Title: New Funding Opportunities for Woodlands
1New Funding Opportunities for Woodlands
- Rural Development Programme for England
- The Forestry Sector
Chris Jankiewicz Forestry Commission, South East
2The forestry sector in the region
- Most wooded region in the country
- 2/3rds woodlands privately owned
- 10,000 owners
- Large number of small woodlands
- Nearly half of ancient origin
- Only 39 of annual timber increment in England is
being harvested
3New Funding Streams in addition to the EWGS
- Rural Development Programme for England
- Opportunities for bringing economics back into
woodland - Adding value to woodland products
4- What will RDPE support ? - Purchase of capital
equipment that will improve the value of
woodland. - In-forest harvesting and extraction machinery
that will provide for enhanced management. For
example, forwarders, skidders and winches.
5- What will RDPE support? - Adding value to
forestry products - primary processing - mobile sawmills or band saws
for planking - uptake of the latest technology
- the development and marketing of value-added
6- What will RDPE support ? - Creation of woodfuel
supply chains - Projects that help link the woodfuel supply, for
example chippers and firewood processors. - Associated infrastructure for storage and supply
of woodfuel products.
7- What will RDPE support ? - Diversification into
green tourism and leisure - Development of new sustainable uses for forestry
including recreational activity.
8- What will RDPE support ? - Training
- Forestry technical skills
- Business management.
9- Scheme Details
- Up to 40 or 50 grant depending on activity
- Match funding needs to come from the private
sector - State Aid issues may limit grant rate depending
on status of beneficiary. - Discretionary scheme
- Must identify need for funding and sound
rationale for intervention
10England Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS)
- Targeted
- Simplified
- Fits with other grant packages
- Electronic
11What is in EWGS?
- Planning grant
- Assessment grant
- Regeneration grant
- Management grant
- Improvement grant
- Creation grant
12 Woodland Planning Grant
- Captures complete picture
- Realise opportunities
- Support certification
- Include all woodlands
- 3 - 30ha 300
- 30 - 100ha 10/ha
- 101 5/ha
13 Woodland Assessment Grant
14 Woodland Regeneration Grant
- Replanting
- Natural Regeneration
- Direct seeding
- Gapping up
- Can include some
- coppice re-growth
15How WRG works
1760 per ha
Conifer plantation on AWS
Native species on AWS
- Can be done by what ever method
- you prefer
- Natural regeneration is best where
- there is suitable protection and
- evidence of advanced regeneration
160 per ha
Conifer plantation on AWS
Conifer plantation on AWS
Can still plant conifer on an ancient woodland
site where it exists at the moment but we will
not offer a grant
17Rates of grantavailable
- 1. Starting point
- 2. End result
18 Woodland Management Grant
- 30 per ha per year
- Available in ASNW, PAWS
- OSNW woods
- Woods providing public
- access where there is need
19 Woodland Improvement Grant
Capital Grants to support work which
benefits Biodiversity SSSI
woodland Access Normally 50 of
standard costs Limited budget, first come basis
20 Woodland Creation Grant
1800/ha broadleaf 1200/ha conifer
Additional contribution 500/ha public access
- New funding for forestry sector
- Capital investment
- Aimed at economics by adding value to woodlands
and wood products - Range of activities that are eligible
- Read the SEEDA website
- Submit and EOI and talk to us