Title: Multiple Regression Coefficients
1Multiple Regression Coefficients
2Predict Graduation Rate
3Variables Influence Graduation Rate
4Predict Graduation Rate from Age and Aptitude
5Multiple Regression Analysis
- Predict a criterion variable from a set of
6Compute the Correlation Matrix
7Correlation Matrix for the Predictor Set (Age and
8Negative Correlation between Age and Scores
- Younger subjects have higher aptitude scores.
9Correlation between each Predictor and the
10Negative Correlation between Age and Graduation
- Younger subjects have higher graduation rates.
11Positive Correlation between Scores and
Graduation Rate
- Subjects with higher aptitude scores have higher
graduation rates.
12Compute the Beta Weights
13Multiple Regression Equation
14The Sign of Beta Weights
15Negative Beta Weight Associated with Age
- Older age will decrease the value of the
16Positive Beta Weight Associated with Score
- Higher scores will increase the value of the
17The Magnitude of Beta Weights
18Generally speaking, the greater the absolute beta
weights, the greater the influence on the
criterion variable.
19Coefficient of Multiple Determination
20Coefficient of Multiple Determination
Age and aptitude score account for 97 of the