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S 6


CREATE VIEW accounts (title, advance, amt_due) AS ... EXECUTE au_info2 'Wh%', EXECUTE au_info2 _at_firstname = 'A ... First, create the procedure: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: create | pattern


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: S 6

  • ????µa 3

  • This query finds the names of all publishers who
    publish business books
  • USE pubs
  • SELECT DISTINCT pub_name FROM publishers WHERE
    EXISTS (SELECT FROM titles WHERE pub_id
    publishers.pub_id AND type 'business')
  • SELECT distinct pub_name FROM publishers WHERE
    pub_id IN (SELECT pub_id FROM titles WHERE type

  • If a table appears only in a subquery and not in
    the outer query, then columns from that table
    cannot be included in the output (the select list
    of the outer query).
  • Statements that include a subquery usually take
    one of these formats
  • WHERE expression NOT IN (subquery)
  • WHERE expression comparison_operator (subquery)
  • WHERE NOT EXISTS (subquery)

Examples with Subqueries
  • / SELECT statement built using a subquery. /
  • SELECT ProductName FROM Northwind.dbo.Products
    WHERE UnitPrice (SELECT UnitPrice FROM
    Northwind.dbo.Products WHERE ProductName 'Sir
    Rodney''s Scones')
  • / SELECT statement built using a join that
    returns the same result set. /
  • SELECT Prd1.ProductName FROM Northwind.dbo.Produc
    ts AS Prd1 JOIN Northwind.dbo.Products AS Prd2 ON
    (Prd1.UnitPrice Prd2.UnitPrice) WHERE
    Prd2.ProductName 'Sir Rodney''s Scones'

  • ??µ??????a ap??? a?af????
  • Simple Summary Reports

  • ? GROUP BY s??t?seta? ?? e???
  • SELECT column,SUM(column) FROM table GROUP BY

  • SUM(expression) - ?T???S??-
  • Returns the total of the values in the numeric
  • AVG(expression) - ??S?S ???S-
  • Returns the average of the values in the numeric
  • COUNT(expression) - ???T??S ???O?-
  • Returns the number of non-null values in the
  • MAX(expression) - ??G?S??-
  • Returns the highest value in the column.
  • MIN(expression) - ?????S??-
  • Returns the lowest value in the column.

S??a?t?se?? -Aggregate functions
  • ?? s??a?t?se?? a?t?? e?te???? ??a? ?p?????sµ? se
    ??a s????? t?µ?? ?a?e p?st??f??? µ?a t?µ?. ?e
    e?a??es? t?? COUNT, ?? s??a?t?se?? a?????? t??
    t?µ?? null.
  • ?? s??a?t?se?? ???s?µ?p?????ta? s???? µe t??
    ??f?as? GROUP BY se ??a SELECT.
  • ?p?t??p??ta? ? e?f??se?? se
  • The select list of a SELECT statement (either a
    subquery or an outer query).
  • A HAVING clause.

S??a?t?se?? ?a? GROUP BY
  • SELECT type, title_id, avg(price), avg(advance)
    FROM titles GROUP BY type, title_id
  • St?? ??sta ped??? t??GROUP BY p??pe? ?a
    pe????f???? ??a ta ped?a t?? select p?? de? e??a?
  • St? pa?ap??? pa??de??µa, a? ? GROUP BY pe????e?
    µ??? t? 'GROUP BY TYPE', ?a p?????e? sf??µa, p??
    ?a ??e? ?t? t? title_id ß??s?eta? st? ??sta t??
    select a??? ??? st? group. ??a, t? title_id
    p??pe? e?te ?a pa?a??f?e? ap? t? select ? ?a
    p??ste?e? st? group by .

  • For example, this statement finds the average
    price and the sum of year-to-date sales, grouped
    by type and publisher ID
  • SELECT type, pub_id, 'avg' AVG(price), 'sum'
    sum(ytd_sales) FROM titles GROUP BY type, pub_id
  • type pub_id avg
  • ------------ ------ --------------------------
  • business 0736 11.96
  • business 1389 17.31
  • mod_cook 0877 11.49
  • popular_comp 1389 21.48
  • psychology 0736 45.93
  • psychology 0877 21.59
  • trad_cook 0877 15.96
  • UNDECIDED 0877 (null)

GROUP BY and Null Values
  • ?? st? ??sta ped??? t?? group ?p???e? ped?? p??
    pe????e? null t?µ??,t?te t? null ???eta? µ?a ap?
    t?? ?µ?de? t?? group.

Choosing Rows with the HAVING Clause
  • ? ??f?as? HAVING ??te? s?????e? st? GROUP BY ?p??
    ? WHERE a????ep?d?? µe t? SELECT.
  • ?? WHERE ??te? s?????e? p??? t?? ?µad?p???s?
  • ?? HAVING efa?µ??eta? sta ap?te??sµata t??
  • ? s??ta?? t?? HAVING e??a? pa??µ??a µe t?? WHERE,
    µe t? d?af??? ?t? t? HAVING µp??e? ?a pe????e?
    s??a?t?se??. ?? HAVING µp??e? ?a a?af??eta? se
    ped?a p?? eµfa?????ta? st? ??sta t?? select .

Choosing Rows with the HAVING Clause
  • This query finds publishers whose year-to-date
    sales are greater than 40,000
  • SELECT pub_id, total SUM(ytd_sales) FROM titles
    GROUP BY pub_id HAVING SUM(ytd_sales) gt 40000
  • Here is the result set
  • pub_id total ------ ----------- 0877 44219

Choosing Rows with the HAVING Clause
  • To make sure there are at least six books
    involved in the calculations for each publisher,
    this example uses HAVING COUNT() gt 5 to
    eliminate the publishers that return totals for
    fewer than six books
  • USE pubs SELECT pub_id, total SUM(ytd_sales)
    FROM titles GROUP BY pub_id HAVING COUNT() gt 5
    Here is the result set
  • pub_id total ------ ----------- 0877 44219 1389

  • Understanding the correct sequence in which the
    WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses are applied
    helps in coding efficient queries
  • The WHERE clause is used to filter the rows that
    result from the operations specified in the FROM
  • The GROUP BY clause is used to group the output
    of the WHERE clause.
  • The HAVING clause is used to filter rows from the
    grouped result.

  • ? ORDER BY ???s?µ?p??e?ta? ??a ?a ta????µ?se? t?
    ap?t??esµa t?? GROUP BY.
  • SELECT pub_id, SUM(advance) AS AmountAdvanced,
    AVG(price) AS AveragePrice FROM pubs.dbo.titles
    WHERE pub_id gt '0800' AND price gt 5 GROUP BY
    pub_id HAVING SUM(advance) gt 15000 AND
    AVG(price) lt 20 ORDER BY pub_id DESC

  • ?a ß?e?e? ? µ???st? t?µ? ß????? p?? ??e?
    ?ata?????e? st? ß?s?
  • ?a ß?e?e? ? µ?s?? ???? t?? ß????? ???e as?e????
  • ?a ß?e?e? ? µ?s?, e????st? ?a? µ???st? t?µ?
    ???????? ???e as?e???? t?? te?e?ta?? µ??a
  • ?a ß?e?e? ? µ?s? ?????a t?? a?d??? d?aß?t????
    pe?at?? t?? ?at?e???
  • ?a ß?e?e? ? µ?s?? ???? ep?s???e?? t?? as?e???
  • ?a ß?e?e? p?se? ???????? p???e?? ????? ???e? ??a
    ???e as?e??

User Views - ??e??
  • ?e? e??a? p?a?µat???? p??a?e?
  • ?p?te???? ape?????se?? se p?a?µat????? ?p??a?e?
  • ? ???st?? ß??pe? ?a? ?e????eta? t?? ??e?? sa?
    p?a?µat????? p??a?e? ?a? µp??e? ?a ???e? p???e??
    p??? s a?t??
  • ? p?a?µat??? ß?s? de ??e???eta? ?a
    a?ad????a???eta? ??a t?? d?af??et???? a????e? t??
    ???e ???st?

User Views - ??e??
  • G?a ?a est??se? ? ???st?? se s???e???µ??a
  • G?a ?a d?e????????? t? d?a?e???s? t?? ded?µ????,
    µ?a p?? ta constraints ????? ?d? te?e?
  • ??af??et???? ???ste? µp????? ?a ???s?µ?p????? t??
    ?d?a ß?s? µe p??sa?µ?sµ??? t??p?
  • G?a t?? e?a???? ded?µ???? se ???e? efa?µ????
  • G?a asf??e?a. ?? ???ste? µp????? ?a a??????? µ???
    ta ded?µ??a p?? ß??p???

  • CREATE VIEW viewname As
  • Select CLAUSE
  • DROP VIEW viewname

  • CREATE VIEW titles_view As Select title, type,
    price, pubdate FROM titles
  • CREATE VIEW accounts (title, advance, amt_due) AS
  • SELECT title, advance, price royalty
  • FROM titles
  • WHERE price gt 5
  • CREATE VIEW categories (category, average_price)
  • SELECT type, AVG(price) FROM titles
  • GROUP BY type

  • ??e??
  • ?? ep?s???e?? ???e as?e?? ??a t?? te?e?ta?? ?????
  • ?? fa?µa?e?t???? a????? ap? t? ??at?? ??a t??
    µet??se?? t?? eßd?µ?da?
  • ??? as?e??, ? µ???st? t?µ? ???????? t?? µ??a
  • ?µ???? ß?????

Stored Procedures
  • Simple Procedure with a Complex SELECT
  • This stored procedure returns all authors (first
    and last names supplied), their titles, and their
    publishers from a four-table join. This stored
    procedure does not have any parameters.
  • CREATE PROCEDURE au_info_all AS
  • SELECT au_lname, au_fname, title, pub_name
  • FROM authors a, titles t, publishers p,
    titleauthor ta
  • WHERE a.au_id ta.au_id AND t.title_id
    ta.title_id AND
  • t.pub_id p.pub_id
  • The au_info_all stored procedure can be executed
    in the following ways
  • EXECUTE au_info_all , EXEC au_info_all
  • Or, if this procedure is the first statement
    within the batch
  • au_info_all

Stored Procedures
  • Simple Procedure with Parameters
  • This stored procedure returns only the specified
    authors (first and last names supplied), their
    titles, and their publishers from a four-table
    join. This stored procedure accepts exact matches
    for the parameters passed.
  • _at_lastname varchar(40), _at_firstname varchar(20)
  • SELECT au_lname, au_fname, title, pub_name
  • FROM authors, titles, publishers, titleauthor
  • WHERE au_fname _at_firstname AND
  • au_lname _at_lastname AND authors.au_id
    titleauthor.au_id AND
  • titles.title_id titleauthor.title_id AND
    titles.pub_id publishers.pub_id
  • The au_info stored procedure can be executed in
    the following ways
  • EXECUTE au_info 'Dull', 'Ann, EXEC au_info
    'Dull', 'Ann'
  • EXECUTE au_info _at_lastname 'Dull', _at_firstname
  • EXECUTE au_info _at_firstname 'Ann', _at_lastname
  • or, if this procedure is the first statement
    within the batch au_info 'Dull', 'Ann'

Stored Procedures
  • Simple Procedure with Wildcard Parameters
  • This stored procedure returns only the specified
    authors (first and last names supplied), their
    titles, and their publishers from a four-table
    join. This stored procedure pattern matches the
    parameters passed or, if not supplied, uses the
  • CREATE PROCEDURE au_info2 _at_lastname varchar(30)
  • _at_firstname varchar(18) ' AS
  • SELECT au_lname, au_fname, title, pub_name
  • FROM authors a, titles t, publishers p,
    titleauthor ta
  • WHERE au_fname LIKE _at_firstname AND au_lname LIKE
  • AND a.au_id ta.au_id AND t.title_id
    ta.title_id AND t.pub_id p.pub_id
  • The au_info2 stored procedure can be executed in
    many combinations. For simplicity, only a few
    combinations are shown.
  • EXECUTE au_info2, EXECUTE au_info2 'Hunter',
  • EXECUTE au_info2 'Wh, EXECUTE au_info2
    _at_firstname 'A,
  • EXECUTE au_info2 'CKarsOEn', EXECUTE
    au_info2 'H', 'S'

Stored Procedures
  • Use OUTPUT Parameters
  • OUTPUT parameters are used to allow an external
    procedure, a batch, or SQL statements access to a
    value set during the procedure execution. In this
    example, a stored procedure (titles_sum) is
    created and allows one optional input parameter
    and one output parameter.
  • First, create the procedure
  • CREATE PROCEDURE titles_sum _at_title varchar(40)
    '', _at_sum money OUTPUT AS SELECT 'Title Name'
    title FROM titles WHERE title LIKE _at_title
  • SELECT _at_sum SUM(price) FROM titles WHERE title
    LIKE _at_title
  • Next, use the OUTPUT parameter with
    control-of-flow extensions. Note that the OUTPUT
    variable must be defined during the table
    creation as well as during use of the variable.
    When using a variable, the parameter name and
    variable name do not need to match however, the
    datatype and parameter positioning must match
    (unless _at_sum variable is used).

  • ?????ta? t? ???µa as?e????, ?a ß??s?eta? se p??a
    ?µe??µ???a pa???s?ase t? µ???st? ß???? ?a? p???
    ?ta? a?t?.
  • ?????ta? t? ???µa as?e???? ?a ß??s?eta? e?? ?a?
    p?te ??a?e ? ??at??? ???????? p???e?? (d?a???se??
    , fa?µa?e?t???? a?????) ??a t?? as?e?? a?t? ?a?
    p??e? ?ta? a?t??.
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