Title: Experimental Resolution Function for Pixels Part II
1Experimental Resolution Function for PixelsPart
- Sommary
- Introduction
- Two sets of F
- Support from the data
- Agreement with data
- Conclusions
2IntroductionResolution Function
- Resolution function F density probability of
residuals - It is a function of track angle and clusters
size FF(b,cw) - More generally F is also a function of
- Detector technology
- Readout chip
- Finding Position Algorithm
- Detector bias and threshold
- Position
- Radiation damage
- It is justified from the data and from the toy
model to write F has a sum of two part
F (b) Fun-th (b) Ffull-cs (b)
Neighbor pixel under threshold
Full charge sharing d ray
3Two sets of F
- If the Threshold is very small you have almost
always charge sharing due to the diffusion of the
charge collected - No dependence of F to the cluster size but only
respect to the angle - For a fixed angle F is well described by a
GaussianPower law fit with the exponent about 2
- But in real life the threshold is not negligible
(this is also more true considering radiation
damage effects) and often a pixel in the cluster
is under threshold - Two ranges of clusters size with a dependence on
the angle - In the first range F is well described by a
Conv(box,Gaussian)Power law - The second fit is a generalization of the first
one and than make sense to use just this for the
two part - The data and the toy model suggest to write
F (b) Fun-th (b) Ffull-cs (b) - with both fitted by Conv(box,Gaussian)Power
4Support from the data
Pspray-fpix0 angle0
Cluster size2
Cluster size1
Cluster size4
Cluster size3
Cluster size6
Cluster size5
The distribution of xtrack-xmes for different
cluster size confirm that F is a sum of two
contribution one due to cluster size one and the
other due to cluster size bigger than one
5Agreement with dataConv(Box,Gaussian) power
law fit
Fpix0-pstop angle0 cw 2
Fpix0-pstop angle0 cw gt1
To put cw2,3,4 Give better results
6Agreement with dataFpix1-Pstop
Fpix1-pstop angle30 all cw
c20.8 For others angle the c2 is near to 1
In this case the contribution from clusters with
hits under threshold is negligible
7Agreement with data Fpix1-Pstop
0 degrees considers only cluster with more
than one pixels
- F is experimentally well parameterized by two
sets of 7 constants for each angle - The two set shrink to one for angle gt 10
- The 7 constants have a physical interpretation
- The model is easy to implement in a simulation
without loose in speed - The tail satisfies a power law with universal
exponent 2 - We have a quantitative way to study the tail for
- Comparison
- Improve Finding Position Algorithms
- There is a concrete possibility to do an accurate
deconvolution of the non-Gaussian tails from the
physical signals