Medical imaging radiation protection culture: an FDA perspective - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Medical imaging radiation protection culture: an FDA perspective


Title: Engaging stakeholders in developing radiation protection culture: an FDA perspective Author: Thalia Mills Last modified by: Thalia Mills Created Date – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Medical imaging radiation protection culture: an FDA perspective

Medical imaging radiation protection culture an
FDA perspective
  • Thalia T. Mills, Ph.D.
  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • Center for Devices and Radiological Health
  • Office of Communication, Education, and Radiation
  • Division of Mammography Quality and Radiation
  • IRPA Radiation Protection Culture Workshop
  • February 10, 2011

End goal right exam, right time, right dose1
  • Integrate radiation protection into
  • device design (provide necessary tools)
  • facility training and QA practices (Image Gently
    message RP should be as basic as hand washing.)
  • Keys to success
  • Understand each others roles and
    responsibilities in reducing unnecessary
    radiation exposure.
  • Coordinate efforts and develop consensus
    approaches. Be as inclusive as possible.
  • Combine regulation, education, and automation
    (e.g. CT Dose Check for optimization/safety
    decision support systems for justification).

Dose Reduction Initiative2 Activities
  • Dose Optimization/Radiation Safety
  • Medical imaging device improvements
  • Public meeting3 CT and fluoroscopy device
  • Guidance4 CT and Pediatric (covers x-ray
  • Conclusion to CT brain perfusion safety
    investigation5 letter to MITA6
  • Industry initiatives including MITA/NEMA CT
    Dose-Check standard7 implementation of DICOM
    Dose Structured Report
  • Facility QA and training
  • Integrate dose-management QA principles in CMS
  • Collaborations to provide better training
  • Metrics9-13 promotion of DRL development/dose
    registries research in image quality and dose
  • Justification
  • Awareness Image Wisely/FDA Patient Medical
    Imaging Record Card14
  • Appropriate use15

Automation, regulation, education an example
  • Automation CT Dose-Check Standard
  • Regulation
  • Work with manufacturers to implement this tool
    (regulated by FDA).
  • Work with facilities to incorporate
    dose-management into QA practices (facilities
    regulated by CMS and states).
  • Education
  • AAPM writing recommendations on how to use CT
    Dose Check
  • Recommendations for CT Dose Check notification
    values incorporate ACR dose registry data
    (research/quality metrics in use)

Successful partnerships examples
  • Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric
    Imaging/Image Gently
  • One-stop shop for FDA interaction with industry
    and professional organizations ACR, SPR, AAPM,
    ASRT, MITA, others
  • FDA participation in workshops and workgroups
    co-author of paper16
  • FDA contract for Alliance to develop technologist
    training materials (awarded Aug. 2010)
  • AAPM Working Group on Standardization of CT
    Nomenclature and Protocols17
  • Reps from AAPM, ACR, ASRT, MITA, 5 CT vendors,
    FDA, DICOM, RadLex
  • Protocol recommendations
  • Dictionary to translate between vendor-specific
    terms and standard lexicons
  • CT Dose Check recommendations on use
  • Review of vendor instructions for use for AEC

  • FDA recognizes that its ability to address
    medical radiation exposure issues is limited in
    scope to the regulation of medical device
    manufacturers regarding equipment standards.
  • Therefore we are partnering with other federal
    agencies (CMS) and states, which have authority
    over facilities.
  • We are also expanding our longstanding
    radiological health program outreach and research
    efforts to improve communication and safe use.

Notes and References
  • ACR motto (also used in FDAs Initiative to
    Reduce Unnecessary Radiation Exposure from
    Medical Imaging).
  • FDA, White Paper Initiative to Reduce
    Unnecessary Radiation Exposure from Medical
    Imaging, February 2010 http//
  • Public Meeting Device Improvements to Reduce
    Unnecessary Radiation Exposure from Medical
    Imaging, March 30-31, 2010. Transcripts available
    at http//
    orkshopsConferences/ucm201448.htm. Submissions to
    the public docket are available at
  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Documents the
    Center for Devices and Radiological Health is
    Considering for Development (FY11),
    izationActMDUFMA/ucm109196.htm, updated October
    6, 2010.
  • FDA, Safety Investigation of CT Brain Perfusion
    Scans Update 11/9/2010, http//
    issued November 9, 2010.
  • FDA, Letter to the Medical Imaging Technology
    Alliance Regarding CT Recommendations, 11/8/2010,

  • National Electrical Manufacturers Association,
    Computed Tomography Dose Check, NEMA Standards
    Publication XR 25-2010, http//
  • FDA partnership with the Centers for Medicare and
    Medicaid Services (CMS) to enhance accreditation
    and participation criteria for freestanding
    advanced medical imaging facilities (AMIFs) and
    hospitals is still in progress
  • FDA collaborated with CMS to incorporate
    standards for operator qualifications and
    facility quality control (QC) into CMS guidelines
    for AMIFs. These guidelines seek to define
    initial and continuing training requirements for
    operators in AMIFs, while encouraging them to
    adopt QC practices that emphasize establishment
    of procedures to assess appropriateness of
    imaging procedures, optimization of exam
    protocols and monitor quality indicators. CMS
    guidelines for AMIFs are expected to be
    implemented under authority of the Medicare
    Improvements for Patients and Providers Act
    (MIPPA). (See Section 135 of U.S. Public Law
    110-175, Medicare Improvements for Patients and
    Providers Act of 2008, http//frwebgate.access.gpo
    sdocidfpubl275.pdf, July 15, 2008.)
  • Guidelines for Medicare-participating hospitals
    are currently undergoing revision to ensure that,
    consistent with the current regulatory
    requirements, they reflect up-to-date standards
    for the safe delivery of medical imaging
  • Foundation NIH convened a Radiation Medical
    Imaging Database Roundtable (10/19/2010) to
    discuss promotion/development of dose registries
    and adverse event reporting systems.
  • FDA/CRCPD Nationwide Evaluation of X-ray Trends
    surveys (http//
    es/CDRH/CDRHTransparency/ucm202868.htm) provide
    estimates of diagnostic reference levels (DRLs).
    The estimates based on the 2005-2006 CT survey
    are to be published in a forthcoming report of
    the National Council on Radiation Protection and
    Measurements. (FDA staff on NEXT project Dave
    Spelic and Mike Hilohi)

  • The FDA Critical Path Initiative
    CriticalPathInitiative/default.htm) is funding
    Kish Chakrabarti in a broad scientific
    collaboration to develop DRLs, to characterize
    peak skin dose (PSD) with radiochromic film,
    organ dose with tissue equivalent phantom and
    OSLD and to assess methods of image-quality
    evaluation developed in the CDRH Office of
    Science and Engineering Laboratories.
  • The FDA Office of Womens Health
    iceofWomensHealth/default.htm) is funding Iacovos
    Kyprianou of FDA/CDRH in a broad scientific
    collaboration on quantification and mitigation of
    radiation dose and excess cancer risk in women
    undergoing x-ray computed tomography. Research on
    better image quality metrics is an important part
    of this project.
  • T. Mills and S. Stern, Development of a Handbook
    of Radiation Doses in Organs of Patients
    Undergoing X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT),
    presentations at the 42nd National Conference on
    Radiation Control, Newport, Rhode Island, April
    18-22, 2010, and at the 52nd Annual Meeting of
    the American Association of Physicists in
    Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 18-22,
  • The Image Wisely/FDA Patient Medical Imaging
    Record Card can be downloaded here

  • One of the primary components of FDAs dose
    reduction initiative is to recommend that the
    healthcare professional community continue to
    develop and adopt criteria for appropriate use of
    CT, fluoroscopy, and nuclear medicine
    procedures. A number of efforts are underway to
    encourage appropriate use of medical imaging
  • NCRP workshop and forthcoming white paper
    (Computed Tomography in Emergency Medicine
    Ensuring Appropriate Use workshop Bethesda
    Sept. 23-24, 2009 FDA/Stan Stern presented
    workshop summary downloadable at
  • IAEA Technical Meeting on Justification of
    Radiation Exposure in Diagnostic Imaging (Vienna
    Oct. 2010 FDA/Thalia Mills presented) The
    purpose of this workshop was to start a report
    for the IAEA to inform its planned international
    campaign on justification of radiation exposure
    in diagnostic imaging.
  • WHO Consultation on Referral Guidelines for
    Appropriate Use of Radiation Imaging (March 1-3
    2010). Effort to harmonize appropriate use
  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
    is conducting a Medical Imaging Demonstration
    that will assess the impact of decision support
    systems that implement appropriateness criteria
    (e.g. ACR AUC) on appropriate utilization of
    advanced imaging services. This 2-year
    demonstration is authorized by the Medicare
    Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of
    2008. Additional information at
  • Goske, M. J., E. Charkot, T. Herrmann, S. John,
    T. T. Mills, G. Morrison, and S. N. Smith, 2011,
    Image Gently Challenges for Radiologic
    Technologists When Performing Digital Radiography
    in Children, accepted by Pediatric Radiology.
    This paper includes a list of recommendations for
    manufacturers from the radiologic technologist
  • AAPM Working Group on Standardization of CT
    Nomenclature and Protocols (includes participants
    from AAPM, ASRT, ACR, MITA, FDA, 5 CT vendors,
    RadLex, and DICOM) https//
    ture/default.asp?committee_codeWGCTNP. The
    working group has posted CT brain perfusion
    protocols (available for download by AAPM
    members) https//
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