Title: Eng. K A Noel Priyantha
1 Pricing policy for renewable energy - Cost
Based Technology Specific Tariff
Eng. K A Noel Priyantha Chief Engineer
(Renewable Energy) Ceylon Electricity Board 21
October, 2007
- Principles of tariff fixing
- Cost based, technology specific three tiered
tariff calculation methodology - Tariff applicable for year 2007
3Principles of Tariff Fixing
- Cost based , technology specific and
- three tiered tariff
- Tier 1 Years 1- 6
- Tier 2 Years 7 15
- Tier 3 Years 16 - 20
- This tariff will be limited to small power
- producers ( Capacity up to 10 MW)
- CEB pays only 90 of the avoided cost
- Any difference will be provided by the GOSL
- through Sustainable Energy Authority (SEA)
4Principle of Tariff Fixing
- This tariff have been designed to eliminate the
problems of negative cash flows experienced by
many small power producers during the period of
loan repayment. - Tariff will be revised once a year due to rapid
changes in the project costs, exchange rates and
interest rates, etc. - 20 year term of the power purchase
- agreement
5Three tier tariff estimation
- Capital costs used for the tariff
- calculation in year 2007
Technology SL Rs. Million/MW
Small Hydro 121
Wind 158
Biomass 147
6Three tier tariff estimation
- Plant factors used for the tariff
- calculation in year 2007
Technology Annual Plant Factor
Small Hydro 43
Wind 32
Biomass 80
7Three tier tariff estimation
- OM rates as a percentage of the capital cost
(base value)
Technology Year 1 - 15 Year 16 onward
Small Hydro 3 3
Wind 3 3
Biomass 4 5
8Three tier tariff estimation
- applicable OM base value for 2007 in SLRs./kWh
Technology Year 1 - 15 Year 16 onward
Small Hydro 0.96 0.96
Wind 1.69 1.69
Biomass 0.84 1.05
9Three tier tariff estimation
- Escalation of O M.
- This will be calculated using the average of Sri
Lanka Consumer Price Index (SLCPI) rates of
change and SLRs/USD rates of change for the five
preceding years. - Source for SLCPI SLRs/USD Central bank
- The five year average SLCPI 8.75
- Depreciation of rupee against the USD 6.11
- Applicable O M escalation rate 7.43
10Three tier tariff estimation
- Debt equity ratio - 6040
- Interest rate - 12.45
- Loan repayment - 6 years
- Construction period - 2 years
- Discount rate - 16.27
- Return on equity - 22
11Three tier tariff estimation
Third Tier The base rate will be 1.00 SLRs./kWh
as of year 2007. This will be escalated at a
rate of 2/3 of O M escalation rate ( 7.43 )
12Three tier tariff estimation
Biomass fuel cost escalation The base fuel cost
- 5.00 SLRs./kWh for 2007. This will be
escalated at a rate of 2/3 of O M escalation
rate ( 7.43 )
13Three tier tariff estimation
- Royalty to GOSL
- 10 of generation as royalty for mini hydro and
wind projects from 16th year
14Cost based tariff for 2007 SLRs/kWh
15Interpretation of the cost based tariff
2007(based on the escalation rates applicable
for year 2007)
16Thank You
Energy Purchases Branch Transmission
Division Ceylon Electricity Board Web www.ceb.lk