Title: High Energy CosmicRays and High Energy Neutrino Astronomy
1High Energy Cosmic-Rays and High Energy Neutrino
- Eli Waxman, Weizmann Inst., Israel
Tribute to John N. Bahcall Neutrino
Oscillations in Venice, Feb. 06
2High energy ns A new window
- MeV n detectors
- Solar SN1987A ns
- Stellar physics (Suns core, SNe core collapse)
- n physics
- gt0.1 TeV n detectors
- Extend n horizon to extra-Galactic scale
- MeV n detectors limited to local (Galactic)
sources - 10kt _at_ 1MeV?1Gton _at_ TeV , sTeV/sMeV106
- Study Cosmic accelerators pg, pp ? ps?ns
- n physics
3What do we know aboutXG cosmic accelerators?
- They exist
- gt1020 eV cosmic-rays detected
- gt1019 eV Isotropic
- Extra-Galactic (light?) nuclei
4Open Qs I. Acceleration sources
Hillas 1984 Waxman 04
- The suspects
- Active Galactic Nuclei (steady)
- G 101 ? Lgt1014 LSun Few,
brightest AGN - Gamma Ray Burstss (transient)
- G 102.5 ? Lgt1017 LSun Lg 1018LSun
5Open Qs II. Source physics
- GRB MBH1Msun, M1Msun/s, G102.5
- AGN MBH109Msun, M1Msun/yr, G101
Jet acceleration
Energy extraction
Particle acceleration
Jet content (kinetic/Poynting)
Radiation mechanisms
6Open Qs III. Spectrum
- Ep gt0.6x1020eV p gCMB ? N p
- dGZK50 Mpc ltlt dH4
Bahcall Waxman 03
7Cosmic variance
Bahcall Waxman 00
Miralda-Escude Waxman 96
Waxman 95
8The Auger observatory Hybrid 103.5 km2
Watson 91, Cronin 93
Auger South Argentina (North
- 1/2 built
- 1,500 km2 yr sr
- 50 syst. energy uncertainty
- Preliminary results
- 1 event gt1020eV (yes GZK)
9n Astronomy a flux bound
- p g ? N p
- p0 ? 2g p ? e ne nm nm
- If p energy converted to p
- For Sources with tgplt1
Waxman Bahcall 99 Bahcall Waxman 01
10Waxman Bahcall 99 Bahcall Waxman 01
11Flux bound Detector size
- Optical Cerenkov
- 0.1 km2 Amanda,
- Antares, Nestor
- 1 km2 IceCube,
- km3Net (NEMO)
- Radio
- Rice, ANITA
- Air shower
- Auger (nt), EUSO
Waxman Bahcall 97
13The Mediterranean effort
- Cosmic accelerators challenges
- Primaries, sources
- Acceleration
- Physics of extreme sources (GRBs,
AGN) -
- New HE (g,) CR and n detectors
- gt103 km2 hybrid gt1019eV CR
detectors - 1 km3 (1Gton) 1-1000TeV n detectors
- gtgt1 km3 radio, gtgt1000TeV n detectors
- n properties with n telescopes
- nm nt ? t appearance
- GRBs lt 10s gn Timing ? LI to 11016 WEP
to 1106