Title: Systems Analysis and Design
1Systems Analysis and Design IT 1402
2Systems Analysisand Design
Major Changes done to the Syllabus
IT 1402
IT 1401
Old Syllabus
New Syllabus
1. Introduction to Information System
Environment 2. System Development Life Cycle
(SDLC) 3. Problem Definition
Newly added
4Problem Definition
- Finding problems to solve
- Feasibility Study
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- System Proposals
- 4. Requirements Analysis
- 5. Modeling Methods
- 6. System Design
- 7. Project Management and Documentation
- 8. Automated Tools and Technology
Newly added
6Automated Tools and Technology
- Forward and Reverse Engineering
- Project Management Tools
- Application Development Environment
Topic Title Changed
New Sub Topics
7- Intro. to Object Modeling and Object Development
Removed from the Syllabus
- Separate Module in the 2nd Year
- Introduced in Modeling Methods
- Section
8Books Recommended for Reading
- Main Reading Reference 1
- - Systems Analysis and Design Methods by Jeffrey
L. Whitten, Lonnie D. Bentey, Kevin C.Dittman,
5th edition, ISBN 0-07-044539-7, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2001.
9Books Recommended for Reading
- Main Reading Reference 1
- Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design by
Igor Hawryszkiewycz, 4th edition, Prentice-Hall,
10Books Recommended for Reading
- Supplementary Reading
- Ref3- Practical SSADM ver 4 A Complete
Tutorial Guide by Philip L Weaver, Pitman
publishing, 1995. - An Introduction to Systems Analysis Techniques by
Mark Lejk, David Deeks, Prentice Hall, 1998. - System Analysis and Design by Don Yeates, Maura
Shields and David Helmy, Longman group limitted,
11Use the notations given in the 1st Reference
12Uses Different Notations
13System Development Life Cycle
Problem Definition
Requirement Analysis
System Testing
System Design
System Development
14Recommended Links
- http//www.mhhe.com/whitten
- http//cse.ucsc.edu
15Development Process
- Methodology
- Modeling Methods or Techniques
- Tools
- Provides the framework for systems Development
- Has a predefined set of steps
- Ensures that systems are built in the most
effective way
17Modeling Methods
- A set of techniques used to implement a
Methodology - Data Flow Diagrams
- Entity Relationship Diagrams
- Structure Charts etc.
Different Views of the System
- Software systems
- Assists analysts and designer to build
information system.
e.g. Easy Case, Rational Rose
19Data Flow Diagrams
- Symbols
- Yourdon/Demarco Gane Sarson
Process or Business function
Function carried out by the business ,which
transforms or uses data.
20Data Flow Diagrams
Yourdon/Demarco Gane and Sarson
External Entity
Data Flows origin or destination which is
outside the business area being modeled. Some
times called Source or Sinks
21Data Flow Diagrams
Yourdon/Demarco Gane and Sarson
Data Flow
Arrow indicates direction of data flow.Represents
single data elements or simple structures like
Data Store
Data at rest. Files, complex data structures or
sets of data.
22Data Flow Diagram using Gane Sarson Symbols
1 Verify A/C Balance
Account Holder
Valid Balance
Withdrawal Acknowledge
Cheque/Withdrawal Slip
Current Balance
2 Debit Withdrawal Amount
New Balance
Account Holder
23Object Oriented Methodologies
- Standard Set of Notations
- UML has 9 Diagrams
- Covered
- In a 2nd year Module