders
- Motivated by money
- Low recidivism rate
31Internet Crime
32Electronically Generated Child Pornography
- Definition of crime
- Knowingly mailing/transporting any child
pornography - Child pornography prevention act (1996)
- What computer generated child pornography can
lead to - Pedophiles use images to whet deviant appetites
and lure children into sexually explicit
activities - Desensitizes viewers into a pathology of sexual
abuse/exploitation of children
- Use of the internet to harass victims
- Practices
- Search chat rooms for vulnerable individuals
- Spy on a persons online activities anonymously
35Background Information
- Common elements
- Unwanted behavioral intrusion
- Implicit or explicit threat
- Reasonable fear is experienced
- Varying clinical definitions
- Obsessional following
- Treatment is relatively new
- Collection of stalking scarce until recently
36Love obsessional stalker
- Celebrity stalking
- Offender profiles
- Mental illness
- Lack of successful intimate relationships
- Socially maladjusted
- Initiate correspondence with the victim and when
they do not receive a response frustration and
37Erotomanic stalker
- Delusional thought patterns convince the offender
he/she is truly loved by the victim - Perpetrators are usually female and rarely act in
physically violent manner - Victims are typically men of high socio-economic
status or celebrity status
38Stalker profile/motivations
- Antisocial personality disorder
- More violent stalkers
- Borderline personality disorder
- Unrealistic sense of importance of relationships
intensity - Stalks after being rejected after short term
relationship - Histrionic personality disorder
- Emotionally dramatic stalkers
- Considers relationships more intimate than they
are - Narcissistic personality disorder
- Rely on stalking fantasies to fulfill their own
psychological emptiness
39Predispositional Theories
- Disturbances in early attachment relationships
- Recent loss in adulthood acting as a triggering
factor - Terminated marriage
- Loss of a job
- Messy divorce
- Death of a parent
40Sexual Harassment
41Developments in the Law
- Not addressed until 1986
- Two prong test to determine a hostile work
environment - Reasonableness standard
- Perception standard
- Treating sexual harassment as outcome of a legal
test that takes into consideration totality of
circumstances in the workplace
42Sexual Harassment Types, Models and Modalities
- Types
- Quid pro quo
- Supervisor demanding sexual favors in exchange
for tangible job benefits - Hostile work environment
- Employee is a victim of unwelcome sexual conduct
- Broad based models
- Sex role spillover theory
- Tendency of men to invoke sex based stereotypes
- Sexual harassment is the result of an encouraging
individual and situational factors
- Verbal Harassment
- Physical harassment
- Visual hrassment
44Mental health concerns
- Victims suffer from anger, depression, anxiety
and substance use/abuse - Poor coping mechanisms lead to more serious
psychopathologies - Females experience higher levels of psychological
distress than male victims
45Property Crimes
- Larceny theft
- Unlawful taking, carrying leading or riding away
of property from the possession of another - Results in more arrests for females and juveniles
- Burglary
- Unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony
or theft - Motivation
- Drug use
- Offenders lifestyles
- Know others who engage in deviance
- Exposure to criminal activities
- Absence of capable guardians
- Unemployment has a positive impact on commission
of property crimes - Unemployment Property Crimes
- Willful and malicious burning of property
- Essential components to designate an act as arson
- Burning of property or actual destruction of a
target - Presence of intent
- Condition of malice
- Types of arson
- Serial arsonist
- Three or more fire setting incidents with cooling
off periods between - Unpredictable and most serious
- Spree arsonist
- Three or more fires at separate locations with no
cooling off period - Mass arsonist
- Three or more fires at same location within a
limited amount of time
50Motivations John Douglas
- Vandalism
- Excitement
- Revenge
- Crime concealment
- profit
51Profiles Holmes and Holmes
- White males
- Between ages of 16 and 28
- Poor academic adjustment
- Criminal histories linked to delinquency
- Repressed rage toward society
- Feelings of inadequacy, inferiority and
reclusive-ness - Alcohol/drug use
53Why women engage in prostitution
- No consistent profile
- To acquire money for drug habit
- Financial provisions for minorities or those in
lower classes - Product of enduring childhood/life long patterns
of abuse by men - Product of enduring childhood sexual abuse
- Product of literal or psychological abandonment
- Product of run away behavior
54Impact on Womens Lives
- Emotional damage resulting from stigmatizing
factors such as - Negative social attitudes
- Loss of control over work situation
- Harassment from clients and the police
- Increased opportunities for violence against
women - Organizations representing women in the sex
industry - National Task Force on Prostitution - Women have
right to determine how they use their bodies - US Prostitutes Collective sex work is a class
isue - WHISPER prostitutes are victims of a
patriarchal structure
55Impact on Womens Lives
- Financial independence
- Sexual power
- Self-reliance
- Limitations of research