Title: The Wonderful World of Hairs and Fibers
1The Wonderful World of Hairs and Fibers
2Different Scopes used to analyze hair and fiber
- Compound light
- Comparison
- Dissecting
- Polarized
- Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
3Stages of Hair Life
- Anagen
- Growing stage
- Up to 6 years possible
- Root shaped like flame
- Hair grows 1cm/month (1 every 10 weeks)
4Stages of Hair Life
- Catagen
- 3 weeks long
- Dormant, resting stage
- Root? gets longer and thinner
5Stages of Hair Life
- Telogen
- 6 months
- Root ?
- Club shaped
- Pushes out and is shed
- Lose approximately 70 hairs/day
6Human Hair Parts
- 1. Root
- 2. Follicle
- 3. Shaft
- 4. Tip
7Human Hair Parts
- 1. Distal (tip)
- 2. Proximal (root end)
- 3. Medulla
- 4. Cuticle (contains scale pattern)
- 5. Cortex
8Scale patterns
- Imbricated
- Mosaic
- Petal
- Pectinate
- Chevron
9Medulla Types
- Continuous
- Fragmented
- Intermittent/interrupted
10Medullary Index of Hair
- To find the MI
- Diameter of medulla/hair shaft diameter
- Humans
- Other animals 1/2
- Classify Medulla as
- Continuous, Interrupted, Fragmented, or Absent
11Example Medulla Patterns that can be seen
- Lattice
- Vacuolated
- Uniserial
- Multiserial
12Deer, Dog Muskrat hair
13Which is Caucasian, Negroid, Mongoloid Head Hair?
Caucasian, Europeans, Mexicans, Middle
Easterners oval to round
Negroid, Africans oval to flat
Mongoloid, Orientals, American Indians round
14Pulled Hair v. Shed Hair
Anagen Stage
Pulled Hair
Telogen stage
15Razor, Cut hair Split hair
16Human eyebrow
17Burned hair
18Buckling of hair seen in pubic hair
19Hair match
- This is the view that a comparison scope can give
when comparing two matching hairs
20The small things in life
Eyelash mites
Bedbug feeding on flesh
22Types of fibers
- Natural fibers
- Animal fibers are most common at crime scene
- Man-made
23Natural fibers
- Animal
- Wool from sheep most common
- Goats, camel, alpaca, rabbit, mink, llamas,
beaver - Plant
- Cotton most common
- Flax (linen), ramie, sisal, jute, hemp
- Excrement
- Silk from silkworm (cellulose from mulberry
leaves) - Mineral
- Asbestos
24Cotton fibers cross-section
25Wool fibers v. Cotton fibers
26Flax Fibers
27Hemp fibers
28Silk fibers
29Asbestos fibers
30Man-Made fibers
- Regenerated fibers
- Machine made from natural materials like cotton
or wood - 1910 rayon, then acetate, then triacetate
- Synthetic fibers
- Most fibers are made synthetically from chemicals
- 1939 nylon, then polyester and acrylic
- Shape or cross-section can determine value of the
fiber manufacturer specific
31Nylon fiber cross sections
32Acetate Fibers
33Nylon fibers
34Orlon Fibers
35Polypropylene fibers