Title: Writing in LAMS with Moodle for eLISA
1Writing in LAMS with Moodle for eLISA
AACE E-LEARN Conference, 2005 Vancouver, Oct 27th
Dr Jill Jameson and Simon Walker School of
Education and Training, University of Greenwich
j.jameson_at_gre.ac.uk s.walker_at_gre.ac.uk
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- Problem defined
- Outline project
- Knowledge transformation
- Learning design
- Tools used
4The context JISC DeL Regional eLearning Pilot
- Aims
- Explore use of e-learning to
- Facilitate wider participation in HE
- Provide better opportunities for lifelong
learners - Specifically, eLISA
- Bring together existing study skills materials
- Migrate study skills materials to new packages
- Deliver eL study skills to practitioners
learners - Evaluate and recommend, disseminate and plan for
sustainability re online study skills resources
5e.g. Writing knowledge transformingWe
know more than we can say (Polanyi)
- Knowledge
- explicit (overt)
- tacit (implicit)
- metacognitive
6LAMS Moodle
Reusability Learner activity based Collaboration
Scaffolding ConstructivismBricolage
Learning Design is that a big L, big D?
7eLISA JISC Results.Encouraging initial findings.
8- Findings
- LAMS and Moodle usability similar?
- Both provide additional learning tools ?
- LAMS linearity/easy (re-)usability ?
- Moodle navigation, easy use?
- LAMS you cant skip activities ? ?
- Moodle learners might skip too early?
- Both potential for getting lost ?
- Transfer of print-based to e ?
9Acknowledgements JISC, London Borough of
Greenwich, LSC LSE, JISCInfoNet, DeLDisse,
especially Sarah Davies, Linda Karlsen, Phil
Noakes, Greenwich Community College, Greenwich
GPlus Group, Lifelong Learning Partners. JISC
eLISA team especially Liz Masterman, Malcolm
Ryan, Stuart Lee, Howard Noble, Michael Loizou,
Mohammed Dastbaz.
10Thanks for listening and over to you ..
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