Title: Gathering, Organizing
1Gathering, Organizing Using Information
2Gathering, Organizing Using Information
- Info. must be organized and filtered.
- Imperfect amounts of info.
- Categories of info.
- 1) defines the problems.
- 2) environmental
- 3) impact of alternatives
- Pub. Sector info needs tend to be greater than in
private sector. Why????
3Gathering, Organizing Using Information
- The greater need tends to increase the cost of
having too much of the wrong info. - Sufficient info
- -reduces risks and uncertainty
- -increases the probability of successful
4Gathering, Organizing Using Information
- Distortion
- -caused by different perspectives
- Anti-distortion factors
- 1)Multiple int. info sources
- 2) Obtain ext. sources
- 3) Direct communication
- 4) Create distortion proof messages
5Gathering, Organizing Using Information
- Influences on type of info received
- -org. culture
- -org. structure and SOPs
- -your mgmt. level w/in hierarchy
- -your ability to pursue obtain info
6Gathering, Organizing Using Information
- The matrix on page 161 gives a framework for
decisions about your informational needs - At the highest mgmt. levels, youll need all 8
categories of info because you need greater
conceptual info. The Big Picture
7Gathering, Organizing Using Information
- IM requires you to consider the types of info
needed - Types include
- 1) info necessary to complete tasks
- 2) info for internal and external use to
explain and defend the task
8Gathering, Organizing Using Information
- Operating an org. relates to defining problems
and obtaining quantitative and anecdotal info to
present a dramatic image of the urgency of the
problem. - Selling an org. relates to explaining
organizational tasks to an outsider.
9Gathering, Organizing Using Information
- Influencing the flow of info.
- Informal networks provide info about
- Employee strengths, talents, weaknesses
- Employee preferences
- Informal leaders
- Units that might be resistant to change
- External contacts are also vital in aggressively
pursuing info because it provides an expanded
base of info.
10Gathering, Organizing Using Information
- Info must be screened, prioritized and filtered
- You must inform your staff of types of info
needed to make decisions. - Strategies to get accurate information
- TQM and Quality Circles
11Gathering, Organizing Using Information
- Organizing flow of info.
- -Problems of low is often indicator of poor
structure - -Hoarding decreases effectiveness
12Gathering, Organizing Using Information
- Technology influences flow of information
- Types of technology
- Advantages of ea.
- Disadvantages of ea.
- .
- Strategies to increase personal info.
13Gathering, Organizing Using Information
- Information breakdown
- -staff does not receive info essential to
complete tasks - -request for info met with outdated data
- -hoarded info
- -inadequate external networks
- -insufficient aggressive efforts to obtain
14Strategies for Information Management
- Linked to informal networks
- Prioritize info needs
- Analyze costs of reporting and organizing info
- Establish an info system
- Info systems-well organized, flexible
- Mechanism for regular reporting
- Utilize info to improve day-to-day performance
15Gathering, Organizing Using Information
- Formal and Informal Release of Info.
- -The more important the info the more diligent
the media to find someone to leak the story. - -Costs and benefits must be analyzed before
sharing info, if you are trying to avoid leaks. - -Fewer people with info decreases chance of
leaks - -Establish clear rules on who releases info.