Title: General Disability Measurement in Uganda
1General Disability Measurement in Uganda
Focusing on Improvement in Methodology and
Concepts used
By Nabukhonzo Pamela Uganda Bureau of Statistics
2Disability Measurement in Uganda
Introduction Population and Housing Censuses CBR
Programme Conclusion
- Population and Housing Censuses remain major
source of nation wide Disability Statistics - Regional workshop on disability Statistics in
Africa - Land mark in the area of disability measurement
4Disability Measurement in Uganda
Introduction Population and Housing Censuses CBR
Programme Conclusion
6Questions Asked
- 1991 Census
- Is there anyone who was in the HH on the census
night disabled?
- 2002 Census
- Does NAME have any difficulty in moving,
seeing, hearing, speaking or learning, which has
lasted or is expected to last 6 months or more?
7Definition of Disability
1991 Census
Any condition, which prevents a person from
living a normal social and working life.
8Definition of Disability
2002 Census
A person who is limited in the kind of or amount
of activities that he or she can do, because of
on going difficulty(ies) due to a long-term
physical condition or health problem that has
lasted 6 months or more. This includes all those
difficulties that are expected to last more than
6 months.
1991 Census
- The term disability was used in the Global
question. - One disability
- Prevalence rate of 1.1
2002 Census
- Included information on rehabilitation measures
- The term disability was avoided in the global
question - Multiple disability(at most 2)
- Duration was taken care of.
11Disability Measurement in Uganda
Introduction Population and Housing Censuses CBR
Programme Conclusion
12Community Based Rehabilitation Programme
13Weaknesses related to Data collection
- Existing gaps in developing specific indicators
- Lack of reliable data information systems
- Difficulty to collect comparable data
- Assessment forms were too complicated
- CBR staff hardly filled these forms
- Data from some districts was not correlated and
14Data Collection Instruments
- Identification, registration baseline
information forms - Assessment, follow up referral forms
- Supervision monitoring guidelines
- Reporting guidelines
15Definition of Disability
CBR Programme
Difficulties/restrictions in performing daily
activities leading to failure to participate like
other people.
16Question asked Methodology
Data collection is mainly be observation of the
- Questions touch on
- Severity
- Duration
- Cause
- All domains of well-being
17Environment and participation
- Home environment
- Accessibility
- Nutritional practices
- Hygiene of PWD
- Waste disposal
- Source of water
- Cultural beliefs/practices related to PWD
18Mapping to ICF
- Most of the chapters are not touched at all
- At least one component/chapter is touched
19Disability Measurement in Uganda
Introduction Population and Housing Censuses CBR
Programme Conclusion
- Nation wide data on disability in Uganda is from
censuses - Administrative data collection from CBR will be
the only comprehensive source though not nation
wide - Issues under question matrix were to a great
extent covered in both programmes - (census excludes severity, CBR includes it
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