Title: Section 2'1: Properties of Functions
1Section 2.1 Properties of Functions
- Homework 1-65 (pages 59-62)
- Let us use a few minutes to answer any urgent
questions you may have about last nights
3Function Notation
- A function is a rule f that assigns to every
input x one and only one output y. - For an input x, the output is usually denoted y
f(x), where f is the name given to the function. - Do not read the equation above as f times x
but, rather, as f of x.
4Examples (using people instead of numbers)
- If one refers to xs brother as b(x), that would
not be a function.
5Examples (using people instead of numbers)
- If one refers to xs brother as b(x), that would
not be a function. - When you talk about Davids brother, are you
talking about Daniel or Michael?
6Examples (using people instead of numbers)
- If one refers to xs brother as b(x), that would
not be a function. - When you talk about Davids brother, are you
talking about Daniel or Michael? - Also, what if someone does not have a brother at
7Examples (using people instead of numbers)
- If one refers to xs father as f(x), that would
be a function.
8Examples (using people instead of numbers)
- If one refers to xs father as f(x), that would
be a function. - Everybody has one and only one father.
9Examples with numbers
10Examples with numbers
11Examples with numbers
- f(x) 3 is a function.
- g(x) 3x
12Examples with numbers
- f(x) 3 is a function.
- g(x) 3x is a function.
13Examples with numbers
- f(x) 3 is a function.
- g(x) 3x is a function.
- y f(x) 2x 4
14Examples with numbers
- f(x) 3 is a function.
- g(x) 3x is a function.
- y f(x) 2x 4 is a function.
- We call them
15Examples with numbers
- f(x) 3 is a function (a constant function)
- g(x) 3x is a function
- y f(x) 2x 4 is a function
16Examples with numbers
- f(x) 3 is a function (a constant function)
- g(x) 3x is a function (a linear function)
- y f(x) 2x 4 is a function
17Examples with numbers
- f(x) 3 is a function (a constant function)
- g(x) 3x is a function (a linear function)
- y f(x) 2x 4 is a function (a linear
18Linear Functions
- f(x) 3 is a function (a constant function)
- g(x) 3x is a function (a linear function)
- y f(x) 2x 4 is a function (a linear
function) - The terminology makes sense since the
relationship between x and y is given by a linear
equation y mx b.
19Domain and Range
- The set of possible inputs is the domain.
- The set of possible outputs is the range.
20Revisiting the brother function
- If one refers to xs brother as b(x), that would
not be a function. - What if someone does not have a brother at all?
- We could define the function b(x) so that the
domain consists of only people who have brothers.
21Revisiting the brother function
- What if someone has more than one brother?
- Well, define, for example, b(x) to be xs oldest
22Going back to numerical examples
- Let f(x) x2.
- This is a function. Its domain is all real
numbers and its range is 0, infinity) - f(2)
- f(-1)
- f(10)
23Going back to numerical examples
- Let f(x) x2.
- This is a function. Its domain is all real
numbers and its range is 0, infinity) - f(2) 4
- f(-1)
- f(10)
24Going back to numerical examples
- Let f(x) x2.
- This is a function. Its domain is all real
numbers and its range is 0, infinity) - f(2) 4
- f(-1) 1
- f(10)
25Going back to numerical examples
- Let f(x) x2.
- This is a function. Its domain is all real
numbers and its range is 0, infinity) - f(2) 4
- f(-1) 1
- f(10) 100
26A numerical rule defined with words
- g(x) the number which, when squared, yields x
27A numerical rule defined with words
- g(x) the number which, when squared, yields x
back. - Is this a function?
28A numerical rule defined with words
- g(x) the number which, when squared, yields x
back. - Is this a function?
- Does every input have an output? (In other words,
what should be the domain of g?)
29A numerical rule defined with words
- g(x) the number which, when squared, yields x
back. - Is this a function?
- Does every input have an output? (In other words,
what should be the domain of g?) - g(x) could be a function with domain
0,infinity). The output of -4,for example,
could not be defined.
30A numerical rule defined with words
- For any non-negative number x, let g(x) the
number which, when squared, yields x back. - Is this a function?
31A numerical rule defined with words
- For any non-negative number x, let g(x) the
number which, when squared, yields x back. - Is this a function?
- Does every input have only one input?
32A numerical rule defined with words
- For any non-negative number x, let g(x) the
number which, when squared, yields x back. - Is this a function?
- Does every input have only one input?
- As defined, g(4) could be either 2 or -2.
33A numerical function defined with words
- For any non-negative number x, let g(x) the
non-negative number y which, when squared, yields
x back. (i.e. y2 x).
34A numerical function defined with words
- For any non-negative number x, let g(x) the
non-negative number y which, when squared, yields
x back. (i.e. y2 x). - Now we recognize this function as g(x) the
square root of x.
35In this class
- I will pay much more attention to the Domain of
Functions than to their Ranges. - Calculating ranges is a little more complicated
an, in general, does not seem to be worth the
extra work.
- Calculating domains will usually boil down to
answering the question What values of x can we
not plug in?
37Calculating Domains
- Calculating domains will usually boil down to
answering the question What values of x can we
not plug in? - There will only be two problems we face in this
class when it comes to domains of functions
zeroes in the denominator and negative numbers
under (even) radicals.
- The domain of f(x) 1/(x-5) consists of all
numbers but x 5. - The domain of g(x) / 2x 1 (the square root of
2x 1) consists of all numbers bigger than equal
to -1/2.
39One last thought