Title: WECC Market Interface Committee Update
1WECC Market Interface Committee Update
- WSPP Spring 2008 Meeting
- April 8, 2008
- Robert D. Schwermann
- MIC Chair
- What has changed
- What is planned
- What is the future
3Impact to WSPP Membership
- What has changed since last year?
- Sanctions for violating Reliability Standards
- You must comply with Reliability Standards if you
are a Registered Entity - Includes Purchase-Selling Entity, Generator
Owner, Generator Operator, Load Serving Entity,
and many more!
4Why Do you Care
- Violating NERC reliability standards will cost
you money - Violating NAESB - FERC approved Business
Practices will result in FERC punishment
5The Hysteria With Standards
6Impact to WSPP Membership
WECC Market Interface Committee and its
Subcommittees are YOUR opportunity to help shape
the standards, criteria, policies and guidelines
of the future including revisions to existing
requirements. Membership in WECC is not required
to fully participate in many of these activities.
7The Compliance Bears Will Eat You
8Market Interface Committee
Market Issues Subcommittee
Seams Issues Subcommittee
9Market Issues Subcommittee
- 2008 MIS Goals
- Support the WECC ATC standard drafting team
- Evaluate effects of prescheduling timelines
- Increase and strengthen the communication of
NAESB activities - Monitor and evaluate market implications of a
possible Frequency Responsive Reserve standard. - Support developing a WECC-wide merchant
reliability communications methodology. - Support the MIC objective of providing the
interface between the merchant and reliability
10Seams Issues Subcommittee
- 2008 SIS Goals
- Congestion Management Unscheduled Flow Standard
and Procedures - Transmission Product is not part of the
curtailment priority (no difference Firm vs.
Non-Firm) - Disparity between pre-existing and new schedules
- Plan only applies to 7 of about 70 Rated Paths
- System model for webSAS is static the
West-Wide System Model could enable dynamic
11Activities and Issues
- Operating Reserves Standard for WECC
- Day-Ahead Trading Timelines Guideline
- Merchant Communications Emergencies
- Prescheduling Evaluation Task Force
- Energy Product Codes for e-Tags in the WECC
- Congestion Management
- FERC Monitor Facilitator
- NAESB Monitor and Communicate
12BAL-002-WECC-1 Standard
- Changes to the current Contingency/Operating
Reserves Regional Standard - Removes routine transactions from altering the
reserve requirement - Replaces 5-7 of Load Responsibility sections
with 3 of load plus 3 of generation (or the
MSSC whichever is greater). - Allow for transactions specifically identified as
reserve transactions. - Removes the requirement to restore reserves
within 60 minutes of activation.
13BAL-002-WECC-1 Standard
- MIC approved in March 2008
- Operating Committee approved in March 2008
- Next Steps
- -- Approval at WECC Board of Directors
- -- Approval at NERC and then FERC
14Day-Ahead Trading Timelines Guideline
- MIC Adopted at meeting in March 2008
- A Guideline is VOLUNTARY
- The Guideline states, The trading of day-ahead
energy transactions in the Western
Interconnection should begin no earlier than 600
a.m. Pacific Time.
15Day-Ahead Trading Timelines Guideline
- What was behind this
- Attempt to re-establish informal agreement in
place years ago - West Coast traders and analysts either come in at
unreasonable time or miss out on much of the
market liquidity - Industry survey and outreach revealed significant
support - Success depends on voluntary participation
16Day-Ahead Trading Timelines Guideline
- Next Steps
- Will discuss at the next Market Issues
Subcommittee meeting April 29 30 - Possible submittal for a NAESB regional Standard
17Merchant Communication Drafting Team
- Provide a mechanism for merchants to broadly
communicate when they are in need of resources to
avoid an Energy Emergency - Leverage work of the NWPP MC Task Force
- Sent out Surveys
- Goal is for a process identified for the Summer
2008 season
18Merchant Communication Drafting Team
- Team analyzing survey responses
- Discussing whether this should be a WECC Regional
Criteria or a Guideline - Goal is to have a process for use by 2008 Summer
season - Questions
- contact Steve Kerns
- skerns_at_bpa.gov
19Prescheduling Evaluation Task Force
- Findings May Affect the Way Energy is Scheduled
in the WECC - A comprehensive and objective evaluation of the
potential effects of prescheduling business
practices on reliability and markets in the
Western Interconnection. - PETF expects to issue a report of findings for
review of the MIC in June 2008
20Energy Product Codes
- Approved Business Practice WECC Energy Product
Codes - Energy Codes intent to create enough categories
to identify scheduling attributes - Adopted by the NERC IS and are now in the
21Cal ISO MRTU Seams Evaluation
- Seams Issues Subcommittee
- The Seams Issues Subcommittee (SIS) finds no
specific seams issues that are created by MRTU or
existing seams issues that are substantially
worsened by MRTU implementation. Seams issues
exist today, particularly between organized
markets such as the CISO and bilateral physical
markets that dominate the Western
Interconnection. The SIS will continue to
monitor, evaluate and propose solutions to all
regional seams issues.
22Whats up at the MIC andWhy you Care
- Changes in the way reserves are calculated and
held may affect your bottom line - Changes in the way that energy product codes are
used affect your scheduling practices and enables
markets - Trading timelines will affect when your people go
to work - Mitigating seams issues makes for more effective
trading opportunities and scheduling practices
23Join Us!!
- The more people involved the more we can do we
need your help! - There are issues we need to address, but dont
have the manpower
25(No Transcript)