Title: Swahili training
1Google Translator Toolkit
2Login to http//translate.google.com/toolkit
3Click Upload from list view
4Click on the Wikipedia article tab
5Enter the name of the article, translate to
Swahili, and click Upload for translation
6Translator Toolkit pre-translates the file for
7Edit the translation in the WYSIWYG editor
8Best practice undock the edit box, click Show
toolkit, and use CtrlJ and CtrlK to move
between segments
9Translate each segment, making corrections to
pre-translation as needed
10If collaborating with other users, click Share ?
Invite people
11Invited collaborators can edit, comment on, or
view your translation
12When finished, click Share ? Publish to source
13Translator Toolkit publishes the article into
Wikipedia in preview mode
14Make final edits in Wikipedia edit box if needed,
or click Hifadhi ukurasa to make the translation
15While anonymous publishing is allowed, it may be
better if you publish when logged into Wikipedia
this will allow you to engage the Wikipedia
Swahili community
16Short video on YouTube