Title: Exploding Some Myths
1Exploding Some Myths Getting on T-A-R-G-E-T
with Reading
- Teri S. Lesesne
- Sam Houston State University
2To the woman (we think youre a teacher) with the
books on the 2 train
- By some anonymous students
3Read it online _at_ Stenhouse.com
4Myths of Reading
5Myth 1
- Kids must read only good books and not be
permitted a chance to read popular books.
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11Myth 2
- Readability levels (lexiles, reading levels,
etc.) are a good way of matching kids to books
14IL 3-6 grade
15Some Readability Levels
- Fallen Angels and Make Way for Ducklings
- 4.2
- Live of Pi, Huckleberry Finn, Secret Life of Bees
- 5.0
16What about lexiles?
- Cannot lexile poetry
- Cannot lexile drama
- Lexiles are as flawed as reading levels
- Here are some examples
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185th grade level 730 lexile
19Myth 3
- Kids will learn on their own to distinguish
between good literature and bad literature.
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21Myth 4
- Once kids are independent readers, we do not need
to use strategies such as reading aloud and
paired and shared reading. - Giles and Gibbs research K-12
- Having a teacher read aloud
- Lesesne research
- audiobooks
22Great in Audio
- Gregor and the Warmbloods
- Fantasy audio helps with pronunciation
- Nightjohn
- Dialect
- Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing
- Sentence structure and vocabulary
23Myth 5
- One size fits all
- Canned reading programs
- Grade level lists
- Required reading lists
- The canon
24T A R G E T-ingReaders
25T is for TRUST
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28A is for ACCESS
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31R is for RESPONSE
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33G is for GUIDANCE
34Reading Ladders
- Taking readers from where they ARE to where we
would like them to BE one step at a time
35Logan, Benedict, Professor Wordsworth
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41T is for TEEN APPEAL
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- Reading
- Reading aloud
- Booktalking
46Littlest Fastidious Thin Eldest John
47Murray Nikki Sheriff Gates
48Liesel WW II Munich Death
49Reading Aloud
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58Read to thembySteven Layne
- Read to them.
- Before the time is gone and stillness fills the
room again. Read to them.
59What if it were meant to be that you were the
one, the only one, who could unlock the doors and
share the magic with them? What is others have
been daunted by such scheduling demands, district
objectives, or one hundred other obstacles?
60Read to them. Be confident Charlotte has been
able to teach them about friendship and Horton
about self worth. Be sure the Skin Horse has
been able to deliver his message.
61Read to them. Let them meet Tigger, Homer Price,
Aslan, and Corduroy take them to Oz, Prydain
and Camazotz. Show them a Truffalo Tree.
62Read to them. Laugh with them at Soup and Rob,
and cry with them when the Queen of Terabithia is
forever lost. Allow the Meeker family to turn
loyalty, injustice, and war into something much
more than a vocabulary lesson.
63What if you were the one, the only one, with the
chance to do it? What if this is the critical
year for even one child? Read to them. Before
the time, before the chance, is gone.
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