Title: Physics 451
1Physics 451
- Quantum mechanics I
- Fall 2009
Sep 16, 2009 Karine Chesnel
2Quantum mechanics
- Homework this week
- Thursday Sep 17 by 7pm HW 4
- help session Thursday (Peter) 3- 6pm 393 CB
3Quantum mechanics Ch 2.2
Infinite square well
Properties of the wave functions yn
1.They are alternatively even and odd
2. Each successive state has one more node
3. They are orthonormal
4Quantum mechanics Ch 2.2
Infinite square well
Possible states and energy values
Quantization of the energy
Each state yn is associated to an energy En
5Quiz 7
Quantum mechanics
6Quantum mechanics Ch 2.2
Infinite square well
Expectation value for the energy
7Quantum mechanics Ch 2.2
Infinite square well
Expectation value for the energy
8Quantum mechanics Ch 2.2
Infinite square well
9Quantum mechanics Ch 2.2
Infinite square well
How to find the coefficients cn?
Fouriers series expansion
10Quantum mechanics Ch 2.2
Infinite square well
How to find the coefficients cn?
11Quiz 8
Quantum mechanics
Could this function be a solution for the wave
function of a particle in an infinite square
well at a given time?