Title: Modern Information Retrieval Chapter 1: Introduction
1Modern Information RetrievalChapter 1
- Ricardo Baeza-Yates
- Berthier Ribeiro-Neto
- Example of the user information need
- Topic NCAA college tennis team
- Description Find all the pages (documents)
containing information on college tennis teams
which (1) are maintained by an university in the
USA and (2) participate in the NCAA tennis
tournament. - Narrative To be relevant, the page must include
information on the national ranking of the team
in the last three years and the email or phone
number of the team coach.
3IR Research
- Information retrieval vs Data retrieval
- Research
- information search
- information filtering (routing)
- document classification and categorization
- user interfaces and data visualization
- cross-language retrieval
4IR History
5The User Task
- Retrieval (Searching)
- classic information search process where clear
objectives are defined - Browsing
- a process where ones main objectives are not
clearly defined and might change during the
interaction with the system
6Logical View of the Documents
- Text Operations
- reduce the complexity of the document
representation - a full text ? a set of index terms
- Steps
- 1. Stopwords removing
- 2. Stemming
- 3. Noun groups
- 4. ...
7Past, Present, and Future
- Early Development
- Index
- Library
- Author name, title, subject headings, keywords
- The Web and Digital Libraries
- Hyperlinks
8Conventional Text-Retrieval Systems Automatic
Text Processing
- G. Salton, Addison-Wesley, 1989.
- (Chapter 9)
9Data Retrieval
- A specified set of attributes is used to
characterize each record.EMPLOYEE(NAME, SSN,
BDATE, ADDR, SEX, SALARY, DNO) - Exact match between the attributes used inquery
formulations and those attached to the document.
John Smith
10Text-Retrieval Systems
- Content identifiers (keywords, index terms,
descriptors) characterize the stored texts. - Degrees of coincidence between the sets of
identifiers attached to queries and documents
content analysis
query formulation
11Possible Representation
- Document representation (Text operation)
- unweighted index terms (term vectors)
- weighted index terms
- Query (Query operation)
- unweighted or weighted index terms
- Boolean combinations (or, and, not)
- Search operation must be effective
- (Indexing)
12File Structures
- Main requirements
- fast-access for various kinds of searches
- large number of indices
- Alternatives
- Inverted Files
- Signature Files
- PAT trees
13Inverted Files
- File is represented as an array of indexed
14Inverted-file process
- The document-term array is inverted (transposed).
15Inverted-file process (Continued)
- Take two or more rows of an inverted
term-document array, and produce a single
combined list of document identifiers. - Ex Query (term2 and term3)
- term2 1 1 0 0term3 0 1 1 1--------------------
---------------------------------- 1 lt-- D2
16List-merging for two ordered lists
- The inverted-index operations to obtain answers
are based on list-merging process. - ExampleT1 D1, D3T2 D1, D2Merged(T1,
T2) D1, D1, D2, D3
17Extensions of Inverted Index Operations(Distance
- Distance Constraints
- (A within sentence B)terms A and B must co-occur
in a common sentence - (A adjacent B)terms A and B must occur
adjacently in the text
18Extensions of Inverted Index Operations(Distance
- Implementation
- include term-location in the inverted
indexesinformation P345, P348, P350,
retrieval P123, P128, P345, - include sentence-location in the indexes
- information P345, 25 P345, 37 P348, 10
P350, 8 retrieval P123, 5 P128, 25
P345, 37 P345, 40
19Extensions of Inverted Index Operations(Distance
- Include paragraph numbers in the indexessentence
numbers within paragraphsword numbers within
sentencesinformation P345, 2, 3, 5
retrieval P345, 2, 3, 6 - Query examples(information adjacent
retrieval)(information within five words
retrieval) - Cost the size of indexes
20Retrieval models
Set Theoretic
Fuzzy Extended Boolean
Classic Models
Boolean Vector Probabilistic
Generalized Vector Latent Semantic Index Neural
Inference Network Belief Network
21Classic IR Model
- Basic concepts Each document is described by a
set of representative keywords called index
terms. - Assign a numerical weights to distinct relevance
between index terms.
22Boolean model
- Binary decision criterion
- Data retrieval model
- Advantage
- clean formalism, simplicity
- Disadvantage
- It is not simple to translate an information need
into a Boolean expression. - exact matching may lead to retrieval of too few
or too many documents
23Vector model
- Assign non-binary weights to index terms in
queries and in documents. gt TFxIDF - Compute the similarity between documents and
query. gt Sim(Dj, Q) - More precise than Boolean model.
24Term Weights
- Term WeightsDiTi1, 0.2 Ti2, 0.5 Ti3, 0.6
- Issues
- How to generate the term weights?
- How to apply the term weights?
- Sum the weights of all document terms that match
the given query. - Rank the output documents in the descending order
of term weight.
25Boolean Query with Term Weights
- Transform a Boolean expression into disjunctive
normal form. T1 and (T2 or T3) (T1 and T2)
or (T1 and T3) - For each conjunct, compute the minimum term
weight of any document term in that conjunct. - The document weight is the maximum of all the
conjunct weights.
26Boolean Query with Term Weights
- Example Q(T1 and T2) or T3Document Conjunct Q
ueryVectors Weights Weight (T1 and T2) (T3)
(T1 and T2) or T3D1(T1,0.2T2,0.5T3,0.6) 0
.2 0.6 0.6D2(T1,0.7T2,0.2T3,0.1) 0.2 0.1
0.2D1 is preferred.
- Conventional IR systems
- Evaluation
- Text operations (Term selection)
- Query operations (Pattern matching, Relevance
feedback) - Indexing (File structure)
- Modeling
- Journals
- Journal of American Society of Information
Sciences - ACM Transactions on Information Systems
- Information Processing and Management
- Information Systems (Elsevier)
- Knowledge and Information Systems (Springer)
- Conferences
- Text Retrieval Conference (TREC)