Title: School Meals Initiative for Healthy Children (SMI)
1School Meals Initiative for Healthy Children (SMI)
- Preparing for an SMI Review
- (Food-Based Menu Planning)
Sarah Combs MS, RD Public Health
Nutritionist Wisconsin Department of Public
Instruction School Nutrition Programs
2What is the School Meals Initiative for Healthy
- Launched by USDA in 1995 to improve the
nutritional quality of school breakfast and lunch - Addresses the nutrition standards for School
Meals - National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
- School Breakfast Program (SBP)
- Requires schools to comply with the Dietary
Guidelines for Americans
3Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- Eat a variety of foods to meet nutrient needs
- Keep total fat intake between 20-35 of calories
- Limit saturated fat to 10 of calories
- Consume less than 300 mg/day of cholesterol
- Choose a diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits,
and grain products, with at least ½ of the grains
being whole grains - Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium choose
and prepare foods with little salt
4USDAs NSLP Nutrient Standards
- Based on the Dietary Guidelines
- Lunches must meet 1/3rd of age/grade appropriate
minimum standards for - Calories
- Protein
- Vitamins A and C
- Iron
- Calcium
- Maximum standards for percentage of calories from
total fat and saturated fat - 30 of calories from fat
- 10 of calories from saturated fat
- For more information refer to the Meal Planner
for Healthy School Meals (p 6 and 11)
5What about sodium, cholesterol, and fiber?
- USDA has not set specific standards for these
nutrients - DPIs School Nutrition Team has set the following
goals for lunches, when averaged out over one
week - lt 1300 mg sodium
- lt 100 mg cholesterol
- Fiber K-3rd grade 4 g K-6th grade
5 g - 4-12th grade 6 g 7-12th
grade 7g
6The SMI Review
- Each School Food Authority (SFA) participating in
the National School Lunch Program will be
scheduled for an SMI review at least once every 5
years - Can occur before, during, or after your on-site
Coordinated Review Effort (CRE) review - Goals of SMI review
- Ensure meals meet nutrition standards
- To provide technical assistance and resources to
help meet standards
7Grade Groupings
- Food Based menu planning options
- Traditional Preschool, K-3, 4-12,
- 7-12 (optional)
- Enhanced Preschool, K-6, 7-12
- K-3 (optional)
- Record forecasted of meals, actual of meals,
and portion sizes on the production records for
the grade groupings you serve
8Information needed for an SMI review
- School Food Authority (SFA) Profile
- Supplemental Information sheet
- Weekly Milk Usage record
- Menus for the week being reviewed
- Standardized recipes
- Production records
- Nutrition facts labels or manufacturers
statements (if they contain nutrition information
on the product) - Meal Component Worksheet
- Other information (Salad/Garden Bar Worksheets,
Condiment Usage Record, etc)
9School Food Authority Profile
- Please complete the first three sections and
return with SMI packet - Serves as a quick reference for the reviewer
completing your nutrient analysis - Best time to be reached for questions
10Supplemental Information
- Provides the reviewer with quick answers to
commonly asked questions - Please complete each question be as accurate as
possible! - Send recipes/nutrition labels where indicated
11Weekly Milk Usage
- Need to submit a weekly record of what types of
milk are offered at lunch - How much of each kind
- i.e. Chocolate
- What percent milk fat
- i.e. 1
- Can submit using actual milk counts or by
calculating percentages - Percentage of students who always take milk
12Week of menus for review
- Select a week of menus include with your packet
- Choose a different grade grouping than was
analyzed in the last review - If an elementary school was analyzed in the past,
send us information for the middle school or the
high school - Choose a full week of lunch menus
13Standardized Recipes
- Should be available for all food items you serve
that contain more than one ingredient - www.dpi.wi.gov/FNS/smiinfo.html
14Information included on your recipes
- Yield total number of servings the recipe
prepares - Serving sizes if different grade groupings are
given different serving sizes, note that on the
recipe - Preparation procedures
- Weights (e.g. pounds, ounces) and measures (e.g.
cups, tablespoons) of each ingredient - All ingredients and their form
- Cooked vs. raw
- Fresh, frozen, canned (packed in light syrup,
juice, etc) - Fat content (e.g. 20 fat ground beef)
- EP vs. AP
15USDA Recipe D-26 Macaroni Cheese
16With your changes
17Production Records
- Sample form that can be found on DPIs Child
Nutrition website and tailored to your program - Completed production records should be included
in your packet for each day of the week submitted
for review - Distinguish commodity items use an asterisk,
circle the item, or write the word commodity in
the product description column
18Production Records
- A properly completed production record should
contain - The planned/forecasted number of students and
adults, with students, broken down into the
proper grade groupings - What recipe(s) or food products were used ,
including condiments - Serving sizes for each age/grade group and for
adults - Total amount of food prepared (e.g. number of
servings, cans, pounds, etc) - Actual number of reimbursable meals served for
each age/grade group - Actual number of non-reimbursable meals served
(e.g. adult meals, a la carte meals, etc) - Leftovers and substitutions
19Serving Sizes Fluid Ounces vs. Ounces?
- Volume vs. weight
- Unless you are weighing out each portion, you
should not use ounces on your production records - 4 ounces 1/4 pound (not ½ cup)
- 6 ounces 3/8 pound (not ¾ cup)
- 8 ounces 1/2 pound (not 1 cup)
- Most portion sizes should be listed in
measurements of volume, such as cups,
tablespoons, etc or you can record the scoop size
you are using - 2 ounce spoodle 2 fl oz 1/4 cup
20Product Nutrition Labels
- Nutrition labels should be submitted for all
purchased food items, even for the
butter/margarine/shortening, condiments, and soup
bases/sauce mixes your program uses - Do not need to send labels for commodity food
items - Do not need to send labels for canned or frozen
fruits and vegetables, or for milk
21Product Nutrition Labels
- Submitted labels should contain
- The serving size
- The weight for the stated serving size
- Amounts of the following nutrients
- Calories
- Total fat saturated fat
- Cholesterol
- Sodium
- Carbohydrates
- Dietary fiber
- Protein
- Iron, calcium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C
- Brand/manufacturer and UPC
22This is not a nutrition facts label
- If a product does not contain a nutrition facts
label, you should contact your sales rep to get
the products nutrition information - If you cannot obtain the nutrition information,
please send this label and a UPC
23Child Nutrition (CN) Labels
- Not needed for SMI, but need for CRE review
- Clearly identify the contribution of a product
toward the meal pattern requirements - All CN labels contain
- A distinct border
- A 6 digit ID number
- A statement of contribution
- A statement of authorization by FNS
- The date the label was approved by FNS
24Meal Component Worksheet
- Provides the reviewer with a quick reference of
how each food item contributes to the meal
components for your menu planning option.
25Salad/Garden Bar Production Worksheets (Optional)
- Optional worksheets available on DPIs Child
Nutrition website - www.dpi.wi.gov/fns/smiinfo.html
- Can record usage for entire week or each day
- Include nutrition labels and recipes for all of
the food items used on your salad/garden bar - If your program has a salad or garden bar, but
you prefer not to use these worksheets, be sure
to include this information somewhere in your
26Salad/Garden Bar Worksheets
27Condiment Usage Record (Optional)
- Optional form, but condiment usage must be
included somewhere in packet - Can fill in usage per day or per week
- If your school uses something not listed on this
sheet, you can write it in - Be sure to send in nutrition labels for the
condiments you use!
28For more information
- DPIs Child Nutrition website http//www.dpi.w
i.gov/fns/ - School Meals Initiative information on DPIs
Child Nutrition website http//www.dpi.wi.gov/fn
s/smiinfo.html - If you have any questions regarding your SMI
packet, feel free to contact any of the
following - Sarah Combs, Julie Cox, Cindy Loechler, or Kelly
Williams - See the directory for contact information