Title: C H A P T E R 18
1C H A P T E R 18
2Chapter Overview
- A. Long-Term Financing Decision
- B. Cost of Debt Financing
- C. Assessing the Exchange Rate Risk of Debt
Financing - D. Reducing Exchange Rate Risk
- E. Interest Rate Risk from Debt Financing
3Chapter 18 Objectives
- This chapter will
- A. Explain why MNCs consider long-term financing
in foreign currencies - B. Explain how to assess the feasibility of
long-term financing in foreign currencies - C. Explain how the assessment of long-term
financing in foreign currencies is adjusted for
bonds with floating interest rates
4A. Long-Term Financing Decision
- 1. Sources of Equity
- a. Offering in Home Country
- b. Global equity offering
- c. Private Placement of Equity to
- Financial Institutions in Home Country
- d. Private Placement of Equity to
- Financial Institutions in Foreign Country
5B. Cost of Debt Financing
- 1. Measuring the Cost of Financing
- a. The MNC decides based on
- 1.) amount of funds needed
- 2.) forecast of bond price
- 3.) forecast of periodic exchange rate
6B. Cost of Debt Financing
- a. Impact of a Strong Currency on Financing
Costs - 1.) If the currency that was borrowed
appreciates over time, an MNC will - need more funds to cover the coupon
- or principal payments.
- 2.) This type of exchange rate movement
increases the MNCs financing costs. -
7B. Cost of Debt Financing
- b. Impact of a Weak Currency on Financing
Costs - 1.) Whereas an appreciating currency
increases the periodic outflow payments of the
bond issuer, - 2.) a depreciating currency will reduce
the issuers outflow payments and - 3.) reduce its financing costs.
8B. Cost of Debt Financing
- 2. Actual Effects of Exchange Rate Movements on
Financing Costs
9Annualized Bond Yields among Countries
10C. Assessing the Exchange Rate Risk of Debt
- 1. Use of Exchange Rate Probabilities
- a. One approach to using point estimates
of future exchange rates is to develop a
probability distribution for an exchange rate
for each period in which payments will be made
to bondholders.
11C. Assessing the Exchange Rate Risk of Debt
- b. The expected value of the exchange rate can
be computed for each period by multiplying each
possible exchange rate by its associated
probability - and totaling the products.
- c. the exchange rates expected value can be
used to forecast the cash outflows necessary to
pay bondholders over each period.
12Actual Costs of Annual Financing
with Pound-Denominated Bonds from a U.S.
13D. Reducing Exchange Rate Risk
- 1. Offsetting Cash Inflows
- a. Offsetting Cash Flows with High-Yield Debt
- 1.) Some firms may have inflow payments in
particular currencies, which could offset
their outflow payments related to bond
financing - 2.) a firm may be able to finance with bonds
denominated in a foreign currency that
exhibits a lower coupon rate without becoming
exposed to exchange rate risk. -
14D. Reducing Exchange Rate Risk
- 2. Forward Contracts
- When a bond denominated in a foreign currency
has a lower coupon rate than the firms home
currency, the firm may consider issuing bonds
denominated in that currency and - simultaneously hedging its exchange rate risk
through the forward market.
15Illustration of a Currency Swap
16D. Reducing Exchange Rate Risk
- 3. Currency Swaps
- a. A currency swap enables firms to exchange
currencies at periodic intervals - b. Many MNCs simultaneously swap interest
payments and currencies
17D. Reducing Exchange Rate Risk
- 4. Parallel Loans
- a. Using Parallel Loans to Hedge Exchange
Rate Risk for Foreign Projects - 5. Diversifying among Currencies
18E. Interest Rate Risk from Debt Financing
- 1. The Debt Maturity Decision
- 2. The Fixed versus Floating Rate Decisions
- 3. Hedging with Interest Rate Swaps
19E. Interest Rate Risk from Debt Financing
- 4. Plain Vanilla Swap
- a. Determining Swap Payments
- b. Other Types of Interest Rate Swaps
- c. Standardization of the Swap Market
20Illustration of an Interest Rate Swap