Title: pierre@mail.isu.edu.tw
- ??????????
- ???
- pierre_at_mail.isu.edu.tw
31.1 Electronic Design Industry
Great challenges in electronic design industry -
Size and complexity of digital systems increase -
Life-cycle of product decrease - cost down -
functionalities increase
41.2 Digital System Design Process
51.3 Design Process
-gt design idea -gtbehavioral definition -gtflowchart
/flow graph/pseudocode -gt design of the system
data path -gt specifies the registers and logic
units -gtimplementation of data registers, busses,
logic units, and their controlling hardware
-gtnetlist of gates and flip-flops
-gttransformation of the netlist into a
transistor list or layout -gtmanufacturing(FPGA
or ASIC)
61.4 What is HDL
HDLs are used to describe hardware for the
purpose of simulation, modeling, testing, design,
and documentation of digital systems. HDLs
provide a convenient and compact format for the
hierarchical representation of functional and
wiring details of digital systems. HDLs consist
of a simple set of symbols and notations which
replace schematic diagrams of digital circuits,
as well as define the hardware at one or more
levels of abstraction. HDLs software tools
includes compilers, simulators, testers, and
hardware synthesis programs. - compiler is used
for syntax and semantic verification, -
simulation program can be used for
functionalities verification, - synthesizer is
used for automatic hardware circuit generation.
- tester is a test generation program may depend
on a hardware description language to provide a
netlist format, test application test bench, and
fault injection
71.5 VHDL for EDA
Electronic Design Automation(EDA) tools can help
the designer with design entry, hardware
generation, test sequence generation,
documentation, verification, and design
management VHDL for EDA - modeling - design -
simulation - hardware synthesis
81.6 Hardware Modeling
?Modeling tools available to a hardware engineer
include paper and pencil, schematic capture
programs, breadboarding facilities. ?The newest
and most promising of these tools are hardware
description languages. ?These modeling tools
enable a hardware designer to model his circuit
at many levels of abstraction for various design,
analysis, and documentation purposes.
92. ??????
102.1 ????????
112.2 ?????????
122.3 ????????
132.4 ????????
142.5 ??FPGA??????
152.6 ?????????