Title: Installing and Building GTLAB
1Installing and Building GTLAB
- Marlon Pierce
- Indiana Univeristy
- OGCE contains multiple sub-projects
- Portlet-based Grid portal (with GridSphere and
Tomcat). - Workflow suite (services and add-ins to the
portal) - Information Web services
- Gadget container
- Cyberaide JavaScript libraries
- These are packaged with Maven and include
everything you need except Java and (for some
services) MySQL. - We try to make things installable with minimal
fuss. - Consistent directory structures across projects
- Edit one config file (pom.xml)
- Run one command (mvn clean install)
- You may need to futz a little with MySQL
3Overview and Examples
4Users Browser
Portlet, Gadget Containers
iGoogle, Facebook
GTLAB Gadgets
TeraGrid Services (GRAM, GridFTP, INCA)
Google GData Services, Twitter Feeds, etc
RPS, RDS, GPIR Services
GTLABs Relationship to Other Components
5Various GTLAB applications deployed as portlets
Remote directory browsing, proxy management, and
LoadLeveler queues.
6GTLAB Applications as Google Gadgets MOAB
dashboard, remote directory browser, and proxy
7MyProxy Example
lthform id"form"gt lthoutputText
value"Username"/gt lthinputText
value"resource.username" required"true"/gt
lthoutputText value"Password "/gt
lthinputSecret value"resource.password"
required"true"/gt lthoutputText
value"MyProxy Server "/gt lthinputText
required"true"/gt ltosubmit id"submit"
value"Submit" binding"builder.body"
action"builder.junkAction" gt
ltomultitask id"multi" persistent"true"
ltomyproxy id"mypr" hostname"resource.myproxyH
ostname" lifetime"2" password"resource.pa
ssword" port"7512" username"resource.user
name"/gt lt/omultitaskgt lt/osubmitgt
8Executing Multiple Task
ltosubmit id"submit" value"Submit"
binding"builder.body" action"builder.j
unkAction" gt ltomultitask id"multi"
persistent"true" taskname"resource.tasknam
e"gt ltojobsubmit id"js" myfaces"true"
ltofiletransfer id"ft" myfaces"true"
from"resource.from" to"resource.to"
/gt ltodependency id"dep" task"ft"
dependsOn"js"/gt lt/omultitaskgt lt/osubmitgt
9Resource Prediction Service Client with GTLAB
ltosubmit id"submit" value"Submit"
ltomultitask id"multi" persistent"true"
ltorpsOptimal resource"task1-resources"
lt/omultitaskgt lt/osubmitgt
10Example with Dependency
ltosubmit id"submit gt ltomultitask
id"multi gt ltorpsAddModel
myfaces"true"/gt ltorpsManager
myfaces"true"/gt ltodependency
id"deps-rpsstuff task"rpsManager-exec"
lt/omultitaskgt lt/osubmitgt
11More Detail Available Tags and Features
12GTLAB Features
- Extends Java Server Faces.
- Tag components wrap major COG Abstraction Layer
features - And Web Service clients, GridShib, etc.
- Supports tag inter-dependencies.
- Allows you to do standalone development.
- Use JSF portlet bridge to convert into portlets
- No new coding, just add/modify XML config files
and jars. - Process is automated
- Or forget about portlets
- Convert into Google Gadgets
- Develop as a Facebook application
- Etc.
13Getting GTLAB
- See http//www.collab-ogce.org/ogce/index.php/GTLA
B - You can use your favorite SVN client to check
out. - svn co https//ogce.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/o
gce/GTLAB (latest) - svn co https//ogce.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/og
ce/tags/GTLAB-tg09 (tagged) - Latest will give you easy access to any updates
- svn update
- Best option if you want to actively develop and
get fixes right away.
14No SVN? Get the TAR
- SourceForges SVN/CVS viewer now provides a
Download GNU Tar option. - http//ogce.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/ogce/GTLAB/
for latest. - http//ogce.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/ogce/tags/G
TLAB-tg09/ for tag
15Levels of Abstraction in GTLAB code
- Note JSF is compatible with JSP, so you can mix
and match. - And you can embed JavaScript
- YUI, Scriptaculous user interface goodies.
- Google and Facebook APIs.
16(No Transcript)
17These will work as gadgets, portlets, or
standalone applications
18Gadgets and Portlets
19GTLAB gadgets can also run as portlets with no
code changes by using the JSF portlet bridge.
iGoogle Client Aggregator
Tomcat Web Server Portlet Container
Tomcat Web Server
Compile and deploy into server
GTLAB Gadgets Code Base
GTLAB Portlets Code Base
Decorate with bridge and container jars, xml
config files.
20Making GTLAB Google Gadgets
- A Gadget is a standalone application that is
integrated into your personal iGoogle display. - They can run on your Web server.
- You can use SSL/HTTPS
- Google Gadgets have two versions
- http these use Googles JavaScript APIs
- url these wrap external applications with
Iframes. - We currently support url gadgets.
21Example Gadget Config File
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8" ?gt
ltModulegt ltModulePrefs title"MyProxy Gadget
Example" scrolling"true"
height"500"/gt ltContent type"url"
le.jsf"gt lt/Contentgt lt/Modulegt
Save this as MyProxy.xml and place in a Web
accessible place.
22Gadget containers aggregate content from multiple
providers. Content is aggregated on the client
by the user. Nearly any web application can be a
simple gadget (as Iframes)
Other Gadgets Providers
Tomcat GTLAB Gadgets
Other Gadgets Providers
RSS Feed, Cloud, etc Services
Grid and Web Services (TeraGrid, OSG, etc)
Social Network Services (Orkut, LinkedIn,etc)
23Click Add stuff and then Add feed or gadget.
Type the URL of your gadget.
24GTLAB Applications as Google Gadgets MOAB
dashboard, remote directory browser, and proxy
25Common science gateway architecture.
Aggregation is in the portlet container.
Users have limited selections of components.
Tomcat Portlets and Container
Grid and Web Services (TeraGrid, OSG, etc)
Grid and Web Services (TeraGrid, OSG, etc)
Grid and Web Services (TeraGrid, OSG, etc)
26Making GTLAB Gadgets into Portlets
- Do all development in jsf_standalone directory
- This is where your template tags will be placed
- When you are ready to convert
- Download and build the OGCE portal
- cd GTLAB/transition
- mvn clean process-resources
- cd GTLAB/portlets
- mvn clean install
- You will need to make small edits to portlet.xml,
group.xml, and layout.xml in GTLAB/portlet/src/mai
n/webapp/WEB-INF/ - Thats it.
27Various GTLAB applications deployed as portlets
Remote directory browsing, proxy management, and
LoadLeveler queues.
28Getting Started with GTLAB
29GTLAB Directory Structure
30Build GTLAB
ltpropertiesgt ltportal.server.ipgt
lt/portal.server.ipgt lthost.base.urlgt http//
portal.server.ip8080/ lt/host.base.urlgt
ltproject.homegt env.HOME/GTLAB lt/project.hom
egt lttomcat.versiongt apache-tomcat-5.5.27 lt/tom
cat.versiongt ltcatalina.homegt project.home
/portal_deploy/tomcat.version/ lt/catalina.hom
egt ltdot.globus.homegt env.HOME/.globus/ lt/do
t.globus.homegt lt/propertiesgt
- Unpack or checkout code
- All commands are executed from here.
- Edit properties at the top of pom.xml.
- Change IP
- Change project.home if you unpack someplace
besides HOME. - Run mvn clean install
31Run Examples
- From GTLAB, start tomcat with ./startup.sh.
- From GTLAB, stop Tomcat with ./shutdown.sh
- Point browser to http//localhost8080/GTLAB
- Start with MyProxy Example
32Next Steps
- Play with examples.
- These are really bare bones. Make something
interesting. - Make a Google gadget.
- Mix and match tags in a pipeline to make a new
application. - Use the dependency tag.
- Note you can mix and match JSF and JSP if you are
not familiar with JSF. - Try making a new tag.
- Explained next.
33Making New Tags and Examples
34Making a New JSF Page from Tags
- I recommend starting from the examples.
- jsf_standalone/src/main/webapp/examples
- Build the examples with
- mvn o clean install f jsf_standalone/pom.xml
- The -o option is used to build offline. Will
also avoid unnecessary Maven repository updates. - The -f specifies only build this specific
module. - I recommend not futzing with the deployed
versions under portal_deploy. - A computer is a state machine. State must be
35Making a New Tag
- Run the following command from GTLAB
- mvn clean process-resources -Dtag.nametest
-DprojectnameTest -f templateTag/pom.xml - Add -Ddest.dir/tmp for a dry run.
- Replace test with the name of your tag.
- Replace Test with the name for your Bean.
- This will make 4 files
- TestBean.java, TestTag.java, TestBeanFactory.java,
UITest.java - Edits also 3 config files
- gtlab-factory.xml, managed-beans.xml,
components.xml - This will compile but to implement something
useful, you will need to edit the highlighted
36Implementing a Tag
- The place to start is TestBean.java (or whatever
you used for Dprojectname). - This includes several inherited methods that can
be implemented. - Most important is submit(). Use the try/catch
block. This is where the action is. - If you want to hook tags into chains, implement
getOutput() and setInput(). - Also take a look at the other beans.
37Suggested Tags A Wish List
- What can you do in your bean? Anything
server-side Java can do. - Some suggestions
- Implement a tag client to a remote Web service.
Amazon has some interesting ones. - Implement an RSS/Atom feed client to Twitter,
your blog, Facebook, etc. - Combine the feeds as a mash-up.
- Connect to a database with JDBC.
- Implement a JMS publisher or subscriber.
- Use Google Java APIs to interact with Blogger,
Calendar, and YouTube. - Try interacting with Facebook.
38INCA Tags An Extended Example
39Example Make an INCA Dashboard
- INCA is used as the testing framework for the
TeraGrid. - You can get the latest INCA test results from the
URL - http//inca.teragrid.org/inca/XML/kit-status-v1/po
rtal_summary - See Sangmis notes at http//sangpall.blogspot.com
/2009/03/being-nice-client-of-inca-service.html - Youll get back some fine looking XML.
- Lets make a little dashboard out of this.
40First, Create a New, Empty Tag
- mvn clean process-resources \
- -Dtag.nameincastatus \
- -DprojectnameIncaStatus \
- -f templateTag/pom.xml
41Second, Implement the Bean
- Main thing is to implement IncaStatusBeans
submit() method. - Code is hard to put in a PPT slide
- See http//ogce.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/ogce/GT
42Third, Implement a JSF Page
- Actual tag is shown below.
- Full example is http//ogce.svn.sourceforge.net/vi
mples/IncaStatusExample.jsp?viewlog - It includes some boilerplate (can be automated).
ltoincastatus idmytest"
43Heres the resulting page. You can make into a
portlet in a couple of steps. You can also tie
to other tags in a pipeline.
44Next Steps Make a Pipeline
- Implement the setInput() and getOutput() methods.
- Pipeline it with the Resource Description and
Resource Prediction Service tags. - Integrate QBETS tags
- Currently unwritten
- Integrate with Job Submission
Find Running Hosts (INCA or RDS)
Find Best Host for YourJob (RPS)
Find Host with Shortest Wait Time (QBETS)
Submit Job
45(No Transcript)
46More Stuff about GTLAB
- Supports linear tag dependencies.
- Removed dependence on COG graph processing (still
use the COG) - We can support graphs of any tag you care to
write. - Only support pipelines currently, not full DAGs
- Redesigned to simplify writing new tags.
- Extensive use of factories.
- You no longer have to change core code to add a
tag - Templates for 4 Java files and 3 XML config files
now can be done in one (mvn) step - Typically you will only need to edit one Java