Title: Indicator definition and design
1Indicator definition and design
- Introduction
- Definition
- Format
- Types of indicators
- Purpose and use
- Quality aspects
2Introduction - basic assumptions
- The DPSIR model has been chosen as a framework to
guide the work on indicators for the EIR project - Indicators are essential tools for environmental
4IntroductionIndicators in environmental
- Setting objectives
- Strategy follow-up
- Design, implement, evaluate policies
- Information supply
- Awareness raising
- Follow-up indicators
- Follow-up indicators
- Progress, evaluation
- Reporting including SOE reporting
- Communication, illustration
- A measure that summarises information relevant to
a particular phenomenon or a reasonable proxy for
such a measure (proxy means some kind of
approximation) - Ability to describe a development in an issue
making it possible to evaluate if this
development is desirable or not
6Indicator formats
- Single indicators (point, spatial and/or temporal
variation) - Proxy indicators (approximation to the indicator
you want to use in cases where ideal data/methods
are unavailable) - Environmental profiles (composite picture of an
environmental theme) - Indices (weighed, aggregated example Global
Warming Potential)
7Indicator types
- Descriptive indicators
- Performance indicators/normative indicators
- Efficiency indicators
- Total welfare indicators
- Headline indicators
8Indicator typesDescriptive
9Indicator typesDescriptive
10Indicator typesDescriptive
11Indicator typesPerformance/Normative indicator
12Indicator typesPerformance/Normative indicator
13Indicator typesEfficiency - decoupling
14Indicator typesEfficiency
15Indicator types
- Total welfare indicators
- Green GDP
- Sustainability indices
- Highly aggregated, can be difficult to
obtain/calculate - Headline indicators
- A few indicators (5-20)
- High priority subjects
- Mainly for communication purposes
16Indicator purpose and use
Early warnings - information of environmental
management institutions and politicians Performanc
e - distance to targets, fulfilment of set goals
and agreements Response of policies - progress
and evaluation Comparisons/benchmarking -
country/country province/province Overall
planning and outlook - relations between economic
and environmental management Awareness raising -
communication and information of the public
17Indicator quality aspects
Relevance - will it answer the question - is
there a question about this? Accuracy-
transparent and well documented how to create the
indicator Comparability - exact definition to
enable comparisons Consistency - co-variation in
underlying data and in indicator Reactivity -
indicator must be sensitive to the development it
is imaging Continuity - indicators need to be
regularly updated, procedure needed Data
availability - feasibility with respect to data
collection, technically and financially