Title: Department of Commerce Demonstration Project Training for Managers
1Department of CommerceDemonstration
ProjectTrainingfor Managers
- Increase efficiency of personnel system
- Strengthen managers role
- Improve ability to hire, motivate and retain
staff - Emphasize pay for performance
4System Attributes
- Simplified/Understandable
- Flexible
- Delegated Decision-making
- Performance Enhancing
- Partnership Based
- Budget Discipline
- Fair Equitable
5Employees Covered
- Covered
- GS
- GM
- ST3104 (appraisal, awards, RIF only)
- Excluded
- WG
6Administration of the Project
- Office of Personnel Management
- Final Approval of Demo Project Plan
- Final Approval of Major Plan Changes
- Final Approval of Implementation Regulations
- Annual Evaluations
- Reports to Congress
- Members include Deputy Assistant Administrators
for each NOAA Participating Operating Unit - Evaluate, propose, review and provide comments or
recommendations on policies, procedures and
system changes - Oversee implementation of Demo policies,
procedures, position classification proposals, or
automated system changes - Oversee NOAA-wide training activities
8Administration of the Project
- Department Personnel Management Board (DPMB)
- Members include DOC/Operating Unit Top Management
- DOC Approval Authority for Project Plan
- DOC Approval Authority for Project Plan Change
- DOC Approval Authority for Implementing
Regulations - Sets Project Policies
9Administration of the Project
- DPMB (continued)
- Delegates Authorities to Operating Personnel
Management Boards (OPMBs) - Authorizes Exceptions to Policies
- Establishes Project Training Plans
- Facilities Project Evaluation
10Administration of the Project
- Operating Personnel Management Board (OPMB)
- Established for Each Line Operating Unit
- Membership includes Operating Unit top management
- Establishes Operating Unit guidelines within
delegated authorities - Delegates authorities to Operating Unit managers
11Administration of the Project
- OPMB (continued)
- Oversees training of Operating Unit Management
- Requests exceptions to policies to DPMB
- Facilitates project evaluation
13Classification Objectives
- Simplify classification process
- Increase management authority, accountability and
- One Pay Schedule (GS for all White Collar
Occupations) - 15 Grade Levels, each with 10 steps
- 100s of OPM Classification Standards
Individualized PDs.
- 4 Pay Schedules Career Paths
- - Scientific Engineering (ZP)
- - Technical (ZT)
- - Administrative (ZA)
- - Support (ZS)
- 5 Pay Bands with Range of Salaries. No Steps
- Limited Number of DOC developed standards
16Career Path Definitions
- Two-grade interval professional technical
positions in the physical, engineering,
biological, mathematical, computer and social
sciences and student positions for training in
these disciplines.
Scientific/ Engineering (ZP)
- One-grade interval nonprofessional technical
positions that support scientific and engineering
activities through the application of various
skills and techniques in the electrical,
mechanical, physical science, biology,
mathematics, and computer fields and student
positions for training in these skills.
Scientific/ Engineering Technician (ZT)
17Career Path Definitions
- Two-grade interval positions in such
administrative and managerial fields as finance,
procurement, personnel, librarianship, public
information, and program management and analysis
and student positions for training in these
Administrative (ZA)
- One-grade interval positions that provide
administrative support through the application of
typing, clerical, secretarial, assistant, and
similar knowledge and skills positions that
provide specialized facilities support, such as
guard and fire fighter and student positions for
training in these skills.
Support (ZS)
18Purpose of Classification
- To categorize positions by
- Career Path
- Occupational Series
- Pay Band
- Title
19Classification Principles
- Provide classification equity
- Support the mission
- Consider the whole job
- Support Pay-for-Performance
20Features of Pay Banding
- Fewer, broader and simpler standards
- More understandable classification
- Shorter position descriptions
- Fewer classification decisions
21Features of Pay Banding(continued)
- Complements pay for performance
- More flexible entry pay
- Better link to career stages
22Features of Pay Banding(continued)
- Less documentation
- Easier to automate
- Facilitates delegation to line managers
23Features of Career Paths
- Similar treatment for similar occupations
- Broader and simpler classification standards
- Focus on agency-specific work
24 Classification System
Automated Classification System (http//hr.ohrm.do
- User system
- Validation system
- Storage system
25Automated Classification System
- Supervisors are the authorized users of the
system - Supervisors classify positions, as they create
position descriptions, through menu-driven system - The ACS system stores created position
descriptions and from this database a position
description may be reviewed, copied, revised and
26Classification Logic
- Principal Objective
- Career Path
- Series
- Pay Band
- Title
27P D Components
- Principle objective
- Level designation
- Specialty descriptors
- Key phrases
- Supervisory/Lead designation
- Special qualifications
positions must be accomplished within merit
systems principles
CTAP DOC program designed to assist displaced
(RIFd) employees in finding jobs before they are
separated from DOC. ICTAP Government wide
program designed to assist displaced employee
find federal jobs. RPL A computerized database
of separated (RIFd) DOC employees who must
receive priority consideration for positions
before an offer of employment can be made to a
non-status or non-agency applicant.
31Staffing Options
- Merit Assignment Program (MAP)
- Delegated Examining (DE)
32Merit Assignment Program
- Staffing Program Designed to Recruit from Sources
Inside Government - Vacancy announcement
- Open to current/previous Federal employees and
special appointment authority candidates - Subject to Career Transition Assistance Program
(CTAP/ICTAP) - Veterans preference does not apply
- Select from best qualified applicants
33Delegated Examining
- Staffing program designed to recruit from sources
outside government - Vacancy announcement
- Open to all qualified candidates
- Subject to Career Transition Assistance Program
(CTAP/ICTAP) - Veterans preference applies
- Paid advertising may be used
- Select from top 3 available applicants
34Other Options to Fill Vacancies
- Reassignment
- Transfer
- Reinstatement
- Details
- Temporary Appointment
- Term Appointment
- Temporary Promotion
- Realignment
- Special Hiring Programs
35Special Hiring Programs
- Outstanding Scholar (3.5 GPA)
- VRA (Veterans Recruitment Authority)
- Handicapped
- IPA (Inter-Governmental Personnel Act)
- 30 Disabled Veterans
- Student Employment Program
36Probationary Period
- Appointments of new Federal employees into
research and development positions within the ZP
career path are subject to a three-year
probationary period - Appointment of new Federal employees into
non-research ZP positions and all ZT, ZA, and ZS
positions are subject to a one-year probation
38Reduction in Force System
- Follows all current RIF laws regulations
- Displacement limited to one band below present
level - Preserve retained pay and retained band
- Augmented service credit based on score
- Competitive area is career path commuting area
- Employs the use of RIF panels
39RIF SYSTEM (continued)
- Demo
- Displacement limited to current pay band and one
pay band below - Competitive Area is all positions in a career
path in organization within commuting area - Preserve Retained Pay Retained Band
- Augmented service credit based on score
- Current
- Displacement limited to three grade levels
- Competitive area all positions within
organization at geographic location - Retained Grade Retained Pay
- Augmented service credit based on performance
40Reduction in Force Credit
For Each pay pool - scores in top 30
receive 10 years service credit
- scores below top 30 receive
5 years service credit Applies to last 3 ratings
during 4 -year period for possible total of 30
years credit
41Reduction-in-Force Process
- Human Resource Advisors
- Determine release from competitive level
- Conducts Qualifications Analysis
- Identifies positions for referral to RIF
subpanel(s) - Convenes RIF subpanel(s)
42RIF (continued)
- RIF Subpanel
- Reviews positions for possible bump
- Refers possible positions to RIF Assignment Panel
(RAP) - Comprised of two subject matter specialists
appointed by Chair-RAP - HRA Serves as Technical Advisor Executive
43RIF Assignment Panel (RAP)
- Reviews positions referred by RIF Subpanel for
possible bump - Requests additional info from organization
- Makes final recommendations to servicing HR
Manager - Chaired by OPMB Chair
- Top managers of organization participate as
members of RAP - HRA Serves as Technical Advisor Executive
- Servicing HR Manager
- Receives reviews recommendations from RAP
- Discusses recommendations with RAP
- Makes final decision on the action
46Pay Issues
- Locality pay is included in the Base Rate
- Special Rates expand the pay band but only for
those occupations covered
47Pay Setting
- New Appointments
- Conversion Actions
- Competitive Reassignments
- Promotions (at least 6)
- Change to Lower Band
- Change to Lower Interval
48Pay Ceilings
- Basic Pay for non-supervisory position - maximum
rate of Interval 3 - Basic Pay for supervisory position - maximum rate
of Interval 5 -
49Setting pay for New Hires
- Pay for new hires can be set anywhere within the
pay band except for intervals 4 and 5 - Salary offers can be negotiated
- Recruitment bonus can be offered to scientific,
engineering and other hard to fill positions - Special salary rates expand the pay band
50Things to Consider when setting pay for a new
- Qualifications of applicant and level of
experience - Competitive salaries offered for similar
positions - Comparison of salaries of existing staff
- Expected learning curve training requirements
- Budget Issues in the organizations
- Negotiation of salaries
- Pay progression
- ACI Annual comparability increase
- Eligibility for Performance increase June 4th
51Pay Setting Promotions Reassignments
- Pay may be set anywhere at any level in the new
band - Promotions must receive a minimum of a 6
increase - Competitive movement from one position to another
within the same career path and pay band - No in band promotions
52Recruitment Bonus Criteria
- Special Qualifications for hard to fill positions
- High turnover rate
- Relocation/Dislocation issues
- May not exceed 25 of base salary
- Paid in lump sum or incrementally
- Service Agreement required
- Salary comparability and salary offer issues
53Retention Bonus Criteria
- Highly qualified employee leaving federal service
- OPMB approval required
- Emerging Technology
- May not exceed 25 of base salary
- Special qualifications
- Service Agreement required
54Relocation Bonus Criteria
- May be paid when, in the absence of the bonus, it
will be difficult to fill a position. - Must be justified in writing.
- A relocation bonus is calculated as a percentage
of the employee's rate of basic pay (may not
exceed 25 of basic pay) and paid as a lump sum.
- Before being paid a relocation bonus, the
employee must establish a residence in the new
commuting area. - Service Agreement required.
55Supervisory Pay Criteria
- Must be classified as supervisor
- Up to 6 beyond top of pay band
- Salaries for new supervisors are not set in
intervals 4 and 5 - Movement through intervals 4 and 5 must be earned
through annual performance increases - Supervisory pay is terminated if you leave a
supervisory position
57What is PerformanceManagement ?
- Planning work
- Monitoring work effort
- Developing employees
- Appraising employees
- Rewarding employees
58System Overview
- Two-level Rating System
- - Eligible
- - Unsatisfactory
- Pay for Performance System
- - Performance Pay Increase
- - Bonuses
- - Annual Comparability Increase
Performance Pay Increases Bonuses
- General Increases
- (Annual Comparability Increase)
- WGI/Step Increase
- Inband Promotion
- Special Act or Service Award
Continue Incentive Pay Pool - Salary
Increases Bonus Pool
60Rating Official
- Defines critical elements
- Assigns weight to each critical element
- Establishes supplemental standards
- Conducts progress review
- Conducts performance review meeting
- Submits tentative rating
- Conducts final appraisal
61Pay Pool Manager
- Controls the pay pool
- Renders final decisions on scores, ratings, and
performance pay increases/bonuses
62Reviewing Official
- Who
- Person at an organizational level above Pay Pool
Manager - Responsibilities
- Review of performance decisions when Pay Pool
Manager and Rating Official are the same person
63Pay Pool
- Organizational level where one or more employees
within same career path are combined for
performance decisions - Rating
- Score
- Performance Pay Increase
- Bonus
64Rating Eligibility
- An Employee is Ratable if
- Occupies a covered position as of Sept 30 AND
- Has worked at least 120 days in one or more
covered positions
- An Employee is NOT Ratable if
- Does not meet conditions stated as Ratable
- Employee has been placed on a Performance
Improvement Plan (PIP)
65Performance Pay Increase Ineligibility
- Employee with other than an Eligible rating
- Employees on a Performance Improvement Plan
- ST 3104 appointees
- Faculty appointees
- Temporary Student appointees
- Employees who are salary capped
- Employees on retained pay
- NOTE Employees on retained pay band are
eligible for a pay increase
66Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
- Discussion of deficiencies
- Must be in writing
- Reasonable opportunity to improve
- Steps supervisor will take to assist
- Consequences of failure to improve
- Concurrence from Servicing HR Office and OGC
67Bonus Ineligibility
- Employees with other than an Eligible Rating
- Employees on a Performance Improvement Plan
- Faculty Appointees
- Temporary Student Appointees
- NOTE Employees are eligible if they have a
Department of Commerce rating equivalent to Fully
Successful or better in the last 13 months
68Temporary Promotions
- If an employee has been on a temporary
promotion for at least 120 days, employee is
rated on temporary position
69Plan Development
- Remains the Same
- Determination of critical elements
- Assignment of weights
- Development of criteria for evaluation
- Differences
- Pay Pool manager signs plan
- Benchmark Performance Standards
- Element point ranges are used
70Performance Elements
- All elements are critical
- Minimum of two
- Maximum of six
- Assign weight based upon importance
- and/or time required
- Total weight must equal 100
71Performance Plan Checklist
- Are elements directly related to duties?
- Are elements properly weighted to duties?
- Are major activities directly related to
elements? - Are supplemental standards included as
appropriate? - Are elements/activities/standards clearly
72Evaluation Criteria
- Benchmark performance standards
- Supplemental standards
73Progress Review
- Require one review midway through cycle
- Discuss progress
- Identify strengths
- Identify needed improvements
- Provide guidance
- Determine if plan needs to be changed
74Performance Plan Modifications
- Modification Requires Pay Pool Manager/Reviewing
Official Signature -
75Performance Meetings
- Performance review
- Employee must provide accomplishments to
supervisor in writing - Supervisor/Employee discuss accomplishments
- No rating discussed at this meeting
- Supervisor Pay Pool Manager discuss ratings
- Evaluation feedback
- Present final rating
- Provide payout information
76Evaluation ProcessRating Official (RO)
- RO scores employees by peer group according to
performance using the Element Point Ranges and
Performance Standards - Submits rating, score, payout and bonus
recommendations to Pay Pool Manager (PM) through
any intervening higher level supervisor(s) - Discusses ratings with Pay Pool Manager
77Performance Ratingsand Indicators
- Eligible E, covers total scores ranging
from 40 to 100 - Unsatisfactory U, failure to meet the minimum
requirements of any element - Not Ratable N, employee not eligible to
- receive an appraisal
- Pending P, final rating pending results
- of PIP
- Highest scored employee receives highest relative
percentage payout - Tied scores may not receive same relative payout
- Lower scored employee cannot receive greater
relative percentage payout
80Sample Pay Pool
- Total Pool 21,000 CP ZP
Pool Amount Used 20,630 - Percent New
- Name Score Salary Range Recd
of Inc Sal. Excess - Lynn 95 46237 0 - 12
7.2 60.0 3329 49566 - Colette 92 50278 0 - 07
4.2 60.0 2112 52210
180 - Ellen 90 37625 0 - 15
9.0 60.0 3386 41011 - Cathy 85 43380 0 - 12
6.0 50.0 2602 45982 - Henry 85 37018 0 - 15
7.0 46.6 2591 39609 - Bruce 75 40301 0 - 15
6.0 40.0 2418 42719 - Dennis 70 53194 0 - 10
3.0 30.0 1596 54789 - Mike 70 81914 0 - 04
2.0 50.0 1638 83552 - Susan 67 47906 0 - 10
5.0 50.0 958 48864 - John 50 34423 0 -
15 0.0 00.0 0000 34423 - The of received is LARGER than a higher
scored employee! Please fix it.
81Actions Based On Poor Performance
- Unsatisfactory performance
- Removal
- Reduction in pay band/interval
- Reassignment
- Loss of comparability increase
- Loss of consideration for performance pay
82Grievance Rights
- Grievable
- Performance Score
- Rating
- Pay Increase
- Not Grievable
- Performance Plan
- Bonus Decisions
83 Grievance Procedures
- 15 calendar days for employees to file a request
for reconsideration (informal grievance) - 15 calendar days for management to formally
respond to informal grievance - 10 calendar days for employee to file formal
grievance - 90 calendar days for management to respond to
formal grievance
For further information or questions, please
contact Your Servicing Human Resources
Office Line Office Systems
Administrator Additional resources are available
at www.ohrm.os.doc.gov/Demo www.wfm.noaa.gov