Title: Welcome To: 360 Feedback Overview
1Welcome To360 Feedback Overview
Quantum Services Inc.
2360 Implementation Model
Validate Competencies Skills
Management Review
Data Collection Process
Feedback Coaching
Clarify Organization Goals Needs
Determine Objectives for the 360 Surveys
Link Validate Survey to Goals
4Validate Competencies
Identify Competencies Needed For Organizational
Determine Competencies for Participants
Link and Validate to EE Positions
5Data Collection Process
Develop Data Capture Structure
Link To Skills or Competencies
Create Reports
Identify Competencies Needed for Organizational
Determine Competencies for Participants
Link and Validate to EE Positions
7Feedback Coaching
Link Feedback Results To Skills
Develop Improvement Plan
Develop Feedback Structure
8Management Review
Identify Competencies Needed For Organizational
Link and Validate to EE Positions
Determine Competencies for Participants
9Excel 360 Feedback Process
- Get Template
- Fills out name Saves file
- Emails to Survey OR
- Receives Report
- Hold Feedback Review
- Create Improvement Plan
- Receives Email
- Fills out Survey (saves)
- Send Excel/fax to QSI
- Attend Feedback Review
- Create Improvement Plan
- Receive Email/fax
- Enters Data
- Generates Reports
- Emails/Mail to HR/Boss
- Receives Reports
- Assist in Feedback Review when Requested
- Receives Copy of Plan
10Web 360 Feedback Process
- Select Survey
- Fills out name
- Clicks Submit
- Ccthemselves
- Receives Report
- Hold Feedback Review
- Create Improvement Plan
- Receives Email
- Clicks Link
- Fills out Survey (submit)
- Attend Feedback Review
- Create Improvement Plan
- Receives Reports
- Assist in Feedback Review when Requested
- Receives Copy of Plan
- Tracks Surveyor if not submitted.
- Generates Reports
- Emails/Mail to HR/Boss
11360 Data Collection Process
Develop Validate Outcomes
Develop Skills or Competences
Benchmarked Expectations Resource List
Link and Validate to Goals
Link To Skills or Competences
Develop Data Capture Structure
Create Reports
Develop Feedback Structure
Develop Improvement Plan
Link Feedback Results To Skills