Title: Jerry Brown
1Permafrost-Seasonally Frozen Ground and IGOS-C
Jerry Brown International Permafrost
Association October 16-18, 2006
2Argentina Austria Belgium Canada China Denmark Fin
land Germany Iceland Italy Japan Kazakhstan Mongol
ia Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal
Russia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland UK US
Look Global - Think Local Mapping - Remote
Sensing Monitoring Modeling
3IPA Cooperation
- CLiC SCAR - IPA Partners (CLiC MOU)
- IPY - WMO, ICSU (four permafrost related
approved projects) - GEO (as of October 16, 2006)
- ESA - Challenge 5 (SP-1305)
Argentina Austria Canada China Denmark Finland Ger
many Iceland Italy Japan Kazakhstan Mongolia Nethe
rlands New Zealand Norway Poland PortugalRussia S
outh Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA
4IPY Approved Projects
Response and Role of Permafrost on a Warming
Argentina Austria Belgium Canada China Denmark Fin
land Germany Iceland Italy Japan Kazakhstan Mongol
ia Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal
Russia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland UK US
- Project 50 Observatory Project A Contribution
to the Thermal State of Permafrost (TSP) - Project 90 Arctic Circumpolar Coastal
Observatory Network (ACCO-Net) - Project 373 Carbon Pools in Permafrost Regions
(CAPP) - Project 33 Antarctic and sub-Antarctic
Permafrost, Periglacial and Soil Environments
(ANTPAS) - Education, Outreach and Data - PYRN, IUCP, CAPS
5 - IPA-IPY Permafrost Legacy
- International Network of Permafrost
Observatories - Sustainable Permafrost Database and Mapping
- New Generation of Permafrost Researchers(PYRN)
6Permafrost regions about 23.9 of the land mass
Seasonally frozen ground regions about 57 on
average (Zhang et al., 2003).
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- Permafrost thermal state
- Active layer
- IPY 2007-2009)
- Borehole Campaign TSP - Snapshot
- Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM)
The value of observational data increases with
every additional year of measurement www.gtnp.org
9IGOS-C Parameters
- Permafrost temperature (GTN-P)
- Active layer depth (GTN-P)
- Soil freezing (non permafrost) - temperature
- Freeze-thaw season- duration
- Soil moisture
- Surface elevation (subsidence)
- Slope movement
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11GTOS/GCOS GTN-P Monitoring Deficiency (2.50 Grid)
12TSP Optional Measurements
- 1. Climate station
- 2. Permafrost temperature
- at a minimum of four levels
- 3. Continuous logging (annual)
- 4. Active layer observations (depth,
temperatures, moisture, settlement) - 5. Data telemetry
13Northern Alaska Permafrost Observatories
14Trends in Permafrost Temperature
Mackenzie Valley, south of Norman Wells
Mackenzie Delta Region
Temperature at 28m depth
0.1C per decade
0.7C per decade
0.3C per decade
From Smith et al. 2005
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16Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring
(CALM)Maximum summer thaw www.udel.edu/geography
17North American Arctic Transect Activities
- CALM Grids
- Active layer
- Vegetation
- Snow
- Climate /permafrost
- Met station
- Soil temperatures
- Frost heave
- Soils
- Characterization
- Nitrogen mineralization
- Decomposition
- Vegetation
- Classification
- Biomass
- Mapping
- Remote sensing
- Mapping
Dalton Highway (7 locations)
ACD Products
Circum-Arctic Coastal Key Sites
Project 90 Arctic Circumpolar Coastal
Observatory Network (ACCO)
19Cape Bolvansky Coastal Permafrost Observatory
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23Ice-Wedge Degradation in Northern Alaska
Intermediate Degradation
Initial Degradation
Green Tussocks
Dead Tussocks
Advanced Degradation
Initial Stabilization
Photos by Jorgenson
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26Collapse-scar Fen, Tanana Flats
Photo by Jorgenson
27In the area of wet thermokarst formation, new
and significant sources of CH4 production will be
developing. There will be a considerable
difference in greenhouse production from
degrading permafrost depending on a different
type of substrate and soil carbon quantity and
28Greening of the Arctic (GOA)NDVI Normalized
Difference Vegetation Index (NIR-R)/(NIRR)
NIR spectral reflectance in the near-infrared
band (0.725 - 1.1µm) R reflectance in the red,
chlorophyll-absorbing portion of the spectrum
(0.58 to 0.68µm).
- 24-year record of greenness across the entire
circumpolar Arctic as measured by NDVI) using
satellite imagery (AVHRR and MODIS).
29Some Recommendations
- Increase number of GTN-P sites (TSP, AL)
representative regions and sites - Establish multi-temporal field monitoring -
detect changes and rates (degradation
subsidence) - Employ multi-temporal and mutli-sensor remote
sensing (mapping and monitoring change) - Refine and validate regional and global models
- Rescue, archive and distribute data
- Need for high-resolution DEM of permafrost
regions - Prepare products (CAPS 3.0 NSIDC-2009-10), maps
30Global Geocryological Data System
31Some more Recommendations Seasonally Frozen
Ground (Soils)Tingjun Zhang, NSIDC
- Increase number of sites to measure soil
temperature and soil freeze/thaw status. - Rescue the existing soil temperature worldwide
- Develop partnerships to co-locate seasonally
frozen ground sites with those monitoring other
components such as snow and soil moisture - Develop and validate remote sensing algorithms to
detect soil freeze/thaw cycles (microwave passive
and active sensors) - Develop a comprehensive model to produce blended
frozen ground products.
32Conference ThemePermafrost on a Warming Planet
Impacts on Ecosystems, Infrastructure, and Climate
On-line pre-registration www.nicop.org
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341997 IPA Map
35Monitoring Regions