Title: PALMS: WP6
- Policies and sustainable use and management
2- The content of the work-package.
- 2. Which arrangements have been made with the
institutions contributing to the work package. - 3. Which students contribute to the work-package.
- 4. A time-line for the activities.
- 5. Products and Deliverables from the
3Content of the work-package
- Objectives
- Analyze policy issues related to use and trade of
products extracted from palms and other plants
and their management promote sustainable
management, targeting decision-makers with
relevant information- and decision tools. - Specific objectives
- Analyze and describe political systems, rules and
practices that influence use and trade of natural
products. - 2. Determine major obstacles to sustainable
management from local to international levels,
and identify ways to influence and change
procedures and inject relevant information into
political and administrative processes. - 3. Target officials and policy-makers in local to
national government and in major organizations
with specific materials and management tools.
4Person-months per beneficiary
5Work plan Phase 1 Compilation
Lucía de la Torre Regulations for extraction,
relationship to land-use policies and
infrastructure projects, conservation and
protection of national resources, ethical issues,
the situation and rights of indigenous people and
intellectual property rights.
Oscar Zapata Regulations for trade
6Arrangements made with the institutions
contributing to the work package
Instituto de Ciencas Naturales, Universidad
Nacional de Colombia ICN-UN (COLOMBIA) Gloria
Galeano Laura Clavijo Herbario Nacional de
Bolivia, Universidad de San Andrés UMSA
(BOLIVIA) Mónica Moraes Narel Paniagua Museo de
Historia Natural, Universidad de San MarcosUMSM
(PERU) Betty Millán Miguel Machahua Danish
Institute for International Studies DCISM
7Methodology Phase 1 a. Compilation of
regulations -Review of information in the internet
Datos exportaciones (FOB) Banco Central del
enero-mayo 2009
8-Visit to gubernmental and non gubernmental
institutions related to use and trade of natural
resources (e.g. MAE, MINAM, FAO, INIA, IEPI,
9b. Organization of information on a data base to
facilitate analysis Literature (WP7) Study
cases (WP4, WP5) Regulations Contacts (points
of view)
International National Local
Regulations 100 Intellectual property
rights Indigenous people rights Biodiversity
(access to genetic resources) Trade Land use
10c. Analysis (as a way to improve and complete
compilation) - Confront of legislation with case
studies - Linking of regulations to palms -
Comparison of national and local regulations
through countries
Ceroxylon echinulatum (sí) Ceroxylon ventricosum
(no endémica) Ceroxylon alpinum subsp.
ecuadorense (no subespecies)
CDB Ley de Gestión Ambiental Ley Forestal Res 050
- Extractivism is not the main cause of
populations decline (Montúfar com. pers., Paredes
- Genetic diversity is diminishing due to habitat
fragmentation (Espinoza and Montúfar 200X)
Decisión 391 de la CAN (Art. 13) _________________
_______ Ley de Soberanía Alimentaria Ley de
Desarrollo Agrario y la Ley de Fomento y
Desarrollo Agropecuario
11d. Completion of compilation based on previous
analysis (glosary)
e. Meeting of the Local Advisory Committee
10-2009 (WP8)
12Students that contribute to the work-package
Carolina Altamirano (PUCE) Maestría en Biología
de la Conservación 08-2009 a 06-2011
Project Case study on Aphandra natalia,
Phytelephas aequatorialis, Oenocarpus bataua,
Dictyocaryum lamarckianum, Geonoma orbignyana, or
other to be decided.
1. Are policies and practices favoring
sustainable management of a palm species in
Ecuador? 2. Policies and practices to use
and preserve palms in Ecuador.
13- Products
- Report on policy issues related to use in and
trade of palm products and resource management
available at internet with summary version in
international journal (18). - Report analyzing specific options for influencing
policies at different levels (30). - A strategy to influence local-level
administrators and decision-makers to further
policies resulting in more sustainable uses of
the areas land and resources (36) - Implementation and mid-term evaluation (48) of
strategy to influence policies regarding natural
resource policies at the local level (60). - Recommendations and conclusions regarding options
to influence political-administrative systems
with scientific documentation (60).
X Phase 1
14Deliverables 1. Review of policy issues
influencing management of palm products (as part
of overall Project Deliverable 2, month 18) 2.
Research protocol for palm harvest policy studies
(as part of overall Project Deliverable 3, month
18) 3. Regional analysis of palm harvest policy
with guidance to harvesters and policy makers (as
part of overall Project Deliverable 6, month
54) 4. Regional analysis of palm harvest policy
and its impacts on tropical forests (as part of
overall Project Deliverable 7, month 60).
X Phase 1