- COE 584
- Reactive Systems
2Previously, on Robots
- Robots are agents in physical or virtual
environments - Persistent, situated, responsive
- Environments have different characteristics
- Static/dynamic, accessible?, deterministic?, .
- Since we are lazy, we want robots to do things
for us - Robots must consider task when deciding what to
do - Action-selection problem
- What to do now in service of the task?
3Physical Environments
- Dynamic
- Non-deterministic
- Inaccessible
- Continuous
4A Crash Course in AI Planning
- Planning An approach to action-selection problem
- Very long history, since the very beginning of AI
- 1971, seminal paper STRIPS (Fikes and Nilsson)
- Still cited and taught today, despite much
progress - STRIPS originally developed for SRI robot, Shakey
- This is ironic
- Later on, STRIPS planning was rejected for robot
5AI Planning Definition State
- On(A,table), On(B,table), On(C,table),
On(A,B), On(B,table), On(C,table), In-hand(D)
6AI Planning Definition Operators
- Operators change state of the world
- Preconditions, add-list, delete-list
- Pick-A(?x)
- Preconditions On(A, ?x), In-hand(nil)
- Add In-hand(A)
- Delete In-hand(nil), On(A, ?x)
- Put-A(?y)
- Preconditions In-hand(A), not On(?x, ?y)
- Add On(A,?y), In-hand(nil)
- Delete In-hand(A)
7STRIPS Planning
- Given
- Initial state of the world
- Operators
- Goal state
- Produce
- Plan Ordered list of instantiated operators
- Will change the world from initial state to goal
8Planning Example
After Put-C(B)
9Planning on robots
- Sense initial state using sensors
- Create a full plan given goal state (given task)
- Feed plan, step-by-step to motors
- No need to sense again
- Whats wrong with this?
- (Hint Think about Schoppers paper)
10Deliberative Control
- Deliberative
- Has internal state (typically a model of the
world) - Uses this internal state to make decisions
- Decisions made between alternatives
11When plans goes wrong
- Dynamic environment
- State changes even if no operator applied
- Non-deterministic
- State changes not according to operator specs
- Inaccessible
- Cannot sense entire state of the world
- Continuous
- Predicate-based description of world is discrete
12Reactive control
Hard Wiring
- Reactive
- No internal state
- Direct connection from sensors to actions
- S-R (stimulus response) systems
- No choices, no alternatives
13Universal Planning
- Have a plan ready for any possible contingency
- Scouts Be prepared! ?
- From any initial state, know how to get to goal
state - Input Operators, goal state
- Do not need to give initial state
- Output Decision tree
- What operator to take, depending on environment
state - Not a single ordered list of operators
14Universal planning algorithm
15Robot Control AlgorithmUsing Universal Planning
- Robot given task (goal, operators)
- Uses universal planner to create universal plan
- Robot senses environment
- Goal state reached?
- No Execute operator according to decision tree
- Yes (keep persistency)
16Advantages of Universal Planning
- Guaranteed to use optimal (shortest) plan to goal
- A very good thing!
- Optimal solution to action selection problem
- Robust to failures
- Robust in dynamic and non-deterministic domains
17Problems with Universal Planning
- Assumes accessibility
- Assumes perfect sensors
- Assumes discrete actions (operators)
18Universal plan as mapping sensors to actions
- Universal plan can be viewed as a function
- Sensor readings to actions
- u S?A
- Essentially a table For each state, give action
- Schoppers uses a decision-tree representation
19Problems Planning Time
- What is the planning time?
- Planning time grows with the number of states
- Since we have to enumerate operator for every
state - What is the number of states in an environment?
- Worst case
- All possible combinations of sensor readings
- (state predicates)
20Problems Universal Plan Size
- Plan size grows with the number of possible
states - Curse of dimensionality
21Problems Stupid executioner
- Schoppers
- Baby goes around knocking blocks around?
- Ginsberg
- What if baby repeatedly knocks down the same
block? - Universal plans may get into cycles
- This is because no deliberation is done
- Universal planner relies on simple executioner
- Sense, consult table, act
- Same as regular planner except for sensing
22Brooks Subsumption Architecture
- Multiple levels of control Behaviors
Plan changes
Identify objects
Monitor Change
Avoid Object
23Why does this work?
- It breaks the ideal universal plan into behaviors
- avoids the curse of dimensionality
- Behaviors (levels) interact to generate behavior
- Note that programmer is responsible for
task-oriented design - Goes both below and above universal plans
- Hand programmed approximate plan
- Not automatically generated
24Subsuming Layers
- How to make sure overall output is coherent?
- e.g., avoid object is in conflict with explore
- Subsumption hierarchy Higher levels modify lower
Avoid Object
25Coherence using subsumption
- Key principle
- Higher layers control input/outputs of lower
layers - In practice
- Can be difficult to design
- a lot depends on programmer
- Single module per layer can be restrictive
- Increasingly challenging to control at higher
- Ginsbergs article pretty much killed universal
planning - Though occasional papers still published
- Reactive control very popular in practice
- But due to theory problem, no more automated
planners! - So we get lots of reactive plans, but no planning
27Irony again
- Ginsberg was right
- Approximating universal plan is possible
- Tends to be useful only in fairly low level
locomotion control - Approximation is what Brooks had done
- Which is why he often gets the credit for the
28Starting next week
- Behavior-Based Control
- Expanding on Subsumption