Title: Welcome to the Online Employment Applicant Tutorial
1Welcome to the Online Employment Applicant
Click here for next screen
2Click on Job Openings to search for jobs of
interest and then create and submit an
For additional information about Nursing, click
on the Licensed Nursing Information button.
3- There are several ways that you can search a
position - You can select All Job Groups to see all
positions - You can select a job group to view only positions
within that group - You can search for a word or position number that
is included in the title or position description
4For this tutorial, we will search on the All Job
Click on All Job Group
Then click Search
5View the details about the position by clicking
the position number of the position that you are
interested in.
6A new window will pop-up with the positions
detailed information. Use the Print button to
print a copy. Use the Close button to close the
7If you are interested in applying for this
position, click in the box in the last
column. You can select more than one position to
apply for at one time.
8- Anyone of these steps will place the selected
positions into your shopping cart. - You can
- Select Next Page to view additional positions.
- Click on Start/Continue Application if you are
ready to apply for the selected positions and do
not want to continue the search. - Click on Add selected jobs to your cart before
you continue on. - If you want to change your search selection,
click on New Search.
9When a position is placed into your shopping
cart, it is removed from the main list and placed
at the bottom of the screen.
You can remove the position from your shopping
cart by clicking on the Remove bottom.
10After you have selected all of the positions that
you would like to apply for, click on the
Start/Continue Application.
11An email address is required. If you do not have
one, you can set one up. For your convenience,
two links are provided for you.
If this is your first time applying online, click
Create New Account
12Please read the agreement statement and click I
Agree to continue the application process or I
Reject and not apply for a position.
13You can not navigate further until you have
completed the Personal Data Tab. Once you have
completed all required fields that are denoted
with an , you can click on Continue to Next
14If you fail to complete a required field, you
will receive an error message. Once you have
completed the missing fields, click on Continue
to Next Page
15The Qualification tab reflects the skill,
education and experiences that you have and also
shows the required skills, education and
experiences for the positions you have
selected. From the positions that you have
selected, it will show you the minimum
requirements for the position. You must complete
the years/skill level column of each
Skill/Education that as been selected.
16The Years/skill level for the Experience with
Education requirement is a combination of your
highest education level and years of work
experience. In the example below, this applicant
has a bachelor's degree, has attended 1 year of
graduate school and has 3 years of work
This applicant has stated that they DO NOT have
experience as a cashier. They DO have experience
as a clerical or secretary.
17If you have additional skills, education and
experiences that you would like to enter on your
application in addition to what the position
requires, you can enter them by first selecting
the skill or education field.
18There are several categories to select from.
19Once you have selected a skill or education, you
must verify or change the rest of the fields. Use
the dropdown on each field to select the correct
level, ability, etc. Some fields will be blank
based on your previous selection.
20Once you have made your selection, click on Add
Qualification to profile.
21The additional Skill/Education has now been
added. You can enter as many Skill/Education
items as you want. You can change the Years/skill
levels, by clicking on the drop down. You can
remove skill/educations that you mainly entered
by clicking on the Remove button. Once you
have completed, click on Continue to Next Page.
22You must put in at least your highest level of
23If you have entered an Education and made on
error, you can edit it. When your cursor is over
the line, you will notice that the line will turn
red. Click on the line that you want to revise.
24The information on the line is now in the proper
fields so that you can correct the
information. Save change(s) by clicking on
Update the profile icon
25Now the update is reflected on the screen. Once
you have completed the Education tab, click on
Continue to Next page.
26If you have any work history, complete this tab.
27To correct an error on this screen, click on the
line that you wish to change. Once you have
made your changes, click on the Continue to Next
Page button.
28The Additional Information tab as two important
sections. All applicants must complete the top
section. All Nursing Applicants must complete the
top and bottom section.
29We have several shifts available. Be sure to
check all the shifts you can work. If you are
interested in working in our U-TEMPS Temporary
Staffing department, be sure to check the
indicator box.
30If you would like to attach a resume from your
computers hard drive or a floppy disk, click on
the Browse button. Remember the resume will be
used for reference only. Your qualifications
will be used for the selection process.
31A pop-up screen will appear allowing you to
locate the document. Select the location of your
file, then click on Open.
32You can now see that it has been attached. Once
your application has been submitted, the word
Resume will be highlighted so that you can view
it in the future.
33This section is for Nursing Applicants only. Be
sure to state your nursing license status. If
you select Yes, you must contact the Nurse
Recruitment at 686-5691. Once you have completed
the appropriate sections, click on the Continue
to Next Page button.
34Completing this screen is optional. If you
complete the information or not, you must click
on the Review Profile.
35This is an optional page to complete. If you
complete this section or not, you must click on
the Review Profile button.
You can click on Return to Profile to review
and make changes or click on Complete
Application to submit your application.
36However, if you have an Incomplete error, you
must correct the error before the application
will be accepted.
37If you have no positions selected in you
shopping cart, you must Add More Positions.
38If you did not complete the Years/Skill Level on
the qualifications tab or if you added a position
and did not click on the qualifications tab to
complete the new skills, education and
experience, you must return to the qualifications
tab and complete it.
39Once you have completed the missing sections,
click on the Resubmit button to see if your
application has any additional errors.
40Now that you have no Incompletes, click on the
Complete Application to submit it.
41Congratulations! Your application has been
submitted to UAMS. You will receive an email
shortly confirming your submission.
42If you are a returning applicant (you have
submitted an online application in the past) you
can log-in several ways. 1. You can click on the
Returning Applicant Log-in button. 2. You can
search for new jobs before you log-in for
clicking on the Job Openings.
43Enter in your email and password, click on
If you forgot your password, click here.
44You will be asked to accept the application
agreement statement. Once you click on I
Agree, it will bring up this screen. You have 3
choices Click on the action you wish to
perform. Once you have selected an option, the
process is the same as before.
45Thank You for completing the UAMS Online
Application Tutorial
- Click here to return to the
- Welcome to the UAMS Online Application home page.