Title: Commonsense Reasoning 10/11 HC 9 Structured argumentation (1)
1Commonsense Reasoning 10/11HC 9Structured
argumentation (1)
- Henry Prakken
- December 22, 2010
- Structured argumentation
- Arguments
- Attack
- Defeat
3We should lower taxes
We should not lower taxes
Lower taxes increase productivity
Increased productivity is good
Lower taxes increase inequality
Increased inequality is bad
Lower taxes do not increase productivity
Increased inequality is good
Prof. P says that
Prof. P is not objective
Prof. P has political ambitions
People with political ambitions are not objective
Increased inequality stimulates competition
USA lowered taxes but productivity decreased
Competition is good
4Aspic framework overview
- Argument structure
- Trees where
- Nodes are wff of a logical language L
- Links are applications of inference rules
- Rs Strict rules (?1, ..., ?n ? ?) or
- Rd Defeasible rules (?1, ..., ?n ? ?)
- Reasoning starts from a knowledge base K ? L
- Defeat attack on conclusion, premise or
inference, preferences - Argument acceptability based on Dung (1995)
5Argumentation systems
- An argumentation system is a tuple AS (L,
-,R,?) where - L is a logical language
- - is a contrariness function from L to 2L
- R Rs ?Rd is a set of strict and defeasible
inference rules - ? is a partial preorder on Rd
- If ? ? -(?) then
- if ? ? -(?) then ? is a contrary of ?
- if ? ? -(?) then ? and ? are contradictories
- ? _?, ? _?
6Knowledge bases
- A knowledge base in AS (L, -,R,?) is a pair
(K, ?) where K ? L and K is a partition Kn ? Kp
? Ka where - Kn necessary premises
- Kp ordinary premises
- Ka assumptions
- Moreover, ? is a partial preorder on K/Kn.
7Structure of arguments
- An argument A on the basis of (K, ?) in (L, -,R,
?) is - ? if ? ? K with
- Conc(A) ?
- Sub(A) ?
- DefRules(A) ?
- A1, ..., An ? ? if there is a strict inference
rule Conc(A1), ..., Conc(An) ? ? - Conc(A) ?
- Sub(A) Sub(A1) ? ... ? Sub(An) ? A
- DefRules(A) DefRules(A1) ? ... ? DefRules(An)
- A1, ..., An ? ? if there is a defeasible
inference rule Conc(A1), ..., Conc(An) ? ? - Conc(A) ?
- Sub(A) Sub(A1) ? ... ? Sub(An) ? A
- DefRules(A) DefRules(A1) ? ... ? DefRules(An) ?
A1, ..., An ? ?
8Rs Rd p,q ? s p ? t u,v ? w s,r,t ? v
Kn q Kp p,u Ka r
A1 p A5 A1 ? t A2 q A6 A1,A2 ? s A3
r A7 A5,A3,A6 ? v A4 u A8 A7,A4 ? w
u, v ? w ? Rs
p, q ? s ? Rs
s,r,t ? v w ? Rd
p ? t ? Rd
9Types of arguments
- An argument A is
- Strict if DefRules(A) ?
- Defeasible if not
- Firm if Prem(A) ? Kn
- Plausible if not firm
- S - ? means there is a strict argument A s.t.
- Conc(A) ?
- Prem(A) ? S
10Rs Rd p,q ? s p ? t u,v ? w s,r,t ? v
Kn q Kp p,u Ka r
A1 p A5 A1 ? t A2 q A6 A1,A2 ? s A3
r A7 A5,A3,A6 ? v A4 u A8 A7,A4 ? w
An argument A is - Strict if DefRules(A) ? -
Defeasible if not strict - Firm if Prem(A) ? Kn
- Plausible if not firm
- R
- r1 p ? q
- r2 p,q ? r
- r3 s ? t
- r4 t ? r1
- r5 u ? v
- r6 v,q ? t
- r7 p,v ? s
- r8 s ? p
- Kn p, Kp s,u
12Admissible argument orderings
- Let A be a set of arguments. A partial preorder
?a on A is admissible if - If A is firm and strict and B is defeasible or
plausible then B lta A - If A A1, ..., An ? ? then
- for all 1 ? i ? n A ?a Ai,
- for some 1 ? i ? n Ai ?a A
13Argumentation theories
- An argumentation theory is a triple AT (AS,KB,
?a) where - AS is an argumentation system
- KB is a knowledge base in AS
- ?a is an admissible ordering on ArgsAT where
- ArgsAT A A is an argument on the basis of KB
in AS
14Attack and defeat(with only contradictories and
Ka ?)
- A undermines B (on ?) if
- Conc(A) -? for some ? ? Prem(B )/ Kn
- A rebuts B (on B ) if
- Conc(A) -Conc(B ) for some B ? Sub(B ) and
- B applies a defeasible rule to derive Conc(B )
- A undercuts B (on B ) if
- Conc(A) -B for some B ? Sub(B ) and
- B applies a defeasible rule
- A defeats B iff for some B
- A undermines B on ? and not A lta ? or
- A rebuts B on B and not A lta B or
- A undercuts B on B
Naming convention implicit
15Example contd
- R
- r1 p ? q
- r2 p,q ? r
- r3 s ? t
- r4 t ? r1
- r5 u ? v
- r6 v,q ? t
- r7 p,v ? s
- r8 s ? p
- Kn p, Kp s,u
16Argument acceptability
- Dung-style semantics and proof theory directly
17The ultimate status of conclusions
- With grounded semantics
- A is justified if A ? g.e.
- A is overruled if A ? g.e. and A is defeated by
g.e. - A is defensible otherwise
- With preferred semantics
- A is justified if A ? p.e for all p.e.
- A is defensible if A ? p.e. for some but not all
p.e. - A is overruled otherwise (?)
- In all semantics
- ? is justified if ? is the conclusion of some
justified argument - (Alternative if all extensions contain an
argument for ?) - ? is defensible if ? is not justified and ? is
the conclusion of some defensible argument - ? is overruled if ? is not justified or
defensible and there exists an overruled argument
for ?
18Domain-specific vs. inference general inference
- d1 Bird ? Flies
- s1 Penguin ? Bird
- Penguin ? K
- Rd ?, ? ? ? ? ?
- Rs all valid inference
- rules of prop. l.
- Bird ? Flies ? K
- Penguin ? Bird ? K
- Penguin ? K
Bird? Flies
Penguin ? Bird
19Argument(ation) schemes general form
- But also critical questions
Premise 1, , Premise n Therefore
(presumably), conclusion
20Expert testimony(Walton 1996)
E is expert on D E says that P P is within D
Therefore (presumably),
P is the case
- Critical questions
- Is E biased?
- Is P consistent with what other experts say?
- Is P consistent with known evidence?
21Arguments from consequences
- Critical questions
- Does A also have bad consequences?
- Are there other ways to bring about G?
- ...
Action A brings about G, G is good Therefore
(presumably), A should be done
22Argument schemes in ASPIC
- Argument schemes are defeasible inference rules
- Critical questions are pointers to
counterarguments - Some point to undermining attacks
- Some point to rebutting attacks
- Some point to undercutting attacks
23Witness testimony
- Critical questions
- Is W sincere?
- Does Ws memory function properly?
- Did Ws senses function properly?
W says P W was in the position to observe
P Therefore (presumably), P
24Temporal persistence(Forward)
- Critical questions
- Was P known to be false between T1 and T2?
- Is the gap between T1 and T2 too long?
P is true at T1 and T2 gt T1 Therefore
(presumably), P is still true at T2
25Temporal persistence(Backward)
- Critical questions
- Was P known to be false between T1 and T2?
- Is the gap between T1 and T2 too long?
P is true at T1 and T2 lt T1 Therefore
(presumably), P was already true at T2
26X murdered Y
Y murdered in house at 445
X in 445
V murdered in L at T S was in L at T ? S
murdered V
X in 445X in 430
X in 445X in 500
backw temp pers
forw temp pers
X left 500
X in 430
X in 430W1
X in 430W2
W2 X in 430
W3 X left 500
W1 X in 430