The mathematical sciences particularly exhibit
order, symmetry, and limitation and these are
the greatest forms of the beautiful.-- Aristotle
What to expect?
- Fun and friendly atmosphere
- Challenging and fast-paced
- College style teaching
- Black Holes
3Course Load
- 30 minutes of thought provoking homework
questions a night. - Notes on new material once a week.
- Direct connection of material to students lives
- online homework
In physics B labs are utilized regularly to
create a hands on environment. This helps the
students gain a better understanding of the
engineering world.
- Occasional Nutritional Analysis labs? great!
5Physics B
(The better one)
Physics C
6Content Area
B C I. Newtonian
Mechanics 35
100 A. Kinematics 7 18 B.
Newtons Laws of Motion 9
20 C. Work, Power, Energy
5 14 D. Systems of particles
4 12
linear momentum E. Circular motion and rotation
4 18 F. Oscillations
and gravitation 6
18 II. Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Physics
15 A. Fluid Mechanics
6 B. Temperature and heat
2 C. Kinetic Theory and
7 Thermodynamics
7Content Area (2nd Semester)
III. Electricity and Magnetism
25 100 A.
5 30 B.
Conductors, capacitors, dielectrics 4
14 C. Electric circuits
20 D. Magnetic Fields
20 E. Electromagnetism 5
16 IV. Waves and Optics
15 A. Wave motion
5 B. Physical Optics
5 C. Geometric
Optics 5 V. Atomic and
Nuclear Physics
10 A. Atomic Physics and quantum effects
7 B. Nuclear Physics 3
8Course contains topics in waves, fluids, and
atomic and nuclear physics which are not topics
in A.P. Physics C. This can be helpful for
medical professionals and other technical fields.
- ThereforeTake Physics B
- Go Bruins 2011