Title: Designing De Minimis
1Designing De Minimis
- Indiana Antidegradation Workshop
- April 29, 2008
- Brad Klein -- Environmental Law Policy Center
2Scope of de minimis doctrine
- Not mentioned in federal antidegradation
regulation but under common law courts allow that
a limited exception for insignificant cases be
implied into a regulation. - EPA will review state rules on a case-by-case
basis to ensure that exemption does not allow
significant degradation either individually or
3IC 13-18-3 (a/k/a SEA 431)
- Requires a de minimis threshold for Outstanding
State Resource Waters - Does not limit IDEM to any specific approach for
defining what qualifies as de minimis
4Limits on De minimis Exceptions
- An allowable de minimis test will only exempt
trifling matters from detailed study, but avoid
unnecessary pollution and trigger full
antidegradation review for all significant new or
expanded discharges.
5U.S. EPAs interpretation
- Cant allow significant degradation
- States should consider the extent of the loading
capacity (USEPA calls this assimilative
capacity) used by the increase as part of the
test - Incorporate a cumulative cap
- Also consider overall pollutant loading
- E. King memo (2005)
6De Minimis Draft Rule Sec. 6
- IDEM draft uses three concepts
- end of pipe WQBELs
- 10 unused loading capacity
7Concerns with DTBELs
- Focus exclusively on treatment technology, rather
than pollution avoidance or minimization. - May be difficult and/or controversial to identify
and keep current. - Will be inappropriate in many situations (e.g.
little assimilative capacity, discharge to
sensitive or important waters)
8 DTBEL solutions
- Must consider pollution avoidance or minimization
alternatives before applying DTBEL. - Ensure limits reflect best treatment technology
possible. - Consider restricting DTBELs in sensitive waters
and where little dilution available.
9Loading or Assimilative capacity
- The difference between the applicable water
quality criterion for a pollutant parameter and
the ambient water quality for that pollutant
parameter where it is better than the criterion - E. King memo (2005)
10Loading capacity example
Water quality criterion 100 mg/L
100 mg/L
Loading or assimilative capacity
The available assimilative capacity of a
waterbody is a valuable natural resource. (U.S.
EPA, 2005)
Ambient concentration 20 mg/L
20 mg/L
Pollutant X
0 mg/L
11Loading capacity example 5 de minimis first
Water quality criterion 100 mg/L
100 mg/L
5 percent of loading capacity (100 mg/L
20 mg/L) x (5) 4 mg/L
24 mg/L
de minimis if new conc. baseline concentration 20 mg/L
20 mg/L
Pollutant X
0 mg/L
125 de minimis second bite
Water quality criterion 100 mg/L
100 mg/L
5 percent of remaining loading capacity
(100 mg/L 24 mg/L) x (5) 3.8 mg/L
de minimis if new conc. 27.8 mg/L
24 mg/L
ambient concentration 24 mg/L
Pollutant X
baseline concentration 20 mg/L
0 mg/L
13Flaws in Loading Capacity Approach
- Allows incremental creeping degradation
- Allows huge unnecessary new pollution in large
volume waters - Cannot apply of loading capacity for pollutants
lacking numeric criteria - Cannot apply to General Permits
14Problem 1
- How do we prevent incremental degradation over
time from consuming majority of loading capacity
without a single antidegradation review?
15Potential Solutions
- Use a cumulative cap
- Strongly recommended by U.S. EPA
- Required by law
- Cap 20 would likely be disapproved under Ohio
Valley Environmental Coalition.
16Loading capacity 20 cumulative cap
Water quality criterion 100 mg/L
100 mg/L
20 percent of baseline loading capacity
(100 mg/L 20 mg/L) x (20) 16 mg/L
Total de minimis bites capped at 36 mg/L
36 mg/L
27.8 mg/L
Baseline concentration 20 mg/L
20 mg/L
Pollutant X
0 mg/L
17Problem 2
- How do we identify significant new or expanded
loadings in large waters like Lake Michigan or
the Ohio River?
- Indiana must place overall limit on volume of de
minimis new/expanded loading. - For example, expansions of more than .5 MGD
cannot be considered de minimis.
19Problem 3
- What should be done with pollutants that lack
numeric criteria?
20Possible Solutions
- First consider options for minimizing or
redirecting the discharge. - Apply narrative criteria translator if
practicable - For common pollutants (e.g. nitrogen and
phosphorus) use DTBELs. - Restrict or eliminate de minimis for certain
pollutants (e.g. bioaccumulative pollutants,
potential carcinogenic or hormone disrupting
21Problem 4
- How do we ensure that the use of general permits
does not undermine the antidegradation policy? - the EPA has not explained how the type of
review called for in 131.12(a)(2), which is
location-specific and requires public
participation, can be done on a statewide or
nationwide basis - Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, 279 F. Supp
2d at 762.
- Design general permits so that they allow only de
minimis degradation in all cases. - Do not allow use of general permits in sensitive
waters. - Ensure that there is a loading cap on general
permit sources. - Build in public notice of general permit usage.
- Preserve authority of IDEM to require individual
permits where general permit would allow more
than trivial degradation.
23Revised draft should
- Refine DTBEL concept to ensure use of best
technology. - Consider opportunities to minimize or redirect
discharges for all permits for new or increased
loadings. - Incorporate reasonable cumulative cap (i.e. no
more than 20) on consumption of loading
capacity. - Make clear that substantial new or increased
discharges to large waters like Lake Michigan and
the Ohio River are not considered de minimis. - Make clear that pollutants are covered that lack
numeric criteria. - Ensure that general permits allow only de minimis