Chapter 5 Implementing Processes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 5 Implementing Processes


This means information known at the time of the Wait() must be stored away and ... One solution stores the parent's PID in a new location located in the child's ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 5 Implementing Processes

Chapter 5 - Implementing Processes
  • Process is the most fundamental object
  • Process is a program executing in a virtual
  • Process represented in the kernel via a data
    structure called a process descriptor
  • Time sharing - interleaving execution of
    processes (Figure 5.1)

  • This chapter introduces SOS - The Simple
    Operating System explanations and code is given
    in C we will note JavaSOS implementation
    differences as we go along.
  • System Call Interface
  • Simpler than Chapter 3s
  • All return a nonnegative integer if they complete
    successfully, zero if not important and negative
    if an error occurred
  • Note that JavaSOS system calls are defined not as
    function/method calls, but as software interrupt
    handler values in --
    look at MakeSystemCall() method in

  • int CreateProcess(int blockNumber, int
    numberOfBlocks) - create a new process, returning
    process ID (PID) you provide disk information of
    binary location
  • JavaSOS version SOSSyscallInthandler.CreateProces
    sSystemCall interrupt is a bit convoluted - the
    interrupt handler calls SOSProcessManager.CreatePr
    ocessSysProc(), which in turn creates a Java
    thread in HWSimulation.CreateProcess() note that
    since native Java threads are used as JavaSOS
    processes there is no need for disk location
    information. The drawback is that this JavaSOS
    requires all processes to be pre-built into the
    system (notice the hard-coded process creations
    in CreateProcess()).

  • void ExitProcess(int exitCode) - terminate
    calling process with return code value
  • JavaSOS version SOSSyscallInthandler.ExitProcessS
  • int CreateMessageQueue(void) - Create OS-managed
    message queue
  • JavaSOS version SOSSyscallInthandler.
  • int SendMessage(int msg_q_id, int msg) - Send 8
    integers to the specified message queue -1 not
    a valid msg_q, -2 no avail. buffers
  • JavaSOS version SOSSyscallInthandler.
    SendMessageSystemCall (see

  • int ReceiveMessage(int msg_q_id, int msg) -
    Receive 8 integers from the specified message
    queue block if not available -1 not a valid
    msg_q, JavaSOS version SOSSyscallInthandler.
    ReceiveMessageSystemCall (see
  • int ReadDiskBlock(int blockNumber, char buffer)
    - read disk block into memory buffer note this
    always succeeds (not realistic)
  • JavaSOS version SOSSyscallInthandler.DiskReadSyst
    emCall (note switching of verb noun)
  • int WriteDiskBlock(int blockNumber, char buffer)
    - write disk block from memory buffer note this
    always succeeds (also not realistic)

  • JavaSOS version SOSSyscallInthandler.DiskWriteSys
    temCall (note again the switching of verb noun)
  • Figure 5.2 shows control and data flow between
    O/S objects, system calls and the hardware
  • JavaSOS uses the following user memory addresses
    during system calls
  • 100 base address of parameter block
  • 101 system call number
  • 102 syscall parameter 1
  • 103 syscall parameter 2
  • Seen in AppTests.MakeSystemCall(), which uses
    SIM.hw.SetCell() to write the user memory

  • Implementation of SOS
  • Note that this section of the book covers the C
    SOS used throughout the rest of the book. While
    not exactly code-compatible to JavaSOS, the data
    structures and algorithms in JavaSOS were
    implemented directly from this architecture.
  • Figure 5.3 - SOS Architecture (data control
  • System Constants (p. 122)
  • Note ProcessSize, TimeQuantum, NumberOfProcesses,
    and the list of System call numbers.
  • JavaSOS contains some
    contains some and others are scattered about on a
    per-class basis
  • Global Data (p. 123)
  • Note SaveArea, ProcessDescriptor, interrupt
    vector pointers
  • JavaSOS contains some
    contains some and others are scattered about on a
    per-class basis

  • Implementation of SOS Processes
  • CreateProcessSysProc() find a process table
    entry, initialize, load up binary in pre-assigned
    memory space, set state of process to Ready.
  • JavaSOS SOSProcessManager.CreateProcessSysProc()
    is similar, except the binary is not loaded from
    disk (pre-built into JavaSOS).
  • Process States the Process State Diagram
    (Figure 5.4)
  • Possible states of a process
  • Running - process is currently assigned the CPU
    and is executing (one running process per
  • Ready - process wants the CPU, but none is
    available (this is usually a queue)
  • Blocked - process wants something other than the
    CPU and is waiting for some event
  • Know how the Figure 5.4 finite state machine

  • Dispatcher - name of the part of the operating
    system that manages the process state finite
  • Finds a process in the ready queue and starts it
  • If ready queue is empty, it waits for an
    interrupt to wake it up in the future to see if
    theres anything to do then
  • Dispatcher - load process state of selected
    process. Once the ia register is set to the
    previously-stored value then control resumes in
    that process (note this is the final thing done
    by the interrupt handler that called the
    dispatcher more than likely the timer
  • The Dispatcher can be called from many points in
    the O/S, but it never returns!
  • The Dispatcher allocates a time quantum to the
    selected process (aka time slice)
  • In JavaSOS, Dispatcher(), RunProcess(),
    SelectProcessToRun() are in

  • Preemptive vs non-preemptive CPU scheduling
  • In preemptive scheduling a process is only
    allowed to run for its current time slice. The
    end of the time slice is defined by the timer
    interrupt, which preempts the currently-running
    process via the interrupt mechanism. This
    protects the CPU from a CPU-hungry process.
    Once in the timer interrupt handler, the O/S
    calls the Dispatcher, which can decide to either
    resume the same process or select another.
  • In non-preemptive CPU scheduling no timer
    mechanism exists to force an interrupt at some
    point in the near future. A CPU-bound program
    will hog the CPU until it is finished.
  • A multi-user/multi-process operating system
    should use preemptive CPU scheduling!
  • DOS non-preemptive

  • Preemptive vs non-preemptive CPU scheduling
  • Windows 3.1, 3.11 friendly non-preemption
    (that is, a Windows program needs to occasionally
    call the O/S to perform a windowing operation,
    effectively giving up the CPU)
  • Windows 95 (a mess!) For 16-bit applications,
    it is non-preemptive for 32-bit applications it
    is preemptive.
  • Windows NT preemptive
  • Macintosh friendly non-preemption
  • UNIX preemptive
  • JavaSOS preemptive (almost!)
  • System stack unlike a standard
    procedure/function call, where activation records
    and local variables are pushed on the stack, the
    system call processing does tricks to reuse stack

  • Timer Interrupt Handler
  • Handles the timer interrupt, used to protect the
  • Book code is similar to JavaSOS code in
  • Save current process state, if there was one
  • Invoke Dispatcher()
  • Note CRA-1s SOS use of special instructions to
    do a block copy of the registers into a special
    savearea of kernel memory
  • storeall savearea16
  • On CRA-1, we save ia, psw, base bound, all 32
    of the general-purpose registers and set up the
    system stack (r30)
  • The assembly code in the Timer Interrupt Handler
    is the steps needed for half of a context switch
    between processes the Dispatcher() will call
    RunProcess() to perform the other half.

  • SOS Initialization
  • JavaSOS init code resides in
  • Set up interrupt vectors (jump table)
  • Initialize process table (array of
  • Set up the process table entry for PID 0 (the
    system process)
  • Call each of the important subsystems and let
    them initialize
  • Memory
  • I/O
  • Process
  • Call the Dispatcher() to start things rolling.
  • The initial SOS process
  • Creates other processes (Figure 5.5)
  • Useful to pull out O/S initialization code from
  • On UNIX, this process has a PID 1 and is known
    as init, the parent of all other processes

  • Switching Between Processes
  • Important to protect CPU by switching control
    between processes
  • A context switch involves the saving restoring
    of all relevant process data (control registers,
    user registers, memory pointers, etc.)
  • Notice how the context switch mechanism is a
    combination of what parts of the context the
    hardware interrupt does and what the operating
    system does (Figure 5.6)
  • Notice how the standard single-process flow of
    control (Figure 5.7) differs from the flow of
    control between multiple processes (Figure 5.8)

  • Switching Between Processes
  • Control changes within a process or the operating
    system are all procedure calls.
  • Interrupts switch control from a user process to
    the operating system.
  • The rti instruction switches control from the
    operating system to a user process.
  • JavaSOS interrupts are simulated by direct Java
    method calls to the interrupt handlers (like in
  • System Call Interrupt Handling
  • Figure 5.10 flowchart for handling syscall
  • This flow chart works for JavaSOS one, too!

  • The SOS C code for the System Call Interrupt
    Handler is fairly identical to the JavaSOS
    version - a giant switch statement with cases for
    each system call.
  • Copying Messages between Address Spaces
  • The SOS version has two simple routines that do
    memory copies using the particular process base
  • JavaSOS accomplishes this with the separate
    memory routines found in
  • GetCell() / SetCell() - Read relative to
  • GetCellUnmapped / SetCellUnmapped()- Absolute
  • GetCellUnmappedAsInt() - Absolute read of an

  • Note Figure 5.11 showing how data is transferred
    between two cooperating processes (a message
    sender and a message receiver)
  • The O/S has to get involved and has to address
    kernel-managed data (the message queue) as well
    as data space within each of the two processes

  • Program Error Interrupt Handler
  • Invoked when a program attempts an illegal
  • In SOS, we forcibly remove the process from the
    process table.
  • JavaSOS does the same thing (code in, where else? )
  • Disk Driver Subsystem
  • DiskIO() is called from the System call interrupt
    handler when a Read or Write of the disk is
    requested. (Look in for
  • Since disk is a slow device we cant afford to
    have the machine wait in the current system call.

  • Instead, we insert the disk request in a queue
    structure, schedule the disk I/O to happen, and
    call the Dispatcher() to find another process to
  • Note that like with Wait() processing, we set the
    callers state to Blocked, since it cant
    continue until the disk activity has completed.
  • ScheduleDisk()
  • Returns if disk busy
  • If not busy, gets the next disk request from the
    disk request queue and issues the disk request
    (via IssueDiskRead() or IssueDiskWrite())
  • The IssueDisk functions use memory-mapped I/O to
    set up the 2-word disk request structure, with
    interrupts enabled
  • At some point in the future, the disk interrupt
    handler is called when the disk controller fires
    off the interrupt

  • The Disk Interrupt Handler (JavaSOS performs
  • Save state of process that was interrupted.
  • Unblock process that was waiting for the I/O (SOS
    uses a global process_using_disk variable that is
    set in ScheduleDisk()).
  • JavaSOS The pending_disk_request global variable
    points to an instance of a SOSDiskRequest, which
    contains the PID of the process waiting for the
    I/O to complete.
  • Call ScheduleDisk() to start the next disk I/O,
    if anything is queued up.
  • Call the Dispatcher() to continue user processes,
    if any.

  • Implementation of Waiting
  • An operating system must handle its own blocking
    and resuming for those operations that happen in
    a particular sequence.
  • Its easy enough to suspend execution of a user
    process while waiting for something (like disk
    I/O, a child to call Exit() while a parent is
    blocked on Wait(), etc.) by setting its state to
  • We cant, however, set the operating system to
    Blocked since it would then block itself!
  • Instead, we have to keep some state information
    relevant to the suspended system call and have
    processing of a related system call handle the

  • Implementation of Waiting
  • Prime example is from P1
  • The WaitProcessSystemCall blocks the parent
    process and the ExitProcessSystemCall completes
    the logical conclusion of the Wait() call by
    having the child unblock the parent.
  • This means information known at the time of the
    Wait() must be stored away and usable by the
    Exit() later on.
  • One solution stores the parents PID in a new
    location located in the childs
  • So, in effect, the Exit system call resumes the
    processing of the parent started in the Wait
    system call.

  • Implementation of Waiting
  • Another example is in the book -- what happens if
    a ReceiveMessage() happens before a
    SendMessage()? (Figure 5.12)
  • One approach would be to wait around in the
    Receive waiting for the Send to eventually show
  • This isnt possible while inside the operating
    system with interrupts disabled and no user
    programs running!
  • So, must suspend the ReceiveMessage() call by
    saving message state and resume the call by
    putting the correct Receive code in SendMessage()
    for when the Sender eventually makes that system

  • Flow of Control in SOS (and JavaSOS)
  • Figure 5.13 shows the flow of a disk read or
  • Figure 5.14 CreateProcess or Exit
  • Figure 5.15 CreateMessageQueue
  • Figure 5.16 Send or Receive Message
  • Comment on interrupt processing
  • SOS disables all interrupts while handling a
    system call. Some system calls may take a while
    to complete.
  • In the real world, some I/O devices may require
    interrupt handling to happen very frequently
    (serial port handling bytes one at a time)

  • Comment on interrupt processing
  • To handle interrupts, why not allow interrupts to
    work while in system/kernel mode?
  • Possible, but wed have to keep a stack of the
    system state as nested interrupts occurred. This
    includes many global variables, etc. A Difficult
  • View of an OpSys as an Event Table Manager
  • Figure 5.17 think of an OpSys as a passive
    program that sits around waiting for an internal
    (system call) or external (disk or timer
    interrupt) event.
  • In addition, kernel tables (data structures) are
    updated by these events (see table, page 158).
  • An OpSys is a reactive system.

  • Process Implementation
  • Note that the OpSys is NOT a process.
  • Each process has its own process descriptor, a
    data structure used to keep track of the process.
    The table of process descriptors is usually
  • Each process runs with restrictions CPU is
    rapidly switched between each process memory is
    restricted using memory protection hardware (like
    base and bounds) instruction set is limited
    while in user mode.
  • Process communicates via system calls.
  • Process can be interrupted at any time by an
    interrupt from a device.
  • Interrupt handling passes control to the
    operating system.

  • Process Implementation
  • Process table is used to keep track of process
    descriptors (PDs).
  • Process table usually addressed by PID.
  • Typical fields in a PD process ID, name, memory
    pointers, open file table, process state, user
    name, user protection privs, register save area,
    accumulated CPU time, pending software
    interrupts, parent process PID, user ID.
  • Can be implemented as an array, linked list, etc.
  • The ready list contains list of PDs that are
    waiting for the CPU. It can either be a separate
    list, a threaded list through the PD linked list,
    or as state values (as in JavaSOS).
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