Title: Campbell Robertson
1Words and Numbers Converging for Government
- Campbell Robertson
- Global Director of Public Sector Strategy
- IBM Information Management
- Information Agenda
2A State, I said, arises, as I conceive, out of
the needs of mankind... let us begin and create
in idea a State and yet the true creator is
necessity, who is the mother of our invention.
/Early examples
3What you should expect from this presentation.
4Government Optimization
5The Promise
6What you should expect from this presentation.
7Cost of Physical Paper
- The Cost of Handling Paper
- Costs
- Paper 14,000
- Photocopying 60,000
- Printing 55,000
- Faxing 9,000
- Mailing 11,000
- Courier (Not including Environmental Impact)
24,000 - Short-Term Storage 9,000
- Long-Term Storage (Physical Records Management)
25,000 - Disposal Costs (Not including Environmental
Impact) 6,000 - Total Cost of Handling Paper (50 Employees)
8Environmental Cost of Paper
9Cost to Find Paper Based Information
10Other Costs/Risks
- Clean Audit Trail
- Measurement of Workload of Workers
- Knowledge Management Poor
- Sunshine Laws
- Security Breaches
- Misuse of Information
- Privacy Laws
11It is all about Process
- Document Management
- Records Management
- Content Management
- Forms Management
- Contract Management
- E-Mail Management
- Case Management
- Diagram Management
Management is the Common Theme
12Government EIM Examples Show You Need to Get the
Basics Right
13eGovernance for a Cost Effective Government
- Last hurdle for government programs
- Align Policy, Process and People
- Economic Stimulus Management
- Applies Legislative Compliance with technology
- Culmination of technology, policy and todays
world of expectations - Repeatable and interoperable with existing
architecture and shared service models - Needs a co-ordination platform to normalize
content for re-use
14End User Experience
- MOSS Integration
- Zero Click Records Management
- Auto Classification
- Knowledge Management Interoperability
- Web 2.0/Mashup Use
- Privacy
- Data Loss
- Work Load Analysis
15Secret Life of a Document
- Built in Intelligence
- Event Triggers
- Life Cycle Knowledge
- Archiving vs. Archiving
- Security
- Redaction
- GPS Auto-Tagging
- Self-Analysis (BI, Content and BPM Combined)
16Web 2.0
- Rich Internet Application (RIA)
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Social Web
17Challenges The Long Tail
Strategic, long-term apps (created by IT.)
Business Challenges
- Lack of agility IT cant respond fast enough
to business requirements - Spreadsheet apps hard to manage, share, keep
current - Silo-ed, outdated information
Number of users per application
IT Challenges
Backlog of simple, tactical applications.
- IT is backlogged and suffering from too many
business requests - Underground or shadow IT
- Security violations
- Loss of information
of applications
18IT can leverage existing assets and complementary
new products to address situational needs
Strategic, IT built applications
REST accessible content MQ, WAS
Number of users per application
Mashup Center ECM Application Framework
Long Tail - situational
Number of applications
19Service Oriented Architecture
- Web Services
- Widgets/Gadgets
- Mashups
- Mashup Hubs
- Addressing the needs of Government
20What Makes Mashup Platforms Unique?
21Example with Enterprise Content Management
ECM Application Framework
Databases, ERP/CRM, Systems of Record
Web Content Feeds
Personal / Departmental Content
ECM Managed Elements
Mashup Hub Included Elements
Web Assets
Industry Widgets
Data Sources
Out-of-the-box with BPM Application
22Common Customer Web 2.0 Challenges
- Need to more rapidly respond to business needs
- Need to lower cost of development, and reduce
application development time - Business users want to drive their own solution
in ways that are highly personal/situation to
their needs - Need to cross organizational information silos
- Need to present both structured (data) and
unstructured (content) information in context - Flexibility of UI and consuming device is
important, need to be able to support mashup
makers, portals, internally developed web
applications and mobile devices
23The Challenge Continues
- Has to encompass the whole range of information
sources, including Departmental (SharePoint),
Personal (Excel), Enterprise (ERP), and external
web assets - Business users and citizens are already swamped
with information and need a way to tag and rank
high value information sources - Enabling information flows cannot come at the
cost of security or governance risks - Business users need to have their information
follow them/be accessible as they jump between
24The Need for Strategic ECM still exists
Operational Flow
Auditable Flow
Copy file
Move and leave a link
Official Content Repository
Operational Content Repository
Move the file
Files can be processed more than once to
allowflexible file processing and management
Auditable Accountable Traceable
25eGovernance Content Discovery VisionDriving
visibility and business optimization from ECM
Content Classification Classification Module
Content Access Search
Analyzed Contentvisibility business insight
Organized Contentin ECM repositories
Disorganizedor Lost Content
26Classification Automating content-based decisions
- Overview
- Automatically classifies documents and emails
- Benefits
- Automate decisions, saving users time
- Improve productivity and reduce risk
- Handle digital landfills
- Rapid ROI on your ECM investment
- Product Capabilities
- Combines text classification via statistical
analysis with rule-based approaches - Adaptive learning provides high accuracy,
specific to your enterprise - Integrated to ECM architecture, accelerates BPM,
Content Compliance applications
- Auto Classify
- Extract Metadata
- Adaptive Learning
- Taxonomy Proposer
27Compliance Warehouse for Legal ControlLeveraging
End-to-End Capabilitiesfor Records and Risk
Disorganized Enterprise Content Manual
Processes Paper Storage
Optimize Legal Discovery Operational
Controls Analytics, BI Reporting
Organize / Control Automatic Classification Record
s Management Intelligent Content Archiving
28Bringing it all together Co-ordination
29ROI within State Government
31ROI within State Government
32Pinpointing Content Information (Law Enforcement)
New York Police Department
The Results
The Problem
- Text Analytics can describe events, categorize
them and allow for concept searches across often
unstructured and at times inaccurate descriptions - In the first week of deployment 2 old murder
cases were solved, and directly attributed to now
being able to analyze this data
- Search and analyze complaints, police reports,
911 records, arrest records, and data marts - All of these forms of text suffer from the common
problems of call center text i.e. abbreviations,
misspellings, synonyms (Police-specific i.e.
perp, ML, FM, MO, pistol, gun, etc...) - Find events that keyword search can never find
because they are all described differently what
keyword to use?
33What you should expect from this presentation.
34Especially those with knowledge and a reason to
A grassroots social network of locally tagged
information and support praised by the UK
Cabinet Office
/tigrs those closest
35Let people closest to the problem form solutions
Junior officers built a tactical ground reporting
system based on geo-located information
Image mockup via DARPA
/anyone can solve
36Let anyone form a solution
Typical 311 application? BUT nationwide, zero
cost to government, and arguably more effective
(public, visible, chased)
/cost of reach
37Reduce your cost of reach
Novartis and YouTube team to set up a competition
for a public information video
/potential effect
38Increase your potential effect
City, private and community partners provide
carbon footprint calculator and related advice
/collective action
39Reach them where they live - match the medium to
the message
CA DMV runs a YouTube channel and a MySpace site
to educate drivers and learners
40The Promise
41Questions cir_at_ca.ibm.com