Title: November 2, 2006
1Youre Invited
November 2, 2006
Construction Kingdom
Illustrated guides available at the front gate
Superintendents Proposed Capital Improvement
Plan 2007-2017
New and improved this year!
Private tour guide provided
2Virginia School Facilities Cost Data
32006 VA Construction Costs
- Elementary 153.15 to 209.64
- Middle 168.85 to 181.97
- High 161.54 to 181.85
4CPS Construction Costs
- GFE - 89.73 Sq Ft
- Lowest Sq Ft cost in 2002-03
- State Average - 105.12 Sq Ft
5CPS Construction Costs
- GMS - 77.53 Sq Ft
- JMS - 86.54 Sq Ft
- 98-99 State Average - 86.02 Sq Ft
- Stafford 96.37
- Warren - 89.32
6CPS Construction Costs
- GFH - 157.60 Sq Ft
- VA Middle Schools - 175.73 Sq Ft
- PPEA Schools - 164.98 Sq Ft
7Engineering News-Record
- Showed a 5.2 increase in the price of cement for
January-September 2005. - Shows a 5.6 increase in the price of cement for
January-September 2006.
8Engineering News-Record
- Showed a 7.3 increase in the price of steel for
January-September 2005. - Shows a 12.6 increase in the price of steel for
January-September 2006.
9For 2006 The Kiplinger Letter Forecasts
- Price of Copper, Aluminum, and Steel will remain
very high. - Price of oil will affect cost of shipping,
asphalt and all petroleum based products.
10The Turner Building Cost Index
- Showed a 9.67 increase in cost of construction
from 4th quarter 2004 to 3rd quarter 2005. - Showed a 10.10 increase in cost of construction
from 4th quarter 2005 to 3rd quarter 2006.
11Map to Construction Kingdom
12Restricted Area Closed for Maintenance
13Major Mechanical/Maintenance55,940,600 or 14
of the Total CIP Budget
14Major Mechanical/Maintenance55,940,600 or 14
of the Total CIP Budget
- HVAC (remainder of the work) and cooling tower
replacement at GBH - Repaving at DCE, DCH, PORT, and WBP
- Replacement of mixing boxes at IRH, IRM, and WBM
- Replacement of air quality unit (make-up air
unit) at PORT
15Major Mechanical/Maintenance Cost
16New Frontiers Land Acquisition Other Projects
17Land Acquisition and Other Projects 8,038,200
or 2 of Total CIP Budget
- Land for elementary school in the DCCE/DCE area
- Renovate DCM and GBM stadiums
- Parking/storage facility for buses
- Renovate the former RE-ED Center
18Future World Schools (New, Replace,
19Schools333,222,800 or 84 of the Total CIP
- Design and construct an additional high school
in the Elbow Road/Centerville Turnpike North area - Construct a replacement school for OSM
- Design and construct a middle school to relieve
HMS - Design and construct an addition/renovation to CWM
20Schools333,222,800 or 84 of the Total CIP
- Design and construct an additional elementary
school in the BMW/CWI/GRP/GRI area - Design and construct an addition to WBH
- Design and construct an additional elementary
school in the DCCE/DCE area
21Schools333,222,800 or 84 of the Total CIP
- Design and construct an addition/renovation to
IRH - Design and construct an addition/renovation to
CHT - Design an addition/renovation to GBP
- Design an addition/renovation to IRM
222007-2012 Five Year Grand Total(current dollars)
232007-2012 Five Year Grand Total(inflated dollars)
24Come Again
25Copies of the CIP are Available
- Planning and Development Department
- www.cpschools.com
- All branches of the public library