Title: NRHA Mission
1 HCR 1010 Core Health Benefit Task Force Report
and Recommendations
2- Task Force Report
- Nearly 100 of participants selected coverage in
- Hospital Care
- Pharmacy
- Primary Care
- Scans and X-rays
3Average Rx Prices
Still sold under the original brand name, but
patent has expired and is available generically.
SOURCE NACDS, based on Medicaid drug utilization
data from CMS.
4 Double-Edged Sword
Fact 82 percent of the U.S. population reported
using at least one prescription medication,
over-the-counter medication, or dietary
supplement in the previous week, and 30 percent
reported using five or more of these drugs.
2004, D. Budnitz et al.
5The Good News Fact A prescription drug
benefit (drug card) increases access to
medications among the insured vs the
uninsured. Fact A prescription drug benefit
(drug card) increases utilization of
medications among the insured vs the
6The Bad News Adverse drug events among
outpatients will likely increase with increased
use of medications unless prevention strategies
are implemented.
7In fact. for every dollar spent on ambulatory
medications, another dollar is spent to treat new
health problems caused by the medication. The
1999 Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report To Err
is Human
8Prescription Drug Benefit
The issue is not just access to drugs. The
issue in Oklahoma is access to Pharmaceutical
9Defining the Need for Pharmacists
- Prescription drug therapy
- is growing at an
- exponential rate.
- The cost of drug-related
- problems is increasing at
- a rate similar to the use of
- medications.
1995 76.6 Billion Johnson and
Bootman 2001 177.4 Billion Ernst and Grizzle
10Meeting the Drug-related Need
- Pharmacists can reduce the incidence of
drug-related problems and improve
medication-related outcomes. - Pharmacists are well prepared to provide
pharmaceutical care and no other healthcare
provider is better prepared to identify, prevent
or resolve drug-related problems.
11Meeting the Drug-related Need Especially in
Rural Oklahoma where there are even higher
rates of un-insured and
under-insured. and lower pharmacist/population
12Oklahoma Communities with only one Pharmacy
74 Communities with only one Pharmacy 10 miles
from any other pharmacy 43 2000
Population in Communities with only one Pharmacy
10 miles from any other pharmacy
67,170 Reliance on Independently Owned
Pharmacies in Rural America RUPRI Center for
Rural Health Policy Analysis Policy Brief No.
2007-6 November 2007 www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth Mich
ael D. Shambaugh-Miller, Ph.D., Nicole Vanosdel,
B.S., and Keith J. Mueller, Ph.D.
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14Healthcare Value of a Pharmacist in a Rural Town
- Broad/Comprehensive Medication Delivery
- Medication Information (OTC and Rx)
- Product selection
- Dosing
- Adverse Effects
- Triage (first-contact care)
- Evaluation
- Therapeutic Plan
- Therapeutic Assessment
- Health Promotion/Disease Prevention
- Consumer Protection
15The Economic Impact of a Typical Rural Community
For every 1 in income in a typical rural
community pharmacy, an additional 0.19 in income
is generated in other businesses and industries
in the local economy.
Study prepared by Cheryl F. St. Clair, Associate
State Extension Specialist, Gerald A. Doeksen,
OSU Regents Professor/Health Economist, National
Center for Rural Health Works, December 2007.
16My Opinion
- A prescription drug benefit should encourage the
use of generic medications. - Through incentives to the patient (smaller or
zero co-pays) - Through incentives to the pharmacist to increase
utilization of generics (larger dispensing fee)
17Generic Drugs Cost Less than Brand Name Drugs
Average generic reimbursement is 1/6 the average
amount for patented brand name drugs.
Still sold under the original brand name, but
patent has expired and is available generically.
SOURCE NACDS, based on Medicaid drug utilization
data from CMS.
18Prescription Payment Components 1980 to 2002
(current dollars)
SOURCE Compiled by Stephen W. Schondelmeyer,
PRIME Institute, University of Minnesota from
data found in CMS/HCFA-2082 Reports (adjudicated
paid claims), CMS/HCFA-64 Reports (budgeted and
expended funds), CMS/HCFA Medicaid Drug
Utilization public use files, and the annual
volumes of Pharmaceutical Benefits Under State
Medical Assistance Programs (Reston, VA National
Pharmaceutical Council, 1967 to 2002).
19My Opinion
- A prescription drug benefit should include
prevention strategies to decrease the incidence
of medication injuries and adverse events. - Clinical pharmacy services
- Chronic Disease Management programs.
- Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
- Reimbursement pharmacists for services.
20 for every dollar spent on ambulatory
medications, another dollar is spent to treat new
health problems caused by the medication.
21My Opinion
- A prescription drug benefit should not adversely
affect access to pharmacists in rural Oklahoma. - Negotiable Contracts
- Consistent Co-pays and Days Supply ( with mail
order pharmacies) - Reasonable Reimbursement
- Enforce Prompt-Pay regulations
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23 Thank you.