Title: SIW_123 Mobility
1Getting One of the Basics Right for Distributed
Simulations A Mobility Service/Server for the
Present and Future
European Simulation Interoperability Workshop
2004 Edinburgh, Scotland
- Issue Goals
- Objectives Scope
- Background
- Description of Tactical/Entity Level API
- I/O for Levels 1 2
- Bins and Representative Vehicle Mappings
- Data and Software Standards
- Mobility Server
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Questions
3Issue Goals
- Issue
- Mobility implementation in MS is largely
tailored for specific simulations - Goal
- To create an API to facilitate the implementation
of NATO Reference Mobility Model (NRMM)-based
mobility into modeling and simulation
applications by providing a standard interface - To promote consistent representations of ground
vehicle mobility across the hierarchy of MS
4Objectives Scope
- Objective
- Identify the types and variations of API levels
needed to meet the needs of the MS community - Design the architecture for these APIs
- Develop the associated algorithms using the US
Army Model Simulation (AMSO) standard for
mobility, the NRMM. - Transition the products to the user community
- Scope Focus
- Ground vehicle mobility, or trafficability, in
terms of achievable vehicle speed, and on MS
applications. - The accomplishments to date dealing with the
design and development of the Level 1
Entity/Tactical hierarchy category
5Background (MS Taxonomy)
6Background (Model Versions)
7Description of Tactical/Entity Level API
- Level 1 (look-up tables)
- Fidelity Degree 1 (limited to 12 representative
vehicles) - Fidelity Degree 2 (allows variation for specific
vehicles) - Level 2 (physics based)
- Fidelity Degree 3 (limited to 12 representative
vehicles) - Fidelity Degree 4 (not limited)
8I/O for Fidelity 1 2
- Bin(R) or Specific Vehicle Data
- (High, Med, Low Mobility) Tracked
- (High, Med, Low Mobility) Wheeled
- (High, Med, Low Mobility) Wheeled w/Trailer
- (Amphib or similar design) Tracked
- (Amphib or similar design) Wheeled
- Small ATV
- Environmental Data
- Climate Zone
- STGJ Code (Soil Type, Vegetation, water, etc.)
- Surface Condition (Normal/Dry, Slippery/Wet,
Snow/Ice) - Visibility/Obstacle Spacing Pairs
- Slope
Output Level 1 SpeedR NRMM speed predictions
implemented in WARSIM Amphids ATV
Level 2 SpeedS SpeedR MaximumRoadSpeedS /
9Bins and Representative Vehicle Mappings
Name CCTT-SAF Name - M1A1 High Mobility Tracked High Mobility
Tracked - M270 MLRS Medium Mobility Tracked Good Mobility
Tracked - M60 AVLB Low Mobility Tracked Low Mobility
Tracked - M1084 MTB High Mobility Wheeled High Mobility
Wheeled - M985 HEMTT Medium Mobility Wheeled Low Mobility
Wheeled - M917 Dump Truck Low Mobility Wheeled Not
Applicable - M1084/M1095 High Mobility Wheeled w/Trailer Not
Applicable - M985/M989 Medium Mobility Wheeled w/Trailer Not
Applicable - M911/M747 HET Low Mobility Wheeled w/Trailer Not
Applicable - M113A2 Tracked Amphib Combat Vehicle Moderate
Mobility Tracked - LAV25 Wheeled Amphib Combat Vehicle Not
Applicable - Kawasaki ATV Light ATV Not Applicable
10Example Mobility Implementation
11Example Mobility Implementation
12Design Interdependence
13Data and Software Standards
- Extraction From NRMM
- Open Standards (XML/W3C)
14Data and Software Standards
- Software Specs
- Java JRE 1.3, 1.4
- Junit
- HLA RTI 1.3ngr4
- Windows NT/2000
- Linux 7
15Mobility Server
- Software c wrapper
- High Level Architecture / Run Time Interface
(HLA/RTI) - IEEE specification 1516
- A standard, platform-independent implementation
based on the AMSO standard for ground vehicle
movement representation, NRMM - Software enhancements Java, XML, HLA
- Facilitates integration of the model into future
simulations - Allows for model upgrades with minimal
reengineering of simulation links - Helps reduce the proliferation of differing
mobility models - Provides access to standard speed prediction
algorithms - Promotes reuse/consistency
- Saves developers and analysts time and money
- Operates at about an order of magnitude faster
than NRMM
- The NATO Reference Mobility Model (NRMM) is the
AMSO standard for single vehicle ground movement
representation. While representation of ground
vehicle mobility in both entity- and
aggregate-level MS has typically been
simplified, many of the speed limiters
incorporated in NRMM are ignored. The Standard
Mobility Application Programming Interface,
NRMM-based, is a means of readily achieving
higher-fidelity movement representation by
incorporating terrain-limited speeds into MS. By
providing a standard interface for applications,
this API helps reduce the proliferation of
differing mobility models, provides access to
standard speed prediction algorithms, and
promotes reuse/consistency. - STNDMob Mobility Server has been nominated in
the AMSO standards process and will be managed by
the US Ground Vehicle Mobility Modeling Technical
Management Committee.
19Getting One of the Basics Right for Distributed
Simulations A Mobility Service/Server for the
Present and Future
European Simulation Interoperability Workshop
2004 Edinburgh, Scotland