Title: Dan Gunter
1NetLogger Lite
2What Is NetLogger Lite?
- A simple, easy-to-use debugging, instrumentation,
and logging toolkit
- Based on the NetLogger Toolkit
- NetLogger has grown
- C API 50,000 lines
- All APIs require the C API!
- Overkill for simple logging
- Makes it hard to incorporate into other packages
4Enter NetLogger Lite
- Single .c/.h for the C API
- Separate Python, Java API
- Use of C API is optional
- Much smaller, simpler
- Enhanced data model
- New data format (no more
- binary format (whew!))
5Rest of this talk
- Event data model
- Event format
- Dynamic log levels
- Python API (v0.1)
- Discussion
- Feedback on above(?)
- DSD Projects that could benefit?
6Data Model Prologue
- Why bother with a data model?
- Makes it easier to write generic consumers of the
data for analysis, visualization
- Relational databases need as much structure as
they can get
- Elegance if we can describe a general principle,
we should!
7Event Data Model
Logged event fields
Standard target fields
Log levelenum
User-definedstring, number, time
8Event Record Format
Type code (time, string, int, long, or double)
Single space
Field value
Newline (\n)
t DATE 2004-04-15T213601.425059
Field name
Colon and space
File or stream
9Sample event records
- t DATE 2004-04-15T213601.422069
- s LVL Debug
- s HOST
- s TGT dbg
- s EVNT loop.start
- s FILE ../../samples/sample_logger.c
- i LINE 41
- s FN main
- i start 0
- i stop 10
t DATE 2004-04-15T213601.425059
s LVL Info s HOST s TGT node s
EVNT cpu.utilization.user i VAL 50 s UNITS
t DATE 2004-04-15T213601.425059 s LVL I
nfo s SRC s DST s TGT
path s EVNT delay.roundtrip d VAL 93.4
10NL-Lite C API Prologue
- There are actually multiple C APIs
- Format an object into a string
- Format a stream of objects
- Format an event belonging to a module to a
stream using write() with variable arguments
- Format a modules event at a given logging level
for a given target type
11NL-Lite C API
- Create logger
- NL_logger_module()
- Write messages
- NL_write() friends
- Cleanup
- NL_logger_del()
Note The entire C ApI is now in one .c and one
.h file
Less than 3,000 lines of code
12NL_logger_module overview
- Creates a new (global) module
- Each time you write an event, you write it as
part of a logger module
- An events module determines its..
- Log destination (URL)
- Logging level
- Target type
13NL_logger_module syntax
- NL_result_t NL_logger_module(
- const char module,
- const char url,
- NL_level_t level,
- NL_tgttype_t ttype,
- ... )
Target types app, debug, and node can pass the
host IP address, or for automatic lookup (by
reverse DNS of hostname)
Module name
Event name
NL write(level, module, event, fmt, args...)
name pairs, separated by spaces
Syntactic sugar for writing these log levels
directly NL_fatal(module, etc.)
Values for each pair in fmt
- include nl_log.h
- main()
- int i
- NL_logger_module(foo",NULL, NL_LVL_DEBUG,
- for ( i0 i
- NL_debug1(foo","doit.start","indexi", i)
- / doit() /
- NL_debug1(foo","doit.end","indexi", i)
16Dynamic Log Levels
- Changing logging on the fly is cool
- NL-Lite has a really simple way of doing this
- NLCONFIGLEVEL/tmp/level myprog
- echo 3 /tmp/level
- You can even do per-module levels
- NLCONFIGLEVEL/tmp/level myprog
- echo 5 foo\n3 /tmp/level
17Python API
- Two separate APIs
- Homegrown
- Compatible with Python logging API
- Both can work with/without the C library
- Right now, the homegrown API is much faster than
the Python logging one
- Im working on this!
- Cant say for sure the Python API is done
18Python logging API
- log nllogging.Logger('default')
- handler logging.StreamHandler(strmsys.stderr)
- handler.setFormatter(nllogging.Formatter())
- log.addHandler(handler)
- log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- log.info("loop.start")
- for i in range(0,10)
- log.log(DEBUG,"loop.iter", ("index",i) )
- log.info("loop.end")
Standard Python Logging call
Instead of a string, can also add any number of
(name,value) pairs
19Java API
- Still in the early stages. Just formats a
- NL nl new NL()
- Formatter fmt nl.getFormatter()
- for ( int i0 i
- log.info(nl.setEvent(foo").add("index",i).toStri
- log.info(Non-netlogger message\n")
20Compatibility Tools
- There is a (Python) netlogd that can read in the
nllite format and spit out the ULM (ASCII)
- Also a fast, C program to convert ULM logs to
the nllite, or vice-versa
- Some new gnuplot-producing scripts
21DSD Projects?
- C is the most mature API right now
- NLV ? done!
- Akenti?
- Python is close but still needs some
requirements feedback and the 6M-man treatment
- py,swigGlobus?
- Jabber code
- And of course theres Java, which basically I
need to finish..
- Karlo no longer believes Ill ever finish it
- http//www-didc.lbl.gov/nllite/