Title: International Day for Persons with Disability: Thirtieth Anniversary
1International Day for Persons with Disability
Thirtieth Anniversary
Panel 2 Mainstreaming Disability in the Global
Development Agenda
- Jennifer H. Madans, Ph.D.
- National Center for Health Statistics, USA
- for the Washington Group on Disability Statistics
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social
Affairs New York, December 2, 2011
2Sources of Disability Data
- Different sources of data provide different kinds
of information. - Can be a source of confusion.
- Can provide a more comprehensive picture.
- Need to understand advantages and limitations of
each source. - Need to optimize the quality of data from each
3Sources of Disability Data
- Registries
- Censuses
- Surveys
4Past Challenges
- Long-standing tradition of collecting disability
information, however - The complexity of disability concepts leads to
confusing data. - Data collection methods have a major impact on
resulting data. - Wide variations in population defined as
disabled. - Data collections are often funder-initiated.
5Moving Forward
- Acknowledgement of the need for high quality
information at national level that is also
comparable across countries. - UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disability - World Report on Disability
6Moving Forward
- Incorporation of disability into ongoing national
data collections. - Joint development of standardized and tested
measures for use in countries. - Provision of technical assistance through
workshops, meetings and site visits in order to
facilitate the adoption of the question sets - Analyses of the resulting data.
7The Washington Group on Disability Statistics
(WG) Initial Objectives
- To guide the development of a small set of
general disability measures suitable for
censuses, - To recommend one or more extended sets of items
to measure disability in population surveys or
supplements, - To use the ICF model as a framework to assist in
the development of the measures, and - To address methodological issues associated with
disability measurement.
8The WG 11 Years and Counting
- The WG has held 11 meetings to date in all
regions of the world - Washington DC, Ottawa, Brussels, Bangkok, Rio de
Janeiro, Kampala, Dublin, Manila, Dar el Salaam,
Luxembourg, Bermuda - NSO representatives from 116 countries have
participated - Current members include 109 NSOs, 7 international
organizations, 6 DPOs, the UNSD and other U.N.
affiliates - Held two regional workshops Africa and Latin
America - Participated in five other regional workshops
- Conducted cognitive testing of the short set
questions in 15 countries, and the extended set
in 15 countries - On-going provision of technical assistance,
methodological training and fostering of
international cooperation
9WG Products
- Short Set (SS)
- Set of six disability questions recommended for
inclusion on national censuses - SS adopted in 2006
- Now recommended for use in all national censuses
in the UN Principles and Recommendations for
Population and Housing Censuses
10Countries Who Have Tested or Used WG Short Set of
Census Questions
- Argentina, Armenia, Bermuda, Brazil
- Cambodia, Canada, China, Democratic Republic of
the Congo - Fiji, Egypt, Gambia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala
- Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel,
Ivory Coast - Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lesotho, Lithuania
- Malawi, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Mongolia,
Mozambique - Oman, Palestine, Panama, Paraguay, Peru,
Philippines - Poland, Romania, Rwanda
- Sierra Leone, Slovenia, South Africa, Sri Lanka
- Tanzania, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United
States - Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia
11Countries Using the WG SS (or variants) in
Current Census Cycles (n31)
- Argentina
- Aruba
- Bangladesh
- Brazil
- Chad
- China
- Costa Rica
- Czech Republic
- Fiji
- Israel
- Italy
- Ivory Coast
- Kazakhstan
- Malawi
- Mexico
- Mozambique
- Netherlands
- Oman
- Palestine
- Information based on 2009, 2010, and 2011 country
reports Countries including the SS in their
recent Census
12WG Products, continued
- Extended Sets (ES)
- ES on Functioning (ES-F) adopted in 2010
- Will provide broader survey measures of this
population - Additional ES on Children, Environment, and
Participation are currently under development and
testing - Methodological work to assess the measures and
their performance as they are incorporated into
data collections.
13(No Transcript)
14Final Rounds of Standardized Testing
- WG/BI/UNESCAP Testing 2009
- Cognitive tests in 9 countries (Mongolia,
Maldives, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Cambodia,
Kazakhstan, United States, Canada, South Africa) - Field tests in 6 countries (Mongolia, Maldives,
Sri Lanka, Philippines, Cambodia, Kazakhstan) - WG/BI European Testing 2010
- Cognitive tests in 7 countries (France, Germany,
Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United
States) - Questions added to the 2010 U.S. National Health
Interview Survey
15WG Products, continued
- Reports completed
- Disability Information from Censuses, prepared
for DPOs - Development of an Internationally Comparable
Disability Measure for Censuses, prepared for
NSOs - Monitoring the UN Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disability - Understanding and Interpreting Disability as
Measured using the WG Short Set of Questions - The Measurement of Disability Recommendations
for the 2010 Round of Censuses - Draft report prepared
- Development of Extended Sets of Disability
Measures for Surveys
16Standardized Data Collection Facilitates Reporting
- Using standardized questions makes it possible to
provide comparable data cross-nationally for
populations living in a variety of cultures with
varying economic resources - Data can be used to assess a countrys compliance
with the UN Convention and, over time, their
improvement in meeting the requirements set out
under the Convention.