Dialogue Systems: Simulations or Interfaces? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dialogue Systems: Simulations or Interfaces?


Dialogue Systems: Simulations or Interfaces? Staffan Larsson G teborg University Sweden Introduction Basic question What is the goal of formal dialogue research? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dialogue Systems: Simulations or Interfaces?

Dialogue Systems Simulations or Interfaces?
  • Staffan Larsson
  • Göteborg University
  • Sweden

Basic question
  • What is the goal of formal dialogue research?
  • Formal dialogue research
  • formal research on the semantics and pragmatics
    of dialogue

Two possible answers
  • Engineering view the purpose of formal dialogue
    research is
  • interface engineering (services and technologies)
  • enable building better human-computer interfaces
  • Simulation view the ultimate goal of formal
    dialogue research is
  • a complete formal and computational
    (implementable) theory of human language use and

The convergence assumption
  • There is an extensive if not complete overlap
    between the simulation of human language use and
    the engineering of conversational interfaces.

Aim of this presentation
  • Review an argument against the possibility of
    human-level natural language understanding in
    computers (simulation view)
  • Explicitly apply this argument to formal dialogue
    research, arguing that the covergence assumption
    is dubious
  • Draw out the consequences of this for formal
    dialogue research

Formal dialogue research and GOFAI
The Turing test
  • Can a machine think? Turing offers an operational
    definition of the ability to think
  • Turings imitation game
  • Test person A has a dialogue (via a text
    terminal) with B.
  • As goal is to decide whether B is a human or a
  • If B is a machine and manages to deceive A that B
    is a human, B should be regarded as able to think

The Turing test and the Simulation view
  • The Turing Test can be seen as the ultimate test
    of a simulation of human language use
  • The ability to think is operationalised as the
    ability to carry out a natural language dialogue
    in a way that is indiscernible from that of a
  • The goal of formal dialogue research coincides
    with the goal of AI (as originally perceived)

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Goal simulate human/intelligent
  • Weak AIMachines can be made to act as if they
    were intelligent
  • Until the mid-80s, the dominating paradigm of AI
    was the idea that thinking is, essentially,
    symbol manipulation
  • The physical symbol hypothesis
  • All intelligent behaviour can be captured by a
    system that reasons logically from a set of
    facts and rules that describe the domain
  • This is sometimes referred to as GOFAI
  • (Good Old Fashioned AI)

Dialogue systems and GOFAI
  • Since around the mid-80s, GOFAI has been
    abandoned by many (but not all) AI researchers
  • Instead, focus on NEFAI (New-Fangled AI)
  • connectionism,
  • embodied interactive automata,
  • reinforcement learning,
  • probabilistic methods, etc.
  • However, a large part of current dialogue systems
    research is based on the GOFAI paradigm
  • Information States, for example
  • Formal pragmatics is often used as a basis for
    the implementation of dialogue managers in
    GOFAI-style approaches

Formal semantics and GOFAI
  • GOFAI and formal semantics deals, to a large
    extent, with similar problems and use similar
  • Formal symbolic representations of meaning
  • Natural Language Understanding as symbol
  • (Even though many early GOFAI researchers appear
    oblivious to the existence of formal semantics of
    natural language in the style of Montague, Kamp
  • Formal semantics perhaps not originally intended
    to be implemented, and not as part of AI
  • Still, formal semantics shares with GOFAI rests
    on the assumption that natural language meaning
    can be captured in formal symbol manipulation

  • Why GOFAI in formal semantics and pragmatics?
  • It seems to be the most workable method for the
    complex problems of natural language dialogue
  • Natural language dialogue appears to be useful
    for improving on current human-computer
  • But is GOFAI-based research also a step on the
    way towards human-level natural language
    understanding in computers, i.e. simulation?

Phenomenological arguments against GOFAI
Some problems in AI
  • Frame problem
  • updating the world model
  • knowing which aspects of the world are relevant
    for a certain action
  • Computational complexity in real-time
    resource-bounded applications
  • Planning for conjunctive goals
  • Plan recognition
  • Incompleteness of general FOL reasoning
  • not to mention modal logic
  • Endowing a computer with the common sense of a
  • AI is still very far from this

  • Humans dont have problems with these things
  • Is it possible that all these problems have a
    common cause?
  • They all seem to be related to formal
    representations and symbol manipulation

Background and language understanding
  • Dreyfus, Winograd, Weizenbaum
  • Human behaviour based on our everyday commonsense
    background understanding
  • allows us to experience what is currently
    relevant, and deal with tings and people
  • crucial to understanding language
  • involves utterance situation, activity,
    institution, cultural setting, ...

  • Dreyfus argues that the background has the form
    of dispositions, or informal know-how
  • Normally, one simply knows what to do
  • a form of skill rather than propositional
  • To achieve GOFAI,
  • this know-how, along with interests, feelings,
    motivations, social interests, and bodily
    capacities that go to make a human being,...
  • ... would have to be conveyed to the computer as
    knowledge in the form of a huge and complex
    belief system

CYC (Lenat) and natural language
  • An attempt to formalise common sense
  • The kind of knowledge we need to understand NL
  • using general categories that make no reference
    to specific uses of the knowledge
  • Lenats ambitions
  • its premature to try to give a computer skills
    and feelings required for actually coping with
    things and people
  • L. is satisfied if CYC can understand books and
    articles and answer questions about them

The background cannot be formalised
  • There are no reasons to think that humans
    represent and manipulate the background
    explicitly, or that this is possible even in
  • ...understanding requires giving the computer a
    background of commons sense that adult humans
    have in virtue of having bodies, interacting
    skilfully with the material world, and being
    trained into a culture
  • Why does it appear plausible that the background
    could be formalised knowing-that?
  • Breakdowns
  • Skill acquisition

Skills and formal rules
  • When things go wrong - when we fail there is a
  • In such situations, we need to reflect and
    reason, and may have to learn and apply formal
  • but it is a mistake to
  • read these rules back into the normal situation
  • appeal to such rules for a causal explanation of
    skilful behaviour

Dreyfus account of skill acquisition
  • 1. Beginner student Rule-based processing
  • learning and applying rules for manipulating
    context-free elements
  • There is thus a grain of truth in GOFAI
  • 2. Understanding the domain seeing meaningful
    aspects, rather than context-free features
  • 3. Setting goals and looking at the current
    situation in terms of what is relevant
  • 4. Seeing a situation as having a certain
    significance toward a certain outcome
  • 5. Expert The ability of instantaneously
    selecting correct responses (dispositions)

  • There is no reason to suppose that the beginners
    features and rules (or any features and rules)
    play any role in expert performance
  • That we once followed a rule in tying our
    shoelaces does not mean we are still following
    the same rule unconsciously
  • Since we needed training wheels when learning
    how to ride a bike, we must now be using
    invisible training wheels.
  • Human language use and cognition involves symbol
    manipulation, but is not based on it

  • Language understanding requires access to human
    background understanding
  • This background cannot be formalised
  • Since GOFAI works with formal representations,
    GOFAI systems will never be able to understand
    language as humans do

Simulation and NEFAI
What about NEFAI?
  • This argument only applies to GOFAI!
  • A lot of modern AI is not GOFAI
  • New-Fangled AI (NEFAI)
  • interactionist AI (Brooks, Chapman, Agre)
  • embodied AI (COG)
  • connectionism / neural networks
  • reinforcement learning
  • So maybe human language use and understanding
    could be simulated if we give up GOFAI and take
    up NEFAI?
  • Note that very few have tried this in the area of
  • Simply augmenting a GOFAI system with statistics
    is not enough

  • Although NEFAI is more promising than GOFAI...
  • ... most current learning techniques rely on the
    previous availability of explicitly represented
    knowledge the training data must be interpreted
    and arranged by humans
  • in the case of learning the background, this
    means that the background has to be represented
    before it can be used for training
  • But as we have seen, Dreyfus argues that
    commonsense background cannot be captured in
    explicit representations

  • Russel Norvig, in Artificial Intelligence -A
    Modern Approach (1999)
  • In a discussion of Dreyfus argument
  • In our view, this is a good reason for a serious
    redesign of current models of neural processing
    .... There has been some progress in this
  • But no such research is cited
  • So R N admit that this is a real problem. In
    fact it is still the exact same problem that
    Dreyfus pointed out originally
  • There is still nothing to indicate that Dreyfus
    is wrong when arguing against the possibility of
    getting computers to learn commonsense background

  • But lets assume for the moment that the current
    shortcomings of NEFAI could be overcome...
  • that learning mechanisms can be implemented who
    learn in the same way humans do
  • and that appropriate initial structure of these
    systems can be given
  • and that all this can be done without providing
    predigested facts that rely on human

Some factors influencing human language use
  • Embodiment
  • having a human body, being born and raised by
  • Being trained into a culture
  • by interacting with other humans
  • Social responsibility
  • entering into social commitments with other people

What is needed to achieve simulation?
  • So, perhaps we can do real AI, provided we can
    build robot infants that are raised by parents
    and socialised into society by human beings who
    treat them as equals
  • This probably requires people to actually think
    that these AI systems are human
  • These systems will have the same ethical status
    as humans
  • If we manage to do it, is there any reason to
    assume that they would be more useful to us than
    ordinary (biological) humans?
  • They are no more likely to take our orders...

  • It appears that the research methods required for
    simulation are rather different from those
    required for interface design
  • The convergence assumption appears very dubious

Formal dialogue research and dialogue systems
Consequences of the argument for the engineering
  • If we accept the argument that the background is
    not formalisable and that computers (at least as
    we know them) cannot simulate human language
  • ...what follows with respect to the relations
  • Formal semantics and pragmatics of dialogue
  • Non-formal theories of human language use
  • Dialogue systems design as interface engineering
  • Both (1) and (2) are still relevant to (3)

Winograd on language and computers
  • Even though computers cannot understand language
    in the way humans can...
  • ...computers are nevertheless useful tools in
    areas of human activity where formal
    representation and manipulation is crucial
  • e.g. word processing.
  • In addition, many practical AI-style applications
    do not require human-level understanding of
  • e.g. programming a VCR, getting timetable
  • In such cases, it is possible to develop useful
    systems that have a limited repertoire of
    linguistic interaction.
  • This involves the creation of a systematic domain

Systematic domains
  • A systematic domain is a set of formal
    representations that can be used in a computer
  • Embodies the researchers interpretation of the
    situation in which the system will function.
  • Created on the basis of regularities in
    conversational behaviour (domains of

  • For certain regular and orderly activities and
    language phenomena...
  • ... it is possible to create formal
    representations which capture them well enough to
    build useful tools
  • Formal dialogue research can be regarded as the
    creation of systematic domains in pragmatics and
    semantics of dialogue

Formal semantics and pragmatics of dialogue as
systematic domains
  • Formal theories of language use should be
    regarded as
  • the result of a creative process of constructing
    formal representations (systematic domains)
  • based on observed regularities in language use
  • These theories can be used in dialogue systems to
    enable new forms of human-machine interaction

Formal pragmatics
  • Pragmatic domains include e.g.
  • turntaking, feedback and grounding, referent
    resolution, topic management
  • Winograd gives dialogue game structure as a prime
    example of a systematic domain
  • Analysed along the lines of dialogue games
    encoded in finite automata
  • ISU update approach is a variation of this,
    intended to capture the same regularities in a
    (possibly) more flexible way
  • It is likely that useful formal descriptions can
    be created for many aspects of dialogue structure

Formal semantics
  • Not a focus of Winograds formal analysis,
  • presumably because Winograd believes that
    language understanding is not amenable to formal
  • However, even if one accepts the arguments such
    as those above...
  • ... it seems plausible that the idea of
    systematic domains also applies to semantics
  • That is, for certain semantically regular task
    domains it is indeed possible to create a formal
  • e.g. in the form of a formal ontology and formal
    representations of utterance contents
  • This formal semantics will embody the
    researchers interpretation of the domain

Relevant issues related to semantic domains
  • How to determine whether (and to what extent) a
    task domain is amenable to formal semantic
  • How to decide, for a given task domain, what
    level of sophistication is required by a formal
    semantic framework in order for it to be useful
    in that domain
  • In some domains, simple feature-value frames may
    be sufficient while others may require something
    along the lines of situation semantics, providing
    treatments of intensional contexts etc.
  • Fine-grainedness and expressivity of the formal
    semantic representation required for a domain or
    group of domains
  • e.g. database search, device programming,
    collaborative planning, ...
  • Creation of application-specific ontologies
  • How to extract applications ontologies from
    available data of the domain, e.g. transcripts of

  • Even though some aspects of language use may
    indeed be susceptible to formal description
  • This does not mean that human language use
    actually relies on such formal descriptions
    represented in the brain or elsewhere
  • So implementations based on such formalisations
    are not simulations of human language use and

Limits of formalisation
  • Formalisation will only be useful in areas of
    language use which are sufficiently regular to
    allow the creation of systematic domains
  • So, repeated failures to formally capture some
    aspect of human language may be due to the limits
    of formal theory when it comes to human language
    use, rather than to some aspect of the theory
    that just needs a little more tweaking.

Non-formalisable language phenomena
  • For other activities and phenomena, it may not
    possible to come up with formal descriptions that
    can be implemented
  • e.g. human language understanding in general,
    since it requires a background which cannot be
  • also perhaps aspects of implicit communication,
    conversational style, politeness in general,
    creative analogy, creative metaphor, some
  • This does not mean that they are inaccessible to
  • They can be described non-formally and understood
    by other humans
  • Their general abstract features may be

Usefulness of non-formal theory
  • Non-formal theories of human language use are
    still useful for dialogue systems design
  • Dialogue systems will need to be designed on the
    basis of theories of human language
  • They will, after all, interact with a human
  • May also be useful to have human-like systems
    (cf. Cassell)
  • This does not require that implementations of
    these theories have to be (even partial)
    simulations of human language use and cognition
  • Also, observations of human-human dialogue can of
    course be a source of inspiration for dialogue
    systems design

  • In important ways the simulation view and the
    engineering view are different projects requiring
    different research methods
  • For the simulation project, the usefulness of
    systems based on formal representations is
  • Instead, formal dialogue research can be regarded
    as the creation of systematic domains that can be
    used in the engineering of flexible
    human-computer interfaces
  • In addition, non-formal theory of human language
    use can be useful in dialogue systems design

  • If interface engineering is liberated from
    concerns related to simulation...
  • ...it can instead be focused on the creation of
    new forms of human-computer (and
    computer-mediated) communication...
  • ... adapting to and exploring the respective
    limitations and strengths of humans and

Other views of what FDR is
A variant of the simulation view
  • The goal of formal dialogue research is a
    complete computational theory of language and
    cognition for machines
  • cf. Luc Steels
  • Robots evolving communication
  • Not intended to describe human language use
  • although some aspects may be similar
  • Arguably interesting in its own right

  • One may even be able to implement computational
    models that capture some abstract aspects of
    human language use and understanding
  • That are not based on symbol manipulation, but
    involve subsymbolic computation
  • For example, the evolution of shared language use
    in robots (Steels et al)
  • However, such formal models and simulations will
    never be complete simulations of human language
    understanding (to the extend required by the
    Turing test)
  • unless the machines they run on are human in
    all aspects relevant to language, i.e. physical,
    biological, psychological, and social

A variant of the simulation view
  • The goal of formal dialogue research is a
    complete computational theory of language and
    cognition in general
  • either such a theory subsumes a theory of human
  • and thus as difficult or more difficult
  • or not
  • and thus coherent with idea that only some
    aspects of language are formalisable,
  • although it remains to show that the same
    features are the ones that are essential for

Applied science?
  • Formal dialogue research as applied science
  • c.f. medicine
  • theories of interface design
  • theories of (linguistic) human-computer
    interaction - LHCI

The role of human-human communication in LHCI
  • What aspects of natural dialogue are
  • formalisable
  • implementable
  • useful in HCI

Scientific status of formal descriptions
  • Formal descriptions may have some scientific
    value as theories of human language use and
  • However, they are
  • not useful as a basis for simulation of human
    language use and congition, since this is not
    based on explicit rules and representations
    (except for novices and breakdowns)
  • often radical simplifications (as many other
    scientific theories)
  • limited in scope and describe special cases only
  • Even if the creation of a systematic domain is
    possible for some linguistic phenomena, this does
    not mean that human language use is based on
    formal representations

Formal dialogue research vs. Dialogue systems
  • Both share the assumption that human language use
    and meaning can be captured in formal symbol
    manipulation systems
  • Human language use and meaning relies on
  • Background cannot be formalised

Language use vs. cognition
  • Turing test tests only behaviour cognition is a
    black box
  • So whats the justification for talking about
  • Turings test intended as an operational
    definition of thinking, i.e. cognition
  • Possible underlying intuition
  • There is no way of passing the Turing test for a
    system with a style of cognition which is very
    different from human cognition
  • Turing assumed that human cognition was based on
    symbol manipulation

Domain-specific simulation?
  • In a regular domain, can a program based on a
    formalisation of these regularities be regarded
    as a simulation of human performance in that
  • Even if there are regularities that can be
    captured to a useful extent in rules, this does
    not mean that humans use such rules
  • unless they are complete novices who have been
    taught the rules explicitly but have not yet had
    time to descend down the learning hierarchy

General vs. domain-specific intelligence
  • Weizenbaum there is no such thing as general
  • intelligence is always relative to a domain
    (math, music, playing cards, cooking, ...)
  • Therefore, the question whether computers can be
    intelligent is meaningless
  • one must ask this question in individual domains

The Feigenbaum test
  • Replace the general Turing test with a similar
    test in limited domains? (proposed by Feigenbaum)
  • Certainly seems more manageable, especially in
    systematic domains
  • On the other hand, it could be argued that it is
    exactly in the non-systematic domains that the
    most interesting and unique aspects of human
    being are to be found
  • So this test is very different from the original
    Turing test

More on skills vs. rules
Everyday skills vs. rules
  • Dreyfus suggests testing the assumption that the
    background can be formalised
  • by looking at the phenomenology of everyday
  • Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Pierre Bourdieu
  • What counts as facts depends on our skills e.g.
    gift-giving (Bourdieu)
  • If it is not to constitute an insult, the
    counter-gift must be deferred and different,
    because the immediate return of an exact
    identical object clearly amounts to a refusal....
  • It is all a question of style, which means in
    this case timing and choice of occasion...
  • ...the same act giving, giving in return,
    offering ones services, etc. can have
    completely different meanings at different times.

Everyday skills vs. rules
  • Having acquired the necessary social skill,
  • one does not need to recognize the situation as
    appropriate for gift-giving, and decide
    rationally what gift to give
  • one simply responds in the appropriate
    circumstances by giving an appropriate gift
  • Humans can
  • skilfully cope with changing events and
  • project understanding onto new situations
  • understand social innovations
  • one can do something that has not so far counted
    as appropriate...
  • ...and have it recognized in retrospect as having
    been just the right thing to do

The B.A.B. objection - background
The argument from infant development (Weizenbaum)
  • (Based on writings by child psychologist Erik
  • The essence of human being depends crucially on
    the fact that humans are born of a mother, are
    raised by a mother and father, and have a human
  • Every organism is socialized by dealing with
    problems that confront it (Weizenbaum)
  • For humans, the problems include breaking the
    symbiosis with the mother after the infant period
  • This is fundamental to the human constitution it
    lays the ground for all future dealings with
    other people
  • Men and machines have radically different
    constitutions and origins
  • Humans are born by a mother and father
  • Machines are built by humans
  • OK, so we need to give AI systems a human or
    human-like body, and let human parents raise them

The argument from language as social commitment
  • The essence of human communication is commitment,
    an essentially social and moral attitude
  • Speech acts work by imposing commitments on
    speaker and hearer
  • If one cannot be held (morally) responsible for
    ones actions, one cannot enter into commitments
  • Computers are not human
  • so they cannot be held morally responsible
  • therefore, they cannot enter into commitments
  • Therefore, machines can never be made to truly
    and fully understand language
  • OK, so we need to treat these AI computers
    exactly as humans, and hold them morally

The argument from human being/Dasein
(Heidegger, Dreyfus)
  • Heideggers project in Being and Time
  • Develop an ontology for describing human being
  • What its like to be human
  • This can, according to Heidegger, only be
    understood from the inside
  • Hs text is not intended to be understandable by
    anyone who is not a human
  • Such an explanation is not possible, according to
    H. human being cannot be understood from
  • Yet it is exactly such an explanation that is the
    goal of AI
  • According to Heidegger/Dreyfus, AI is impossible
    because (among other things)
  • Infants are, strictly speaking, not yet fully
    human they must first be socialised into a
    society and a social world
  • Only humans so socialized can fully understand
    other humans
  • Since cultures are different, humans socialized
    into one culture may have problems understanding
    humans from another culture
  • Machines are not socialised, they are programmed
    by humans
  • OK, so we need to socialise AI systems into

Arguments related to evolution
The humans are animals argument
  • What reason do we have to think that
    non-conscious reasoning operates by formal
  • Humans have evolved from animals, so presumably
    some non-formal thinking is still part of the
    human mind
  • Hard to tell a priori how much

The argument from the role of emotions
  • Classical AI deals first with rationality
  • Possibly, we might want to add emotions as an
    additional layer of complexity
  • However, it seems plausible to assume that
    emotions are more basic than rationality
    (Damasio The Feeling of what happens)
  • Animals have emotions but not abstract rational
  • The human infant is emotional but not rational
  • So machines should be emotional before they are
    made rational
  • unfortunately, no-one has a clue how to make
    machines emotional

The argument from brain matter and evolution
  • Weak AI assumes that physical-level simulation is
    unnecessary for intelligence
  • However, evolution has a reputation for finding
    and exploiting available shortcuts
  • works by patching on previous mechanisms
  • If there are any unique properties of biological
    brain-matter that offers some possible
    improvement to cognition, it is likely they have
    been exploited
  • If so, it is not clear if these properties can be
    emulated by silicon-based computers

The argument from giving a damn
  • Humans care machines dont give a damn
  • Caring (about surviving, for example) comes from
    instincts (drives) which animals, but not
    machines, have
  • Caring about things is intimately related to the
    evolution of living organisms
  • Having a biological body
  • So, can evolution be simulated?
  • Winograd argues that the only simulation that
    would do the job would need to be as complex as
    real evolution
  • So in 3,5 billion years, we can have AI!

More on CYC
Problems with formalising commonsense background
  • How is everyday knowledge organized so that one
    can make inferences from it?
  • Ontological engineering finding the primitive
    elements in which the ontology bottoms out
  • How can skills or know-how be represented as
  • How can relevant knowledge be brought to bear in
    particular situations?

CYC (Lenat) and natural language
  • Formalise common sense
  • The kind of knowledge we need to understand NL
  • using general categories that make no reference
    to specific uses of the knowledge (context free)
  • Lenats ambitions
  • its premature to try to give a computer skills
    and feelings required for actually coping with
    things and people
  • L. is satisfied if CYC can understand books and
    articles and answer questions about them

CYC vs. NL
  • Example (Lenat)
  • Mary saw a dog in the window. She wanted it.
  • Dreyfus
  • this sentence seems to appeal to
  • our ability to imagine how we would feel in the
  • know-how for getting around in the world (e.g.
    getting closer to something on the other side of
    a barrier)
  • rather than requiring us to consult facts about
    dogs and windows and normal human reactions
  • So feelings and coping skills that were excluded
    to simplify the problem return
  • We shouldnt be surprised this is the
    presupposition behind the Turing Test that
    understanding human language cannot be isolated
    from other human capabilities

CYC vs. NL
  • How can relevant knowledge be brought to bear in
    particular situations?
  • categorize the situation
  • search through all facts, following rules to find
    the facts possibly relevant in this situation
  • deduce which facts are actually relevant
  • How deal with complexity?
  • Lenat add meta-knowledge
  • Dreyfus
  • meta-knowledge just makes things worse more
    meaningless facts
  • CYC is based on an untested traditional
    assumption that people store context-free facts
    and use meta-rules to cut down the search space

Analogy and metaphor
  • ... pervade language (example from Lenat)
  • Texaco lost a major ruling in its legal battle
    with Pennzoil. The supreme court dismantled
    Texacos protection against having to post a
    crippling 12 billion appeals bond, pushing
    Texaco to the brink of a Chapter 11 filing (Wall
    Street Journal)
  • The example drives home the point that,
  • far from overinflating the need for real-world
    knowledge in language understanding,
  • the usual arguments about disambiguation barely
    scratch the surface

Analogy and metaphor
  • ... pervade language (example from Lenat)
  • Texaco lost a major ruling in its legal battle
    with Pennzoil. The supreme court dismantled
    Texacos protection against having to post a
    crippling 12 billion appeals bond, pushing
    Texaco to the brink of a Chapter 11 filing (Wall
    Street Journal)
  • The example drives home the point that,
  • far from overinflating the need for real-world
    knowledge in language understanding,
  • the usual arguments about disambiguation barely
    scratch the surface

Analogy and metaphor
  • Dealing with metaphors is a non-representational
    mental capacity (Searle)
  • Sally is a block of ice could not be analyzed
    by listing the features that Sally and ice have
    in common
  • Metaphors function by association
  • We have to learn from vast experience how to
    respond to thousands of typical cases
  • Mention approaches to metaphor, e.g. Abduction -
    the boston office called - isnt this a
    solution? Dead vs. Creative metaphors

Neural nets
  • Helge!
  • But people also interpret things differently (but
    not wildly differently)
  • Not many researchers believe in tabula rasa
  • Evolutionary alogrithms but so far not combined
    with learning
  • Nns can learn without prior strong
    symbolisation of learning data, but pehaps not
    very complex stuff like dialogue?
  • Data can be either discrete or continuous
  • How does this relate to predigestion? Is
    selection of data (e.g. Dividing into frequency
    ranges predig.?
  • Main obstacle now puny amounts of neurons,
    little knowledge of interaction of evolved
    initial structure learning

  • neural nets can learn some things without prior
    conceptualisation (but some discretisation is
    necessary, e.g. representation in the weak sense)
  • strong and weak sense of represenation
  • Other problems with connectionism
  • Current neural networks are much less complex
    that brains
  • but maybe this will change
  • Even if we had a working neural network, we would
    not understand how it works
  • the scientific goal of AI would thus still not
    have been reached

Learning generalisation
  • Take in dialogue systems based solely on
    statistics (superhal?)
  • Mention hybrid vs totally nonsymbolic systems
  • Learning depends on the ability to generalise
  • Good generalisation cannot be achieved without a
    good deal of background knowledge
  • Example trees/hidden tanks
  • A network must share our commonsense
    understanding ot the world if it is to share our
    sense of appropriate generalisation

  • Some counter-counter-arguments
  • The more the computer knows, the longer it will
    take to find the right information
  • The more a human knows, the easier it is to
    retrieve relevant information

Non-symbolic approaches to AI and dialogue
Interactionist AI
  • No need for a representation of the world
  • instead, look to the world as we experience it
  • Behaviour can be purposive without the agent
    having in mind a goal or purpose
  • In many situations, it is obvious what needs to
    be done
  • Once youve done that, the next thing is likely
    to be obvious too
  • Complex series of actions result, without the
    need for complex decisions or planning
  • However, Interactionist AI does not address
    problem of informal background familiarity
  • programmers have to predigest the domain and
    decide what is relevant
  • systems lack ability to discriminate relevant
    distinctions in the skill domain...
  • ... and learn new distinctions from experience

  • Apparently does not require being given a theory
    of a domain in order to behave intelligently
  • Finding a theory finding invariant features in
    terms of which situations can be mapped onto
  • Starting with random weights, will neural nets
    trained on same date pick out the same
  • No it appears the tabula rasa assumption
    (random initial weights) is wrong
  • Little research on how (possibly evolved) initial
    structure interact with learnin

Learning generalisation
  • Learning depends on the ability to generalise
  • Good generalisation cannot be achieved without a
    good deal of background knowledge
  • Example trees/hidden tanks
  • A network must share our commonsense
    understanding ot the world if it is to share our
    sense of appropriate generalisation

Reinforcement learning
  • Idea learn from interacting with the world
  • Feed back reinforcement signal measuring the
    immediate cost or benefit of an action
  • Enables unsupervised learning
  • (The target representation in humans is neural
  • Dreyfus To build human intelligence, need to
    improve this method
  • assigning fairly accurate actions to novel
  • reinforcement-learning device must exhibit
    global sensitivity by encountering situations
    under a perspective and actively seeking relevant

AI and Turing Test
Prehistory of AI
  • Plato / Socrates
  • All knowledge must be statable in explicit
    definitions which anyone could apply (cf.
    definition of algorithm)
  • Descartes again
  • Understanding and thinking is forming and using
    symbolic representations the rational
    manipulation of symbols by means of rules
  • Thinking as computation
  • Leibniz
  • universal calculus for representing reasoning
  • goal put an end to all conflicts, which are
    caused by misunderstandings of inexact, informal
  • Kant
  • clear distinction between external world
    (noumena) and inner life (phenomena,

Artificial Intelligence
  • Goal
  • simulate human/intelligent behaviour/thinking
  • Weak AI
  • Machines can be made to act as if they were
  • Strong AI
  • Agents that act intelligently have real,
    conscious minds
  • (It is possible to believe in strong AI but not
    in weak AI)

Some arguments against weak AI (Turing 1950)
  • Ada Lovelaces objection
  • computers can only do what we tell them to
  • Argument from disability
  • claims (usually unsupported) of the form a
    machine can never do X
  • The mathematical objection
  • based on Gödels incompleteness theorem
  • The argument from informality of behaviour
  • (Searles Chinese Room
  • argument concerns strong AI
  • purports to show that producing intelligent
    behavoiur is not a sufficient condition for being
    a mind)

The Turing test and dialogue
  • The Turing Test can be seen as the ultimate test
    of a simulation of human language use
  • The ability to think is operationalised as the
    ability to carry out a natural language dialogue
    in a way that is indiscernible from that of a
  • The machine in question is assumed to be a Turing
    machine, i.e. a general symbol manipulation
    device, i.e. a computer

The Turing test and the Simulation view
  • According to the simulation view, the goal of
    formal dialogue research is to reproduce, in a
    machine, the human ability to use and understand
  • Thus, the Turing test can be regarded as a
    potential method of evaluating theories of human
    language use and understanding
  • The goal of formal dialogue research coincides
    with the goal of AI (as originally perceived)

Misc slides
  • Non-formal theories of those aspects of language
    use which resist formalisation can be used as a
    basis for design of aspects of dialogue systems
    that do not need to be modelled by the system
  • For example, it is likely that any speech
    synthesizer voice has certain emotional or other
    cognitive connotations
  • it might sound silly, angry, etc..
  • It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to
    design a completely neutral voice.
  • However, if we have some idea of how different
    voices are perceived by humans, we can use this
    (informal) knowledge to provide a dialogue system
    application with an appropriate voice for that

Dreyfus account of skill acquisition
  • 5 stages
  • 1. Beginner student Rule-based processing
  • learning and applying rules for manipulating
    context-free elements
  • There is thus a grain of truth in GOFAI
  • 2. Understanding the domain seeing meaningful
    aspects, rather than context-free features
  • 3. Setting goals and looking at the current
    situation in terms of what is relevant
  • 4. Seeing a situation as having a certain
    significance toward a certain outcome
  • 5. Expert The ability of instantaneously
    selecting correct responses (dispositions)
  • (Note this is how adults typically learn
    Infants, on the other hand...
  • learn by imitation
  • pick up on a style that pervades his/her

(No Transcript)
  • The question is still open exactly how far it is
    possible to go in the formal description of
    phenomena related to language use
  • The only way to find out is to by trial-and-error
    (i.e., research).
  • In this, I suggest one might be well-advised to
    keep in mind the following points..

  • From observations of some domain or aspect of
    language use...
  • ... the researcher creates a formal
  • ... and implements it in a dialogue system.
  • When this dialogue system is used and interacts
    with humans,
  • new domain ?of interaction comes into being
  • depending on the design of the system, different
    conversational patterns will arise
  • Domains of language use that may be susceptible
    to formalisation (i.e. creation of systematic
    domains) can be roughly divided into pragmatic
    and semantic domains

Usefulness of formal semantics and pragmatics
  • Systems based on formal representations provide a
    great potential for improving on human-computer

(An aside human reinforcement)
  • Introduction
  • Formal dialogue research and GOFAI
  • Phenomenological arguments against GOFAI
  • Simulation and NEFAI
  • Formal dialogue research and dialogue systems
  • Conclusions

  • Currently, programmer must supply machine with
    rule formulating what to feed back as
  • What is the reinforcement signal for humans?
  • Survival?
  • Pleasure vs. pain?
  • Requires having needs, desires, emotions
  • Which in turn may depend on the abilities and
    vulnerabilities of a biological body

  • Dreyfus, Haugeland and others trace the idea back
    to Plato it pervades most of western philosophy
  • This shifts the burden of proof onto GOFAI
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