Title: Assessment Toolbox for International Educators
1Assessment Toolbox for International Educators
- Presenters
- David Comp, Darla K. Deardorff,
- Elaine Meyer-Lee,
- Lee Sternberg, Victor Savicki
2Session Overview
- Assessment Overview and Context
- Highlights of Specific Assessment Tools/Methods
- Tools/Methods Exploration through Roundtable
3Assessing International Education An Overview
- Dr. Darla K. Deardorff
- Duke University
- d.deardorff_at_duke.edu
4Why assess international education?
5Why assess international education?
- Quality improvement
- Advocacy
- Accreditation
- Student learning
6Why Assess? Measure success
- Moving beyond
- What are meaningful outcomes (results) of
internationalization efforts?
________________________ Â INTERNATIONALIZATION at
institutions of higher education  Inputs/Resourc
es needed for implementation of components of
internationalization Activities/Components of
Internationalization (college leadership, faculty
involvement, curriculum, study abroad,
international students/scholars/faculty,
international co-curricular units) Outputs of
Internationalization (i.e., number of
international students, number of study abroad
programs, number of students studying foreign
languages, etc.) Outcomes of Internationalizatio
n Intercultural competence what is it? How do
higher education administrators define it?
intercultural experts? How can it be
assessed? Â Long-Term Impact of
Internationalization _____________________________
__________________________________ Figure 2.
General program logic model applied to
internationalization. (Deardorff, 2004, Page 58)
8Ways of approaching assessment
- Some key points and
- lessons learned
- At Home curriculum, extra-curricular
activities, community involvement/impact,
domestic/internatl student interaction, policy,
financial, campus climate - Abroad (Cross-border) involves cross-border
delivery of education through exchange, distance
and e-learning, branch campuses, partnerships,
host community impact
10Assessment Lessons Learned
- Collaborate - Put together Assessment Team
- Adapt - Build on what you have
- Measure what is valued (align!)
- Plan - Develop assessment plan
- Use use what you assess
- Support from leadership, stakeholders
- Deardorff, 2008
- Starting point
- Mission Statement
- into
- Goals
- into
- Measurable Objectives
12Assessment Cycle
- Define outcomes (based on mission/goals) and
establish measurable criteria - Identify appropriate assessment methods
- Collect data
- Analyze data
- Reflect on needed changes
- Design and apply changes
13Assessment Lessons Learned
- Multi-method, multi-perspective
- Ongoing
- Integrated
14Student Involvement in Assessment
- Student outcome assessment is not a measurement
of learning but an integral part of learning. Can
include language/disciplinary assessment,
personal growth, intercultural competence, etc. - Involve students in negotiating outcomes
15Assessment Methods
- Methods determined by clearly articulated
assessment questions what do we want to
measure? - Include
- DIRECT METHODS authentic assessment,
portfolios, observation - INDIRECT METHODS surveys, focus groups,
- Embedded course assessment
- Portfolios
- Performance
- Testing
- Papers/projects
- Capstone
17Indirect Methods
- Surveys (inc. self-assessments)
- Interviews
- Focus groups
- Curriculum/transcript analysis
- Documented data
18ICC Assessment Tools (85!)
- Intercultural Development Inventory
- Cross Cultural Adaptability Inventory
- Intercultural Conflict Styles Inventory
- Language Strategies Survey
- Strategies Inventory for Culture Learning
- Beliefs, Events, Values Inventory
- GAP Test
- Assessment of Intercultural Competence
- Georgia Techs International Plan uses
capstone, IDI - Dukes teacher ed program uses self-report
instruments, embedded assessment,
faculty/supervisor observation, focus group - BCA uses embedded assessment, lang. tests, BEVI,
resident director and host family observations - ACE uses e-portfolio and self-report form
20Questions to consider
- What are the specific goals and objectives?
- What does the tool/method specifically measure?
- Limitations and cultural biases of tools/methods?
21More questions to consider
- How will assessment data be utilized? How will
data be used to provide feedback to students? To
improve the program/curriculum, etc? - Is assessment multi-method, multi-perspective,
ongoing, intentional, integrated, part of
strategic plan?
- GPI, American Identity,
23Assessment Toolbox for International Educators
- David Comp
- Senior Adviser for International Initiatives in
The College - The University of Chicago
- dcomp_at_uchicago.edu
- NAFSA Association of International Educators
- Annual Conference
- Washington, D.C. May 30. 2008
24Global Perspectives Inventory (GPI)
- Developed by Larry Braskamp, David Braskamp
Kelly Carter Merrill. - -Larry Braskamp is a senior fellow at the
Association of American Colleges and Universities
(AACU). He is professor emeritus at the School
of Education at Loyola University Chicago where
he also served as senior vice president for
academic affairs for four years. Braskamp also
served as the first executive director of the
Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
25Global Perspectives Inventory (GPI)
- The GPI is a survey of 46 items specifically
designed to provide self-reports of students
perspectives in three domains of holistic student
development--cognitive, intrapersonal, and
interpersonal. -
- The GPI can provide evidence of students global
perspectives - At entry, during and at graduation from college
- At entry and conclusion of an education/study
abroad experience - Braskamp, Braskamp Carter Merrill, 2008
26Global Perspectives Inventory (GPI)
- Theoretical Background of GPI
- The construction of GPI is based on the
developmental perspective that students are on a
journey during college. In this journey,
students are given opportunities to reflect on
three big questions - How do I know? reflects the Cognitive
dimension. - Who am I? reflects the Intrapersonal dimension.
- How do I relate to others? reflects the
Interpersonal dimension. - Braskamp, Braskamp Carter Merrill, 2007
27Global Perspectives Inventory (GPI)
- Description of the six GPI scales
- The Cognitive domain consists of two scales
Knowing and Knowledge. - The Intrapersonal domain consists of two scales
Identity and Affect. - The Interpersonal domain consists of two scales
Social interactions and Social responsibility.
28Global Perspectives Inventory (GPI)
- Validity and Reliability
- Reliability. Four GPI scales each loaded on their
own independent factors (some with the exception
of one or two items) considering a combination of
both the highest and second highest loading
scores Cognitive/Knowing, Cognitive/Knowledge,
Intrapersonal/Affect, and Interpersonal/Social
Responsibility. The Intrapersonal/Identity and
Interpersonal/Social Interaction scales did not
seem to load onto any independent factor. The
overlapping of scales on each of the factors is
not troubling, but rather encouraging.
Theoretically, scholars agree these factors would
all contribute to one concept global
perspective. - Validity. As students progress through college
their development is likely to increase (Baxter
Magolda, 1992 Pascarella Terenzini, 2005).
Presumably, therefore, as people get older their
global perspective may increase as well. - Braskamp, Braskamp Carter Merrill, 2007
29Advantages and Disadvantages
- Advantages
- GPI can be administered at
- entry, during and at graduation from college
- entry and conclusion of an education/study
abroad experience - GPI has only 46 survey questions and brief
demographic questions - GPI was developed by a leading expert in higher
education assessment - Disadvantages
- GPI is a relatively new assessment tool
- GPI has not been used in any research studies
30New Tools for Intercultural Learning Outcomes
- Elaine Meyer-Lee
- Director
- Joy Evans
- Assistant Director for Research and Scholarship
- Saint Marys College
- Center for Womens InterCultural Leadership
- Notre Dame, Indiana
31For five years we conducted a comprehensive study
of our intercultural and international learning
on and off campus. For study abroad we used a
multi-method longitudinal assessment of
intercultural engagement, IC sensitivity,
identity, and goals
32Evaluation Assessment Goals
- Evaluate programs effectiveness
- Measure Students
- Changes in sensitivity to cultural differences
- American identity development
- Own sense of growth toward goals
- Explore correlations of change with
- Intercultural engagement while abroad
(interaction and reflection) - Program or demographic characteristics
33American Identity Measure
- Adaptation of Jean Phinneys Multigroup Ethnic
Identity Measure (good track record), and her
much newer American Identity Questionnaire
developed for underrepresented groups - Based on Eriksonian identity development theory.
Measures 2 Factors - identity search (e.g. I have often talked to
other people about what it means to be an
American.) -
- affirmation, belonging, and commitment (e.g.
Being American plays an important part in my
34American Identity Measure
- Adapted it (with Phinneys blessing) for study
abroad students because one goal is more
complexity in understanding ones own culture - Students in returnee courses felt this national
identity version captured an important dimension - 10-item Likert-style Self Assessment (5 for each)
- Currently refining adaptations psychometric
properties, but alpha coefficients good so far
- Phinney, J. (1992). The Multigroup Ethnic
Identity Measure A new scale for use with
adolescents and young adults from diverse groups.
Journal of Adolescent Research, 7, 156-176. - Phinney, J., Devich-Navarro, M. (1997).
Variations in bicultural identification among
African American and Mexican American
adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence,
7, 3-32.
36Measure of Intercultural Engagement
- Asks students to quantify the frequency of their
engagement through - Interaction with cultural resources
- Interaction with local people
- Explicit reflection on these interactions
37Benefits to Study Abroad Assessment
Challenges to Institutional Research
- Comparable program specific data on students
intercultural interactions - AIQ
- Examine identity dimension, connect to literature
on this
- Labor-intensive development and administration
- Reliability and Validity of adaptation still
being established - Needs refining
38Intercultural Leadership Certificate Program
- Capture Saint Marys strengths and CWILs unique
location at the intersection of intercultural
(local and global) and leadership education in
the context of a womens college - Guide students through a developmental process
into a deeper capacity for intercultural
leadership - Bring coherence and provide an organizing
framework for every effort (curricular and
co-curricular) being undertaken at Saint Marys
College to encourage intercultural leadership - Portfolio assessment of students proficiency as
an intercultural leader in - 6 proficiency areas
- Recognize the Leader Within
- Articulate Your Ethical/Spiritual Center
- Engage With Value Diversity
- Dialogue on Power Privilege
- Create Inclusive Equitable Community
- Make Your Difference in the World
39- For more handouts or bibliography on assessing
intercultural outcomes of study abroad programs,
go to - http//www.saintmarys.edu/cwil/php/intercultural
.learning/IILOutcomes.php - or email me meyerlee_at_saintmarys.edu
40Assessment Toolbox for International Educators
- Victor Savicki
- Western Oregon University
41Sociocultural Adaptation Scale (SCAS)
- Developed by Colleen Ward and Antony Kennedy
- Ward, C. Kennedy, A. (1999). The Measurement of
Sociocultural Adaptation. International Journal
of Intercultural Relations, 22, 659-677. - Several subsequent supporting studies..
42ABC Theory of Acculturation
- Ward, C. (2001). The A, B, Cs of acculturation.
In D. Matsumoto (Ed.), Handbook of Culture and
Psychology. (pp. 411-446). NY Oxford University
Press. - A Affect based on stress and coping theory
- B Behavior based on learning cultural knowledge
and skills - C Cognition based on social identification
43Sociocultural Adaptation Definition
- SCAS measures the Behavior aspect of the ABCs
- The ability to fit in, to acquire culturally
appropriate skills and to negotiate interactive
aspects of the host environment. - Applied to both foreign nationals coming to the
U.S and U.S. nationals going abroad..
44SCAS Structure
- 29 items (reduced from an original pool of 41
items) - Making friends, Using the transport system, Going
shopping, Dealing with unsatisfactory service,
Understanding cultural differences, Understanding
the locals worldview, Understanding the local
value system - Responses given on a scale rating the difficulty
the respondent has in dealing with each item. 1
(No difficulty) to 5 (Extreme difficulty) - Takes about 5 minutes to complete
- Based-16 samples mostly from Australia, New
Zealand, and Singapore..
45SCAS Scales
- SCAS Total Sum/average of 29 items
- Two sub-scales based on a factor analytic study
- Cultural Empathy and Relatedness (13 items)
(32.1 of variance) - Understanding local perspectives, values, world
views, and communication - Impersonal Endeavors and Perils (7 items) (8.7
of variance) - Management of impersonal interactions and/or
awkward situations..
46Advantages and Disadvantages
- Based on a theory of acculturation
- Tracks key intercultural adaptation issues
- Gives several scores to interpret
- Predicts an overall progression of adaptation
- Can be used formatively and summatively
- List may be incomplete
- List may have cultural bias..
47- The Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory
- (BEVI)
- Developed by Craig N. Shealy, Ph.D.
- James Madison University
- shealycn_at_jmu.edu
- http//www.jmu.edu/ibavi
48- The Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory
- (BEVI)
- What does the BEVI measure?
- The BEVIis designed to assess a number of
processes relevant to international experiences
including (but not limited to) basic openness
receptivity to different cultures, religions, and
social practices the tendency (or not) to
stereotype in particular ways self and emotional
awareness and preferred but implicit strategies
for making sense of why other people and
cultures do what they do (from Shealy, 2005)
49- The BEVI
- Has been in development since the 1990s
- Is derived from belief-value statements
- Is comprised of three validity and ten process
scales - Does not appraise correctness of individual
items but an overall response pattern - Is valid and reliable over time
50The BEVI
- Has 54 demographic items including age, gender,
ethnic background, educational attainment,
political orientation, and religious affiliation - Has 391 items across a wide set of beliefs and
values rated on a four-point Likert scale - Takes 45-55 minutes to complete
- Is available online
51BEVI items include
I am never sad. I have felt jealousy toward
someone I loved. There is no such thing as
destiny. You can't argue with fate. We
should do more to help minority groups in our
culture. Big corporations often harm the
earth. I know that evil people go to hell when
they die. Hinduism and Buddhism have much to
teach the modern world.
52- The BEVI
- Is effective in showing how peoples beliefs
and values change as a result of having an
international experience, including the way
people feel about their own cultures, the value
of learning about other cultures, the importance
of learning a second language, the value in
learning about world events, and other
attitudes. - Measures complex phenomena and is not
face-valid - Administration time can be long for some
53(No Transcript)
54Your Turn!
- Join us for Roundtable Discussions on the
specific tools youve just heard about ask more
questions, learn more in detail about how and
when to use these instruments