Title: Radiation Safety Training for Radiologic Technologists
1Radiation Safety Training for Radiologic
- Associate Radiation Safety Officer
Michael Ike Hall, CHP, CSP Emory University
Hospital 404-712-7867
- Fundamentals of Radiation
- Radiation Limits and Dosimetry
- Biological Effects of Radiation
- Radiation and Pregnancy
- Fluoroscopy and Patient Injuries
- Worker Protection
3What is radiation?
- Radiation is energy emitted from unstable atoms.
Radiation can be in the form of subatomic
particles (alpha or beta particles) or
electromagnetic radiation (X and gamma rays).
Radiation that is energetic enough to change the
chemistry of a target is called ionizing
radiation, and that will be the focus of this
4Ionizing Radiation
- Ion atom with a positive or negative charge
(i.e., too few or too many electrons) - Radiation that is energetic enough can strip
electrons and create ions - Ionization can change molecular chemistry or
break apart molecules
5Radiation Biology
- Ionizing Radiation produces
- Free Radicals
- DNA damage
- All may result in death of cell or mutation of
genetic information if not repaired
6Measuring Radiation
- Exposure measure of ionization in air (roentgen,
or R) - Absorbed dose energy deposited in material per
unit mass (Gray or rad) - 1 Gray 1 Joule/kg 100 rad
7Measuring Radiation
- Equivalent dose measure of the biological effect
of a specific kind of radiation on humans
(Sieverts or rem) - For x-rays, dose and dose equivalent are equal.
Dose equivalence may be different for some
radioactive particles. - 1 Gray 1 Sievert 100 rem
8How much radiation is harmful?
- Radiogenic health effects (primarily cancer) are
observed in humans only at doses in excess of 10
rem delivered at high dose rates. Below this
dose, estimation of adverse health effect is
speculative. - Radiation Risk in Perspective
- Health Physics Society
9How much radiation is in the environment?
- People are exposed to background radiation
continuously. - The average dose due to background exposure is
around 350 millirem per year in the United
States. - Background exposure can vary with altitude, soil,
and medical usage.
10Background Radiation Sources
11Terrestrial Radiation
Even the highest known levels of background
radiation have not proven to increase the risk to
units in mGy/year Terrestrial radiation only
12Annual Occupational Limits
- 5000 mrem whole body
- 15,000 mrem to lens of eye
- 50,000 mrem to extremities
- Set by federal government based on advice from
scientific committees
13Are these limits safe?
- The annual radiation limits have been
established to ensure that the long-term risks of
radiation exposure are minimized. There has been
no evidence that occupational doses within these
limits pose any risk. Due to potential
uncertainties in dose measurement, the limits are
set conservatively.
14Other Dose Limits
- Members of public limited to 100 mrem per year
from licensed activities, 500 mrem per year from
exposure to Nuclear Medicine therapy patients - Employees under 18 limited to 10 of permissible
adult dose limit (500 mrem annually)
15Declared Pregnant Workers
- 500 mrem/term limit to fetus (50 mrem/month)
- Limit is extremely conservative with respect to
risk - Contact supervisor and Radiation Safety Officer
to declare pregnancy - Monthly fetal badge assigned
16Who gets radiation badges?
- Radiation badges are required for workers who
are likely to receive more than 10 of the annual
occupational radiation limits. -
- In practice, almost everyone who routinely works
with radioactive materials or radiation-producing
machines gets one or more badges.
17How do I request a badge?
- Ask your supervisor or the Radiation Safety
Officer for a Personnel History Form. You may
also find the form online. - Radiation Safety Training is required to get a
badge. Please ask your supervisor or the RSO.
Training may be provided as an orientation
packet, an inservice, or online.
18What are the different badges?
- Whole body
- Single dosimeter worn on the chest
- Chest
- Same as whole body badge, but worn on the chest
underneath a lead apron, in combination with
collar badge - Collar
- Worn near the head, outside the lead apron, in
combination with chest badge - Extremity
- Ring badge
19What kind of badges will I get?
- It mostly depends where you work
- Radiology, Cardiac Cath, EP Lab
- Chest and collar
- Nuclear Medicine
- Whole body and extremity
- Nursing, Ancillary
- Whole body
- Other employees will have dosimetry to match
their working environment
20How do I wear the badges?
- Whole body badge
- Wear on clothing or lab coat
- Chest badge
- Wear underneath lead apron
- Collar badge
- Wear outside lead apron near face
- Ring badge
- Wear on hand with label facing radiation source,
underneath disposable gloves
21Proper Care of Badges
- Exchange badges promptly at the beginning of each
monitoring period - Take care not to reverse whole body and collar
badges - Do not leave badges on your apron, in the
radiograph room, in direct sunlight, or near
radioactive materials
22How does the badge work?
- The Luxel dosimeter has a thin strip of
specially formulated aluminum oxide (Al2O3)
crystalline material. Filters of various
thickness simulate radiation doses to different
tissues. During analysis, the strip is stimulated
with laser light, causing it to luminesce in
proportion to the amount of radiation exposure.
23So, how do I read one of these things?
24Your name and participant number are listed in
the first column. The date of the badges on the
report is shown above.
25The badge types on the report are listed here.
Most Radiology workers have whole body and collar
26The first number is the deep dose, the dose to
the whole body from penetrating radiation (1 cm
tissue depth)
27The next number is the eye dose, the dose to the
lens of the eye (0.3 cm tissue depth)
28The last number is the shallow dose, the dose to
the dermal layer (0.007 cm tissue depth)
29The report also has quarterly, annual, and
lifetime accumulated totals.
30Dose Determination
- For workers with chest and collar badges,
assigned dose is a combination of readings - Whole body dose from both chest and collar badges
- Eye dose from lens-equivalent area of collar
badge - Shallow dose from skin-equivalent area of collar
31Quarterly ALARA Reports
- Workers exceeding the doses on the following
table are added to the ALARA report - ALARA Level 2 doses are investigated by the
Radiation Safety Officer - Work activity may be restricted if corrective
actions not taken
32Quarterly ALARA Levels
33What are the effects of high doses of radiation?
- Acute radiation exposure, however rare, may
result in severe clinical effects or even death - Exposures of minutes to hours while handling
highly radioactive sources - Laboratory and manufacturing accidents
- Intentional and accidental high medical doses
- Radiation controls are in place to ensure that
these exposures do not happen!
34Acute Radiation Syndrome
- The clinical symptoms of acute radiation doses
follow a predictable course over time. - The syndrome is characterized by the development
of signs and symptoms. - The time of symptom onset may help to indicate
the dose.
35Early Somatic Effects
- 0 25 rad no detectable effects
- 25 50 rads blood changes begin most people
no effects. Some may exhibit nausea or anorexia - 200 rads Hemopoietic syndrome. Nausea in a few
hours epilation in 2-3 weeks death possible
within months. - 400 rads complete ablation of bone marrow
36Early Somatic Effects contd
- 700 rads LD 50/30 days
- 1,000 rads GI syndrome vomiting, diarrhea,
death in 1-2 weeks - 2,000 rads CNS syndrome unconscious in
minutes. Death within days.
37Effects on Embryo / Fetus
- High acute doses may cause death or abnormalities
- Large doses between 4 11 weeks can cause severe
abnormalities - Doses as low as 25 rad may cause defects
- Doses less than 10 rad, no effect is expected.
38Patients and Pregnancy
- Mandatory patient pregnancy testing for high dose
procedures - Screening permitted for low dose diagnostic
procedures - Report cases of fetal exposure to supervisor and
Radiation Safety Officer IMMEDIATELY - RSO will determine fetal dose and report to
patients physician
39How are X-rays produced?
- Electrons are fired at a target made of a heavy
material, like tungsten - The electrons are slowed down by the nuclei of
the tungsten atoms - Some of the electron energy is converted to
electromagnetic radiation (x-rays)
40(No Transcript)
41Diagnostic X-ray Techniques
- Radiographs
- Fluoroscopy
- Computed Tomography (CT)
42How do I reduce my exposure?
- Observe the following precautions
- Maximize your distance from radiation producing
machines whenever practical - Do not be in the suite longer than necessary
- Utilize available shielding
43Use Available Shielding
Leaded Goggles, if necessary Thyroid
Shield Badges Lead vest apron Wear dosimetry!
44Use Available Shielding
- Adjustable head/neck shields
- RADPAD patient drapes
- Leaded acrylic barriers and windows
- Know room geometry
72 mR/hr 21 mR/hr
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(5) 106 mR/hr 32 mR/hr
3 mR/hr Â
- 20cm from scattering object
- 30 cm
- 40 cm
- 50 cm
- 1 m
46Keep Image Intensifier Close to Patient
47Collimate to the Area of Interest
- Dont catch the edge of the patient.
48Keep X-Ray Tube Below Patient
The patient is the source of the scattered
radiation in the x-ray suite. The spacer
provides a minimum safe distance to the patients
skin from the x-ray tube.
49Reduce Magnification when possible
50Be Aware of Patient Thickness
- When using automatic brightness, larger
patients will have a higher radiation exposure
for the same image quality as a thinner patient.
Avoid oblique angles when possible.
51Thick Oblique vs Thin PA geometry
Dose rate 20 40 mGyt/min
80 cm
100 cm
52Operators Responsibilities
- Notifying the RSO when there is a new machine or
any change in setup - Keeping exposures to himself staff ALARA
- Clearing the area of all nonessential personnel
53Operators Responsibilities
- Observing any restrictions
- Using minimum exposure factors
- Notifying your supervisor and the RSO immediately
of any accidental exposure to radiation
54Annual Survey
- The State of Georgia requires annual survey of
all radiation producing equipment - Survey includes radiation output and scatter
chart - Data posted near machine
- All new equipment must be surveyed prior to use
55Radiation Injury from Fluoroscopy
- A delay of weeks often occurs between irradiation
and recognizable symptoms of injury, shorter
delays also occur - This delay results in a lack of association on
the parts of physicians and patients between the
fluoroscopy and the injury
56Procedures Associated With Injury
- Coronary angioplasty
- Renal angioplasty
- Uterine embolization
- TIPS placement
- Radiofrequency ablation
- Neuroembolization
57Radiation Injury from Fluoroscopy
- Patients are often unaware that fluoroscopy
procedures use x rays and are usually totally
unaware that fluoroscopy can cause injury - Physicians are often unaware that fluoroscopy can
cause injury - Physicians are often poorly trained in dose
58Factors Associated with Injury
- Long procedures with fluoroscopy on-times over
the same skin area - Fluoroscopy through thick body parts (steeply
angled projections and/or large patients) - High dose rate modes of operation
- No dose monitoring devices
59Factors Associated with Injury
- Multiple procedures
- Poorly designed equipment
- Unnecessary body parts in direct radiation field
- Radiation-sensitive patients (collagen vascular
diseases, hyperthyroidism, certain medications)
60Threshold skin entrance doses for different skin
injuries (Data adopted from Wagner, Eifel and
Geise, 1994 and modified on data from John
Hopewell, oral communication, 1999).
d day(s) wk week(s) yr year(s)
61Example of Fluoro Output EUH Cardiac Cath Lab 4
(measured in 2004)
- Time to deliver 100 rads to patient at max.
normal output - Frontal 10 minutes, 48 seconds
- Lateral 12 minutes, 39 seconds
- Time to deliver 100 rads to patient at max.
output with boost - Frontal 9 minutes, 51 seconds
- Lateral 11 minutes, 25 seconds
62Cine Output Cath Lab 4(Note that output has
increased by factor of 2 to 17!)
634 mos after procedures
7 mos after procedures
9 mos after procedures
Three TIPS procedures in 1 week in type II
diabetic. Total procedure time 13 - 16 hours.
Three weeks later noticed 13-cm x 17-cm mottled
oval discoloration on back. Initially diagnosed
as strep infection, then as herpes I, then as
allergic reaction to oral diabetic medications.
Diagnosis of radiodermatitis obtained ten months
after procedure!
23 mos after procedures
22 mos after procedures
64Several months after 3rd angioplasty
5 months after third angioplasty
22 months after third angioplasty
65Surgical flap
At 3 wks
At 6.5 mos
Following ablation procedure with arm in beam
near port and separator cone removed. About 20
minutes of fluoroscopy.
66FDA Recommendations
- Establish standard procedures and protocols
- Determine dose rates for specific systems
- Assess each protocol for the potential for
radiation injury to the patient - Modify protocols to minimize cumulative absorbed
dose to any skin area - Appropriate training for all operators
67FDA Recommendations
- Record data into the patients medical record
- Identify areas of patients skin that received
the dose - Record total fluoro time which room was used
68After the Procedure
- Record fluoro time and projection in patient
chart, especially for interventional procedures
lasting longer than 15 minutes - Indicate in which room procedure occurred
- Record any additional information on radiation