Title: Introductory Genetics 3A Principle of Linkage Mapping
1Introductory Genetics 3APrinciple of Linkage
- Greg Gibson
- Department of Genetics
- North Carolina State University
2Types of Map used in Genetics
4Constructing a Linkage Map
5Linkage Exercise
A cross involving 968 F2 progeny of a cross
between a normal tree and one that produces
small, sour, red, thick-skinned oranges results
in the following combination of phenotypes.
Generate a genetic map involving the four
recessive markers.
6Exercise Answer
Completely linked loci would be expected to
produce about 242 trees of each double-mutant
class, whereas unlinked loci should only have ¼ x
¼ x 968 60 double mutants.
thickskin reddish sour
7Constructing a physical map
8Restriction mapping
9Radiation Hybrids
10Synteny (cat-human)
11Synteny (mouse-human)
12Synteny (rice-cress)
13Pedigree mapping