Title: Folie 1
1 Desertec from Spectacular Idea to Reality
Presenter Johanna Weber, Munich Re, Munich,
On October 30th 2009 the DII GmbH (limited
liability company) was founded. With its
foundation a unique industry initiative to
develop a reliable, sustainable and
climate-friendly energy supply from the deserts
in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is
taking shape. Some three months had passed since
the Desertec Industrial Initiative was launched
with the signature of the Memorandum of
Understanding. In the meantime, the 13 founding
shareholders, comprising 12 companies including
Munich Re and the Desertec Foundation, have
clarified the framework in which they will work
together. The current group of 13 voting
shareholders is expected to be extended over the
next few months to include participants from a
number of countries. The DII has gained support
from a wide variety of political and governmental
institutions in the MENA region and Europe.
Nevertheless the challenges ahead are clear How
can participation and involvement of the
governments, NGOs and private sector agencies in
the Middle East and North Africa be stimulated?
Also addressed will be the topic What was
necessary in the last months to achieve the
appropriate balance between DIIs various
stakeholders, to achieve a successful
communication of the DII? Chart 1 Desertec Map
a Multi-Stakeholder Project
Corporate Reputation Management
2Chart 2 Desertec on its Way to Become an
International Topic Topics for
discussion in the workshop Which stakeholders
should be approach with what message concerning
their individual potential rewards from the
project? What could be repercussions in the
countries of origin of the project partners? How
to identify the opinion-leading national and
international stakeholders (e.g. African
governments, UN, NGOs) and map their
interests? How to coordinate 12 companies and a
foundation in the centre of their network to
ensure effective communication. What are the
mechanics of successful coordination and
Corporate Reputation Management
Basis Number of stories in international media
(Factiva) on Desertec by language