Title: Badger State Science
1Badger State Science Engineering Fair
2Badger State Science Engineering Fair
Marquette University - Milwaukee, WI
March 15, 2008
Presenting Sponsor
Hosting Sponsor
Media Sponsor
Underwriting Sponsor
Travel Sponsor
Supporting Sponsor
Supporting Sponsor
Alvin Marion Birnschein Foundation
Affiliated with
3Who, What, Why, How, When, Where
- Who we are
- What are we about
- Why are we doing this
- Why is this important
- How can you share our goals
- Why do you want to participate
- When does this occur
- Where does it occur
4Who we are
Founded in 2001, first state-wide organization to
support and encourage scientific research in
affiliation with ISEF. We are a 501(c)(3) public
- Executive Advisors
- Unkel Management
- Board of Directors
- Todd Allen - President
- Jeffery Petinga- V. President
- Eliot Scheuer Treasurer
- Pam Doolittle, PhD Past President
- Ron Jodat
- Maggie Teliska, PhD
- Gena Cooper
- Gary Stresman
- Executive Director
- Patti Bringe
- Advisory Council
- Elizabeth Burmaster
- Stanley V. Jaskolski, Ph.D
- Andy Nunemaker
- Sheldon Wasserman, M.D.
- Michael I. Sattell
- Richard Blomquist
- Committees
- BSSEF Program Chair - Michael Farmer
- Regional Program Chair - Gary Stresman
- Fund Development Chair - Pamela Doolittle
- Governance Chair James Jaeschke
5WHAT - BSSEF Mission
- Stimulating science, technology, engineering, and
math (STEM) interest in Wisconsin high school
- Simply put, a science fair is one of the most
amazing educational and personal experiences our
youth can have. They can explore real life
challenges, expand interpersonal skills, develop
public speaking skills, improve written talents,
boost self-confidence, add to a resume, and win
prizes and scholarships while interacting with
other students, parents and leaders in our
6WHY 21st Century Challenges
Science and Engineering Indicators 2006
In both mathematics and science, most students
did not reach the proficient performance
levelonly about 1/3 of 4th and 8th grade
students, and even fewer 12th grade students,
reached the proficient level. http//www.nsf.gov/s
- In the 2006 STATE OF THE UNION Address, President
George W. Bush announced the American
Competitiveness Initiative to encourage economic
innovation and stronger math and science
education. The No Child Left Behind initiative is
the educational component of this goal.
7Why Science Projects?
- Science fair projects
- are a self-validating, exciting and motivating
experience for future scholars.
- open the doors of academic opportunity as refined
extra-curricular activities rank high in
screening at most top universities.
- are evaluated by top local scientists from
research and industry. This exposure helps build
self confidence.
- Combine virtually all of the skills and arts that
are taught separately like reading, writing,
spelling, grammar, math, and integrates skills
like statistics, ethics, critical thinking,
scientific methodology, graphic arts and process
justification in presentation. http//www.sciserv.
8 Lt. Governor Lawton
- The Badger State Science and
- Engineering Fair helps to promote
- competition among our most promising
- young scientists and engineers. The
- science and engineering projects that
- Wisconsin students prepare enhance
- their knowledge of STEM-related
- subjects science, technology,
- engineering, and math, preparing them
- for our best colleges and universities,
- resulting in quality candidates for our
- high-tech firms.
- Barbara Lawton
- Lt. Governor Wisconsin
9Working together
- BSSEF is partnering with many groups addressing
the growing shortage of qualified STEM employees.
- State of Wisconsin Promise Covenant (8th
- UHelp (University of Wisconsin High School
- After School-student direct activities (Boy
Scouts, Lutheran Services, and adding more)
- Working on partnerships with
- Working with the Milwaukee Madison Economic
Development Initiatives
- M7
- Entrepreneurial Council of Milwaukee
- Technical College outreach programs
- Private College outreach programs
- By holding a healthy, strong state science and
engineering fair, there will be an improvement in
the numbers of students entering the institutions
of higher learning with an interest in going into
STEM-related careers after college.
10 Dr. Stan Jaskolski
- Badger State Science Engineering Fair is an
integral part of an overall plan to find
solutions to declining enrollments in
STEM-related University and degree programs and
the low percentage of females and minorities
pursuing STEM-related careers. - Stan Jaskolski, Ph.D.
- Dean, Marquette University Engineering
11Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
12Who, What, Why, How, When, Where
- Who we are
- What are we about
- Why are we doing this
- Why this important
- How can you share our goals
- Why do you want to participate
- When does this occur
- Where does it occur
13How Getting Started
- First
- Choose something your interested in!
- Talk to people such as teachers, scientists and
other professionals
- Read about the subjects your interested in
- Second
- Decide on your topic idea
- Biology, Health Medicine Environmental
- Physics Chemistry
- Behavioral Social Science Earth Planet
- Engineering Mathematics
- Computers Robotics
- Review similar studies performed by others
- Find a problem or question you want to work on
via Scientific method
- Third
- Ask a teacher, parent, relative, or friend to
sponsor/mentor you
- Develop a question or hypothesis and a list of
answers to the questions you have
- Choose your Project Type (Experiment, Research
Study, or Building/Innovation)
- Predict the outcome of your project
- Explain how your project supports your purpose/
- Fourth
- Review science fair rules and regulations
- Get approval for your project (from safety
- Purchase all project materials from supply
14HOW End result
- The project should include
- 1. Display board
- 2. Exhibit materials, such as models
- 3. Abstract (one-page summary)
- 4. Project Report
- 5. Research Paper with bibliography
- 6. Oral presentation (3 to 5 minutes)
- 7. Log book (includes everything! Brainstorming,
calculations, notes, interviews, phone calls,
library /internet searches, ideas, meetings, etc.
This is proof to the judges your did the work you
represent.) - Safety and Ethical issues
- You must get your project approved before
starting if your experiment involves
- Working with humans
- Working with animals
- Working with dangerous things such as bacteria
and chemicals
- Follow SRC / IR Rules
15WHY Intel ISEF
- The Intel International Science and Engineering
Fair (Intel ISEF) is the world's largest
pre-college celebration of science.
- Held annually in May, the 2007 Intel ISEF brought
together over 1,500 students from 51 nations to
compete for scholarships, tuition grants,
internships, scientific field trips and the grand
prize a 50,000 college scholarship and other
prizes valued over 90,000.
16WHY Route to Intel ISEF
Student Prepares Project
Local School Fair
Option 1
Affiliated Regional Science and Engineering
Overall Winners Advance
Badger State Science Engineering Fair
Option 2
Option 3
Of the approximately 1500 student participants at
the International Fair (ISEF), Wisconsin has one
of the lowest levels of participation.
Affiliated Regional and State Fairs can send two
individual and one team project each.
17WHY One of our own!
18WHY 2007 BSSEF Awards
- Overall Grand Prize
- 10,000 Marquette University Renewable
- Travel Lodging Award for student, teacher
parent to ISEF
- Overall Second Place
- Travel Lodging Award for student, teacher
parent to ISEF
- Overall Team Project
- Travel Lodging Award for students, teacher
parent to ISEF
- Category Awards (1st Place)
- Behavioral / Social Science 100
- Molecular Biology/Biotechnology 250
- Specialty American Society for Quality 500
Savings Bond
- Specialty CH2M Hill 50
- Specialty National Association of Corrosion
Engineers 50
- Specialty Society of Women Engineers 100
- Specialty Rockwell Automation 50
- Many others offer medallions, certificates,
- gift cards, and publishing opportunities
19WHY Women in STEM
20WHERE and When
- Marquette University,
- Milwaukee WI
- March 15, 2008
- High School Students will come from all over the
state on March 15, 2008 to compete for awards,
scholarships, and a chance to be selected to go
to Intel ISEF, the preeminent international
science and engineering fair in the world.
21- How can adults help stimulate STEM interest?
- Get Involved.
- Be Fair Day judge.
- Be a Teacher Sponsor.
- Be an Industry Mentor
- Be a Donor or Financial Sponsor
- Participate in Awareness Programs
- Provide Award Scholarships
- Provide Materials (eg., gifts, supplies, in-kind
items, etc)
- More information needed? Visit BSSEF.ORG
- Check our BSSEF video from last year and links to
ISEF videos
Badger State Science Engineering Fair
Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
March 15, 2008