Title: WV Spatial Data Infrastructure
1WV Spatial Data Infrastructure
Kurt Donaldson Craig Neidig
2WV Spatial Data Infrastructure
WV Core Layers Orthoimagery Hydrography Transpo
rtation Elevation Boundaries (Governmental
Units) Land Ownership (Cadastral) Structures Ge
ographic Names Geodetic Control
3Build Once, Use Many Times
4Why build Framework base layers?
- Commonly used base spatial data almost always
need it to make a map - High resolution spatial and temporal accuracies
- Spatial databases complete in geometry and
attribution - Standards-based, well-documented
- Enhanced functionality (i.e., NHD stream flow,
linear referencing) - Seamless across political or other collection
area boundaries - Reduces costly data duplication efforts
- Facilitates data exchange (i.e., NHD to
TIGER/Line) - Certified, consistent base layers for The
National Map -
5Trends for Statewide Core Data Sets
Geospatial Trends for Statewide Core Data Sets
1100,000 Scale 1980S
124,000 Scale 1990s-present
14800 Scale Future
- Present
- 1996-1999 USGS Color-Infrared Digital Orthophoto
Quads - 112,000 scale (1 1000 ft.)
- 1 meter GSD
- 1822 USGS 3.75-Minute quarter quads
- Valued at 2 million
- Future
- 2003 Statewide Addressing and Mapping Board
(SAMB) Natural Color Orthophotos - 14800 scale (1 400 ft.)
- 2 foot GSD
- 8,000 image files 10,000 x 10,000 Tiles
- 4.72 million USDA cost share 375,000
- Challenges
- Large file size and quantity of SAMB imagery
- Update cycles for new imagery
1 1,000 ft. Date 1996-97
AERIAL PHOTOS Scale 14800 1 400
ft. Date Spring 2003
- Present
- 124,000-scale National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)
- 124,000-scale sub watershed boundaries (6th
level, 12-digit HUCs) - Future
- Convert SAMB hydography to 14800-scale NHD
- SAMB data minimum attribution
- Challenges
- Funding, needs analysis, cost-effectiveness of
9Hydrography (124,000)
106th Level (12 Digit) Subwatersheds
- Present
- 124,000-scale Topographic Map-Based vectors
(minimal attribution) - 162,500-scale WV DOT (cartographic
generalizations) - 1100,00-scale Census TIGER files (poor spatial
resolution) - Future
- 14800-scale SAMB addressable road centerlines
- Census MAF/TIGER Modernization
- Re-alignment of Census TIGER data to SAMB road
centerlines - SAMB data meets minimum requirement of 7.6 meters
accuracy - Challenges
- Long-term maintenance of statewide, addressable
road centerline data set - Integration with SAMB long-term maintenance
program - Integrating statewide road centerline data set
with locally produced edge of pavement (double
line) roads
12Transportation (124,000)
13State DOT GIS Implementation
2004 AASHTO GIS-T Symposium
- Present
- 124,000-scale Digital Line Graphy (vector)
Hypsography (77) - 30-meter DEMs (100)
- 10-meter DEMs (36)
- Future
- High-Resolution Elevation Products (5 meter or
better DEM grids) - WVSAMB enhanced digital terrain model
- WV DOT 850,000 cost share for Microstation files
- USGS Pilot to convert SAMB to gridded raster
- IFSAR digital terrain model
- Challenges
- Vertical accuracies not guaranteed in dense
vegetation - Best product for the National Elevation Dataset
15Elevation (124,000)
16IFSAR (2003)
1.25 m
18Boundaries (Governmental Units)
- Present
- Various types of political and administrative
boundaries compiled at various scales County
and Municipal Boundaries Census Geographic
Entity Boundaries Public Land Boundaries Tax
District Boundaries Emergency Service Zone
Boundaries Legislative Boundaries - Future
- Improved Coordination
- WV Association of Land Surveyors for
GIS-compatible surveys - WV Legislative Redistricting Office for District
Boundaries - Census Submission of Digital Annexation
Boundary Surveys - Improve Boundaries with SAMB data
- Challenges
- Certified, consistent boundaries the same for all
levels of government - Shared geographic boundaries properly aligned
(i.e., WMAs with NF)
19Boundaries (124,000-scale)
20Boundary Comparison (24k versus 500k)
21Land Ownership (Cadastral)
- Present
- 42 of 55 counties (76 ) are using, or
transitioning to, GIS-based tax mapping programs - Future
- Link SAMB addressable mapping files (i.e.,
structures) with cadastral - Challenges
- Local assessors establishing GIS-based mapping
programs - Linking geographic files to States Integrated
Assessment System (IAS) - Capitalize on Mineral Parcel Mapping Project
- Statewide repository of tax parcel files
22WV Digital Tax Mapping Status
23Mineral Parcel Mapping Project - WVDTR
24Mineral Parcel Mapping Project
- Can be a starting point for digital tax map
conversions - Not all surface parcel related features
collected - Not continually updated
WV DTR Collection State Mapping Project
Local Tax Map
25Geographic Names
- Present
- Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)
- Updates by West Virginia through web data entry
and edit forms - Future (maintenance activities)
- Target GNIS feature classes with high error rate
for batch processing - Wildlife Management Areas (WV DNR)
- Schools (WV Army National Guard)
- Update GNIS manmade features with SAMB
addressable mapping layers - Schools, Churches, Hospitals, Bridge, Building,
Airport) - Incorporate subtypes (Schools public, private,
college, vocational) - Challenges
- Reconciling previous with more current name
- Present
- Limited
- Future
- SAMB addressable structures (approximately
800,000) - building centroids
- footprint polygons of major structures (gt 7500
square feet) - Challenges
- Maintenance of statewide structure database
- Integration of structure spatial database with
other data models
27SAMB Structures Centroids and Footprints
28Geodetic Control (Transparent Layer)
- Present
- WV High Accuracy Reference Network (HARN)
established in 2000 - New ground control established through SAMB
- Future
- Additional CORS survey grade base stations
- Densify Federal Base Network
- Challenges
- Establishing protocols for exchanging geographic
information between surveyors and GIS
29The National Map
21st Century Topographic Map A seamless,
continuously maintained, and consistent set of
online, public domain, core geographic data
- Cartographic Product
- High quality, visually appealing printed product
- State Portal to National National WVmap State
Portal - Public access to data via USGS, state, or other
portals - WVmap portal customized to West Virginias needs
- Seamless download
- Projection and GIS format translators
- Search and map display functions
- Search by place name, address, coordinate)
- Print-on-demand maps
- Challenges
- Establishing protocols for exchanging geographic
information between surveyors and GIS
30Printed Cartographic Product
Morgantown South, WV pilot map
31National Map Viewer
32State Map Viewer
33Wvmap Customized to WVs Needs
Customized Javascript function for ArcIMS
34Viewer Partnerships
- National Elevation Dataset (USGS)
- National Hydrography Dataset (USGS)
- Geographic Names (USGS)
- Flood Hazard Areas (FEMA)
- SAMB Orthophotos (USDA)
- National Forest Lands (USFS)
- National Park Lands (NPS)
- State Forests / Wildlife Management Areas (WV
DNR) - Critical Infrastructure (WV OES)
- Water Intakes ( WV BPH)
- Mining Data (WV DEP)
- Geology (WV GES)
- Coal Impoundments (WV CS, CET)
- Land Cover (WVU NRAC)
- New Roads (Baker Engineering)
- Present and future mapping activities
- Final Report August 1st
- 62 agencies submitted