Title: Risk due to lags in payments
1Transaction Exposure
- Risk due to lags in payments
- Hedging strategies
- Transaction exposure
- changes in the value of outstanding contracts
- Operating exposure (economic exposure)
- change in the PV of the firm (real exchange
rates) - Translation exposure (accounting exposure)
- change in value of owner equity
- Tax exposure
3Transaction exposure sources
- lending or receivables denominated in foreign
currency - borrowing or payables denominated in foreign
currency - holding a defaulted forward contract
4Lags and transaction exposure
- t0 - order placed
- Forward contract agreed to
- t1 - order shipped (10 days)
- t2 - order delivered (24 days)
- t3 - order settled (90 days)
5Balance sheet perspective
- Contract price, quantity, due date (today)
- Forward contract purchased (today)
- Input inventories purchased (today)
- Inventories increase
- (Payables increase)
- May also be funded by LT debt
- Output inventories created (8days)
- Input inventories decrease
- Output inventories increase
- (Accruals increase)
- May also be funded by LT debt
- Goods shipped (no change) (10 days)
6Balance sheet perspective (cont)
- Goods received (24 days)
- Inventories decrease
- Receivables increase
- Contract paid (90 days)
- Receivables decrease
- Take delivery on forward contract
- Cash increases
- During this process
- Payables paid
- Accruals paid
7To Hedge
- Reduce the volatility of future cash flows
- Eliminate one source of risk
- Exchange rate volatility
- Cost of the hedge
- Does not change default risk
- Management either hedges or speculates ??
- Does not have expertise in exchange rate risk
8To not Hedge
- Shareholders better able to diversify risk than
firm - If parity holds NPV of hedging negative
- Costs of hedging
- Efficient markets have already impounded the risk
into share price - Agency problem
- Management is risk averse relative to their jobs
not to stockholder value
9Accounting practices non-hedged position
- Balance sheet
- Input inventories at cost
- Output inventories at COGS
- Receivable denominated in cd
- Spot in effect at time of delivery
- Income statement
- At payment
- Gain or loss realized
- Counted on income statement
10Types of hedges
- contractual hedges
- forwards, futures, option,
- money market hedges
- operating financial hedges
- risk-sharing
- leads lags
- swaps
11Forward hedge - 90 day
- short goods (delivered)
- selling goods for 154,000 usd
- long bill of exchange (bankers accept)
- payment 154,000 usd promised forward
- long a forward contract
- forward contract set for delivery of 229,460 cd
- delivery of 154,000 usd
- delivery of 229,460 cd
- discounted value 225,796.28
12Forward hedge - Sources of risk
- delivery on bill
- bank backing the bill could default
- delivery on forward contract
- bank delivering cd forward could defaulat
- risk of default is low
- the hedge reduces transaction exposure
13Accounting practicesHedged position
- Contract values
- 231,000 receivable _at_ spot 1.50
- 229,460 payable _at_ forward 1.49
- Balance sheet
- Input inventories at cost
- Output inventories at COGS
- Receivable denominated
- Denominated at spot in effect at time of delivery
- Forward contract as payable
- Denominated at forward rate
14Money market hedge - 90 day
- short goods (delivered)
- 154,000 usd
- long bill for 154,000 usd
- short loan 154,000/(1.0765) .25 151,188
- exchange for 225,270 cd
- delivery of 154,000 usd
- pay off loan of 154,000
15Money market hedge - Sources of risk
- delivery on bill
- bank backing the bill could default
- no forward contract
- risk of default is lower
- the hedge reduces transaction exposure
16One can also discount the bill - 90 day
- short goods
- 154,000 usd
- long bill of exchange
- sell bill at discount to bank _at_ 8.65
- 150,839 usd
- exchange for 224,750 cd
17Discounting bill of exchange - Sources of risk
- no risk delivery on bill
- bill sold at discount to another party
- no forward contract
- risk of default is eliminated
- the hedge eliminates transaction exposure
18OTC option contract - 90 day
- short goods
- 154,000 usd
- long bill of exchange
- long call option to buy 229,508 cd
- _at_0.0025 usd/cd cost 573.77 usd
- exercise price 6710
- delivery of 154,000
- if e gt x, exercise option
- get 229,508 cd net of cost of hedge
19Option contract - Sources of risk
- risk of bank default on delivery on bill
- risk of default by bank on option contract
- the hedge reduces transaction exposure
20Present value of the hedges
- forward hedge 225,796 cd
- money market hedge 225,270
- discounting 224,750
- option contract 229,508 cd / (1.0667).25 -
(573.77 usd 1.49cd/usd) 224,989 cd
21Accounting for unhedged positions
- Payables and receivables are booked at current
spot - income statements
- balance sheets
- at settlement - changes to book value must be
counted - losses
- gains
22Accounting hedged positions
- Payables and receivables are booked at current
spot - Use your forward rate as best estimator of future
expected spot - foreign exchange gain/loss forward - spot
- forward contract loss 0
- Gains/losses will be the difference between
- contract evaluated at forward and
- contract evaluated at spot
23Risk management
- Hedging costs money
- Hedging exposure
- As contracts are anticipated
- Contracts may not be signed
- If contracts signed unanticipated exchange rate
changes - As contracts are signed
- Risk that contract may be refused
- Risk that goods may not clear customs
- As contracts are delivered
- Default by the importer
- Out goods
- Must deliver on forward contract
24Other hedge practices
- Proportional hedges
- Forward contracts hedge percentage of exposure
- Percentage cover directly related to term to
maturity - Forward points (using Interest Rate Parity)
- The usd sells forward at discount
- May not hedge this transaction because they may
get a better exchange rate in the future