Title: Daniel 5 Gods Revelation and judgment
1Daniel 5Gods Revelation and judgment
2Are these stories True?
- This story was used for centuries to show that
the Bible is NOT historical - Supernatural hand writing?
- No extra-Biblical evidence for Belshazzar
3Are these stories True?
- Problem
- The Persian record states that Nabonidus was the
last King of Babylon and Cyrus defeated him.
4Are these stories True?
- The Battle of Opis
- September 539 B.C.
- Cyrus defeated Nabonidus
- Nabonidus Chronicle
- Cyrus Cylinder
5Are these stories True?
- The Battle of Opis
- September 539 B.C.
- Cyrus defeated Nabonidus
- Nabonidus Chronicle
- Cyrus Cylinder
Nabonidus was defeated, but survived and fled
into the desert. Babylon fell without a battle a
week later.
6Are these stories True?
- The Battle of Opis
- September 539 B.C.
- Cyrus defeated Nabonidus
- Nabonidus Chronicle
- Cyrus Cylinder
Nabonidus was defeated, but survived and fled
into the desert. Babylon fell without a battle a
week later.
Who was in charge for that week?
7(No Transcript)
8In 1854 the British Consul at Basrah named J.E.
Taylor began an excavation of the ziggurat area.
Taylor found four clay cylinders, one at each
corner of the ziggurat, which identified the site
as Ur.
9These cylinders were written for the Babylonian
king Nabonidus who reigned from about 555 B.C. to
539 B.C. The text on these cylinders revealed
that the ziggurat had been rebuilt by Nabonidus.
10Translation from the cylinder Let their the
temples foundations be established as the
heavens. As for me, Nabonidus, king of Babylon,
save me from sin against your great divinity, and
give me life until distant days. And as for
Belshazzar my firstborn son, my own child, let
the fear of your great divinity be in his heart,
and may he commit no sin may he enjoy happiness
in life.
These cylinders were written for the Babylonian
king Nabonidus who reigned from about 555 B.C. to
539 B.C. The text on these cylinders revealed
that the ziggurat had been rebuilt by Nabonidus
11Translation from the cylinder Let their the
temples foundations be established as the
heavens. As for me, Nabonidus, king of Babylon,
save me from sin against your great divinity, and
give me life until distant days. And as for
Belshazzar my firstborn son, my own child, let
the fear of your great divinity be in his heart,
and may he commit no sin may he enjoy happiness
in life.
Today, no one doubts the existence of Belshazzar!
These cylinders were written for the Babylonian
king Nabonidus who reigned from about 555 B.C. to
539 B.C. The text on these cylinders revealed
that the ziggurat had been rebuilt by Nabonidus
12Translation from the cylinder Let their the
temples foundations be established as the
heavens. As for me, Nabonidus, king of Babylon,
save me from sin against your great divinity, and
give me life until distant days. And as for
Belshazzar my firstborn son, my own child, let
the fear of your great divinity be in his heart,
and may he commit no sin may he enjoy happiness
in life.
These cylinders were written for the Babylonian
king Nabonidus who reigned from about 555 B.C. to
539 B.C. The text on these cylinders revealed
that the ziggurat had been rebuilt by Nabonidus
13The Bible IS HiStory
- Nabonidus had a son Belshazzar
- Daniel accurately records incredible detail that
fits perfectly with the historical record.
14The Bible IS HiStory
- God tells Nebuchadnezzar that Babylon will fall
to the Persians - Nabonidus falls to Persian King Cyrus and goes
into hiding - Belshazzar takes over, but has no army, and the
Persians are about to take Babylon
15The Bible IS HiStory
- Belshazzar throws a HUGE party, and insults God,
who predicted Babylon's fall to Persia. - God confirms Belshazzars arrogance and imminent
demise with writing on the wall. - Remember Belshazzars offer to Daniel?
16The Bible IS HiStory
- Daniel 516 ... You will become the third highest
ruler in the kingdom.
17The Bible IS HiStory
- Daniel 530Â That very night Belshazzar the
Chaldean king was killed.
18The Bible IS HiStory
- History records
- The city of Babylon fell without a fight one week
after the defeat of Nabonidus at the Battle of
19The Bible IS HiStory
- Daniel was real
- The Bible is real
- Look at the lesson
20The Lesson
- Belshazzar vs. Nebuchadnezzar
21The Lesson
Daniel 437 Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and
glorify and honor the King of heaven. All his
acts are just and true, and he is able to humble
the proud.
- Belshazzar vs. Nebuchadnezzar
22 23Daniel 51-4
- Who? Nobles, wives, concubines.
- The gold and silver cups from the Temple of God.
- Praised their idols
- Historical context Cyrus army is knocking at
the door.
24Daniel 51-4
- Who? Nobles, wives, concubines.
- Hedonistic party
- The gold and silver cups from the Temple of God.
- Historical context Cyrus knocking at the door.
King Belshazzar shakes his fist at God.
25Daniel 55-613-16
26Daniel 517-24
27Daniel 517-24
- 22 you knew all this, yet you have not
humbled yourself.
28Daniel 525-28 Judgment
29Judgment is absolute
- Acts 1730, 31 God overlooked peoples
ignorance about these things in earlier times,
but now he commands everyone everywhere to repent
of their sins and turn to him.
30Judgment is absolute
- 31Â For he has set a day for judging the world
with justice by the man he has appointed, and he
proved to everyone who this is by raising him
from the dead.
31Judgment is absolute
- Heb. 927,28 And just as each person is destined
to die once and after that comes judgment, 28Â so
also Christ died once for all time as a sacrifice
to take away the sins of many people.
32I dont like itJudgment seems so
33I dont like itJudgment seems sojudgmental!
- Why does God judge?
- Why cant he just forgive?
- What if God didnt judge?
- We cannot appreciate forgive-ness if we dont
embrace the reality of Gods judgment.
- Why does God judge?
- Why cant he just forgive?
- What if he did not judge?
- We cannot appreciate forgive-ness if we dont
embrace the reality of Gods judgment.
Im basically a good person.
- Why does God judge?
- Why cant he just forgive?
- What if he did not judge?
- We cannot appreciate forgive-ness if we dont
embrace the reality of Gods judgment.
- Im basically a good person.
- You dont see the depth of your real self.
- Why does God judge?
- Why cant he just forgive?
- What if he did not judge?
- We cannot appreciate forgive-ness if we dont
embrace the reality of Gods judgment.
- Im basically a good person.
- You dont see the depth of your real self.
- You dont know Gods perfect righteousness.
Romans 323 For everyone has sinned we all fall
short of Gods glorious standard.
- Why does God judge?
- Why cant he just forgive?
- What if he did not judge?
- We cannot appreciate forgive-ness if we dont
embrace the reality of Gods judgment.
Romans 323 For everyone has sinned we all fall
short of Gods glorious standard. 24 Yet God,
with undeserved kindness, declares that we are
righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when
he freed us from the penalty for our sins.
- Why does God judge?
- Why cant he just forgive?
- What if he did not judge?
- We cannot appreciate forgive-ness if we dont
embrace the reality of Gods judgment.
- The Bible is true!
- God will judge every person.
- Every person can escape that judgment.
41Important Reminders
- State of the Church Friday, Jan. 8, 730-1030
- 'Vision Stewardship Retreat', Jan. 23, 930 am
- 1230 pm - Classes Begin- Jan. 6th
- Christian Growth
- Leadership from Pastorals
42Q and A