Title: Betsy DeLong
1- Betsy DeLong
- DON VVA Program Manager
- (703) 601-1497
- DeLong.Betsy_at_hq.navy.mil
- Introduction
- VVA Program Activities
- Future Plans
- Summary
3DON VVA Program Introduction
- Develop, maintain, and disseminate DON VVA
Policy, General Guidance, and Common Use Tools - Centralized conduit for gathering, monitoring,
and resolving DON community wide VVA issues - Mediate joint VVA issues with DoD and other DoD
components - Provide individual program VVA technical support
4VVA Program Activities
- SECNAV Instruction 5200.40
- VVA Handbook
- VVA Turbo Tool
- VVA Technical Working Group Workshops
- DON Standards Group
- Community VVA Participation
5DON VVA Policy SECNAVINST 5200.40
Department of Defense INSTRUCTION NUMBER
5000.61 DoD Components shall Establish VVA
policies, procedures, and guidelines for MS
applications and their associated data. .
Secretary of the Navy INSTRUCTION NUMBER
5200.38 Department of the Navy Modeling and
Simulation Program guidance amplifies other
existing regulations which govern the design,
development, application and disposition of
software, including modeling and simulation
applications. .
6VVA Handbook
- Expands Upon SECNAVINST
- Provide Working Level Guidance for DON
Practitioners - From Prospective of Accreditation
Authority/agent, Ms Proponent, and VV Agent - Works in Concert With RPG
- In Final Stages of DON MS SSG Review Process
7VVA Turbo Tool
- Automated VVA Documentation Tool
- Future Goals Include Guided VVA Planning and
Electronic Filing of VVA Reports
8VVA TWG Workshops
- Collaborative meetings
- VVA Program shares its on-going work
- DON Programs share their VVA experiences
- More Information Available on NAVMSMO web site
- http//navmsmo.hq.navy.mil
- Agenda Items
- PEO TSC VVA Instruction and Guidance
- CEC VVA Activities
- VVA Requirements Traceability
- Tomahawk VVA Activities
- National Defense Missile VVA Activities
- Demo of VVA Turbo Tool
9VVA Subgroup ofDON MS SSG
- Currently working to get VVA Handbook through
DON MS SSG standards process - Upcoming effort to adopt DMSO definition of basic
VVA vocabulary - Next subgroup meeting to be held in Washington,
D.C. November 14, 2000
10Future Plans
- Training courseware
- Dedicated NAVMSMO page
- Increased involvement with Marine Corps
- Increased community outreach and education
- Build upon Handbook
- Field Turbo Tool
- DON VVA Program draws from DoD and Industrial
VVA communities to generate best policy,
guidance, and tools to support DON